Welcome to the SEHD!
You may appreciate starting with some Tips & Tricks for Success here: https://www.cu.edu/blog/hcm-community/set-your-new-employees-up-success-these-tasks
Who to contact about edits needed on this page: SEHD HR
Other resources that may not be shown on the Employee Advantage site:
In cases with Immediate threat to physical safety or actual harm conducted: Call 911 or Auraria Campus Police: 303-556-5000
The Faculty and Staff Threat (FaST) Assessment and Response Team works to coordinate safety and support functions concerning workplace behaviors indicating a faculty or staff member poses a danger to themselves or others or who are exhibiting threatening, worrisome or other concerning behavior. Concern about faculty or staff behavior can be reported to campus human resources team via the following methods. *Please do not expect an immediate response from this team.
Phone: 303-315-FAST (3278)
Additional crisis and emergency resources here are located here: https://www.ucdenver.edu/offices/human-resources/employee-relations-performance/crisis-emergency-information-resources
Resources for faculty & staff to Recognize, Respond, Refer “the Red Folder” - https://www.ucdenver.edu/redfolder
When you become worried about a student, deciding when to intervene can be confusing. Additionally, the number of resources available to assist students can be overwhelming. The CARE Team is here to help: Campus Assessment, Response & Evaluation Team