Benefits Information | Employee Services 303-860-4200, Opt. 3 |
Book Orders | Submit a request using the Purchase Request Form. |
Business Cards | Visit Printing Services website. You will need a speedtype for payment (consult supervisor). |
Catering Requests | Submit a request using the Purchase Request Form. |
Conference Registration | Submit a request using the Conference Registration Form. |
Contact Information (Update/Change)- includes emergency contact | In the UCD Access Portal, go to CU Resources (if not your homepage already)> CU Resources Home (drop-down menu)>My Info and Pay > My Info. |
Copier Code | |
Direct Deposit (Update/Change) | Make changes to your direct deposit online. Instructions here. |
Eco-Pass | Parking & Transportation Services 303-556-8385 777 Lawrence Way, 1st Floor |
Emergency/Crime Reporting | Auraria Campus Police Anschutz Campus Police |
Exam (or Desk) Copies | Faculty personally request exam (desk) copies directly from the publisher. |
Expense Reimbursements *must have prior approval* | |
ID Card | 303-315-0010 |
Name Tag | To order a name tag, please contact JáNet Hurt (1145),, 303-315-6343 |
Master Keys | 7th Floor – Shakira Anderson (717), Front desk, and Tech Team (724) 11th Floor – JáNet Hurt (1145), Tricia Ball (1143) |
Office Furniture | Já 303-315-6343 |
Office Key | Submit a key request to Já Please provide: Room/Office, # of keys needed, the person's first and last name, employee ID and a speedtype (only charged if the key is not returned). |
Office Supplies | Purchase Request Form 6th Floor –In the mailroom (605) – the three cabinets underneath the mailboxes; also in the 6th floor meeting/work space across from the windows of classroom 648 – the three cabinets underneath the printer station. 7th Floor –The cabinets in the work/color copier area near faculty mailboxes (across from 717). 11th Floor –Storage closet 1144 (next to JáNet’s office). |
Parking Garages | Auraria Campus Parking (303)-556-2003 |
Parking Passport pre-paid parking on campus lots at discounted rate | Parking & Transportation Services 303-556-2003 |
Payroll Issues | Faculty, contact, 303-315-6320 Staff, contact SEHD HR, |
Room Reservation | Submit a request using the Campus EMS Web App You must have an EMS Account to do this. If you do not already have an EMS account, you can request one on the EMS Homepage (top right). If you regularly request/need rooms for meetings/events, please request an EMS account and submit all room requests via EMS. Please note, all SEHD Rooms are listed under “CU Denver Department Conference Rooms”. For rare room requests and if you do not have an EMS account, you can email You will have to use this method to reserve LSC 1100. Please provide meeting/event title, date, start & end time, expected number of attendees, and any specific equipment/room requirements. Those needing to reserve a room for comps, proposal or final dissertation/DRP/Thesis defenses, please use this link to request a room: |
Student Forms | Grade Changes, Schedule Adjustment Forms, and Special Processing Forms are available at the front desk on the 7th floor. Electronic copies of the Schedule Adjustment Form and the Special Processing Form are available on the registrar’s website.The program Academic Advisor will process the forms after they have been filled out by the faculty and/or involved students. |
Technology (issues) includes Computer, Email, Printer, Copier, and Fax | Submit a ticket request at |
Telephone (issues) (i.e. static in the line, display not working, phone not ringing, activating a data jack, moving phones) | OIT Help Desk 303-724-HELP (4357) |
Telephone Number (acquiring) | |
Telephone and Internet Resources | Visit the Resource page from the Office of Information Technology |
Work Requests (i.e. temp/HVAC issues, housekeeping, building maintenance, as well as billable services-having things hung) | Facilities Management LSC 3rd Floor, Suite 360 303-315-7777 Submit online request https://fac-maximo.ucdenver.pvt/maximo/webclient/login/login.jsp?appservauth=true.* Use same login credentials as UCD Access. *Online request system works from within the secure network, and works best in Chrome. |
Work Requests (i.e. requests for photocopies) | Please provide at least three business days of advance notice for all work requests. If you submit your work request electronically using the email listed above, please include the following information: Name Due Date Information about the work needing to be completed Your copy code For very large print jobs (over 250 pages), you will need to use the Anschutz Copy Center. You will need to provide the copy center with your speed type. Please contact Daisy Salazar with questions about your speed type or copy code. As a reminder, there is a second printer (black & white) on the 7th floor near the NxtGEN offices that is available for copies in case the color copier is in use. There are also copiers on the 6th and 11th floors. |
W-4 (Update/Change) | Make changes to your W-4 online in the UCD Access Portal under CU Resources (may be your homepage already)> CU Resources Home (drop-down menu)> My Info and Pay >W-4. |