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Faculty Handbook

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School's Mission and Vision


Leadership For Educational Equity

Prepare and inspire education and mental health leaders to have a profound impact in fostering student opportunity, achievement and success in urban and diverse communities.


The vision of the School of Education & Human Development (SEHD) is to be, “A leading school of education providing national expertise on educational issues and socially-just solutions for urban and diverse communities. Through innovative research and partnerships, we strive to be passionate agents of change, inspiring upcoming generations to learn from the past and shape the future”.

The School of Education & Human Development’s research, education and outreach programs are focused on supporting urban communities, alive with diverse cultural and linguistic traditions and influenced by the dynamic interplay of class, race, power and privilege. Through community alliances, SEHD faculty and students collaborate to identify, study, and take action within the social and political complexities of urban practice.

The School of Education & Human Development’s programs graduate highly skilled, culturally responsive practitioners and researchers who lead innovation and renewal in urban schools, districts, mental health agencies, and adult learning settings.

Non-Discrimination Policy

The University of Colorado Denver does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status in admission and access to, and treatment and employment in, its educational programs and activities. The University takes action to increase ethnic, cultural, and gender diversity, to employ qualified disabled individuals, and to provide equal opportunity to all students and employees.

Qualification for the position and institutional need shall be the sole bases for hiring employees, and the criteria for retaining employees shall be related to performance evaluation, assessment of institutional need, fiscal constraints, and/or, in the case of exempt professionals, the rational exercise of administrative prerogative.

All students shall have the same fundamental rights to equal respect, due process, and judgment of them based solely on factors demonstrably related to performance and expectations as students. All students share equally the obligations to perform their duties and exercise judgments of others in accordance with the basic standards of fairness, equity, and inquiry that should always guide education.

If you wish to report discrimination or need additional information, contact Employment Rights Compliance and Investigation Manager Karey Duarte at 303.724.9694; send correspondence to P.O. Box 173364, Campus Box A005, Denver, CO 80217-3364; or email her at

Diversity and Inclusion in SEHD

The majority of faculty members in the School of Education & Human Development (SEHD) have K-12 teaching or counseling experience, often in settings with members from diverse racial, language, gender, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Those experiences have drawn them to this urban university and have shaped our organizational and moral commitment to respecting diversity and pursuing equity. SEHD faculty believes that lives are forever changed with access to excellent education and quality mental health services. As a public university, we are committed to increasing educational opportunities among underserved populations.

The Denver metro area population, indeed the population in the state and nation, is rapidly becoming more racially, culturally and ethnically diverse. It is our responsibility and commitment to prepare educators and counselors who represent diverse groups. It is also our responsibility to prepare all educators and counselors to provide culturally responsive educational and mental health services for the increasing diversity of our society.

Finally, diversity of action, research and viewpoints (ways of knowing and expressing knowledge) is fundamental in universities. It is that diversity that keeps our democracy alive. Diversity gives rise to new knowledge and new ways of thinking, a key function of a university. Thus, we believe that diversity is fundamental to the university and to our School.

While the SEHD has had a focus on equity and diversity for a number of years, a majority of our former efforts focused on integration of related content into our programs, faculty recruitment and development, and to a lesser extent student recruitment but without a clear plan for retention. As a part of the SEHD school-wide plan to encourage attention to diversity and equity.

In partnership with the SEHD Diversity Committee, the overall focus of the School of Education & Human Development (SEHD) has been creating and building partnerships within the SEHD community to promote a climate of equity and enhance diversity and inclusiveness initiatives internally. Your support as a faculty member informs our strategic direction through formal and informal means (e.g. student surveys, student forums, and faculty feedback /input opportunities). By collaboratively addressing student access and success challenges, we are certain we can improve our chances of effectively addressing access and persistence barriers impacting all members of our SEHD community.

Office of Recruitment and Outreach

The mission of the Office of Recruitment & Outreach (ORO) is to nurture positive relationships with prospective students, schools, organizations and the local community to attract diverse, highly-qualified applicants that best fit the pedagogy and mission of programs available within the School of Education & Human Development. We use the following activities to accomplish our goal:

Recruitment Programs

ORO offers a variety of small and large events where staff, faculty, students and alumni can engage with prospective students. Events include all-school open houses, program information sessions, prospective student walk-in hours, online webinars, undergraduate/graduate fairs, and conferences. Specific dates are shared at the beginning of each school year at the fall staff/faculty retreat and will be posted on the SEHD Impact thereafter.

Outreach Programs

SEHD hosts and participates in outreach events to stimulate general interest in higher education and encourage high school and community college students to consider education and human development careers. ORO also sponsors many campus visitation programs for SEHD partner schools and pipeline programs (i.e. Pathways2Teaching and Pre-collegiate). Specific dates are shared at the beginning of each school year at the fall staff/faculty retreat and will be posted on the SEHD Impact thereafter.

Customer Service & Communication

Our team provides reactive and proactive communication to individuals from inquiry to application. Student admissions ambassadors provide individualized responses to prospective students in a timely manner. In many instances, ORO partners with faculty and current students to support these efforts (i.e. admitted student call-a-thon). Faculty members should forward any prospective student contacts to or 303-315-6300 and ORO team members would be happy to follow up and support each individual.

If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback, feel free to email the Manager of Recruitment and Outreach, Marlinda Hines at

Academic Programs

The School of Education & Human Development offers a BA, BS, Master’s degrees in multiple areas of emphasis, one Educational Specialist degree, a PhD, PsyD and EdD. The School has approximately 2000 degreeseeking students, admits over 400 students each semester, and graduates approximately 500 students annually.

SEHD Programs, Degrees, Licenses and Special Endorsements

Areas of study include programs for new teachers, experienced teachers, school administrators, counselors, school psychologists, technology, and research. The SEHD offers Bachelor's, Master’s, Educational Specialist, and Doctoral degrees as well several licenses, endorsements and certificates, and professional development opportunities. The SEHD also offers, in collaboration with the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS), several secondary and elementary teaching licenses offered in conjunction with CLAS Bachelor's.

We are committed to developing forward-thinking educators and counselors who have a deep sense of critical inquiry, a great desire to live their lives purposefully, a passion for giving back to the community, and the cultural competence needed to serve urban, diverse populations. See the following page for a list of SEHD Programs, Degrees, Licenses and Special Endorsements.

Bachelor’s Degrees

  • Education and Human Development
  • Human Development and Family Relations

Master’s Degrees

  • Personalized Professional MA™
  • Leadership for Educational Organizations
  • Counseling
  • Couples and Family Therapy
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Learning Design and Technology
  • Mathematics Education (MSEd)
  • STEM Education
  • Literacy Education
  • Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education
  • Learning, Developmental and Family Sciences
  • Special Education
  • Research and Evaluation Methods
  • Teaching

Educational Specialist Degrees

  • Leadership in Educational Organizations and Principal Licensure

Doctoral Degrees

  • (EdD) Leadership for Educational \Equity * (PsyD) School \Psychology * (PhD) Education and Human Development


  • Administrator License
  • Early Childhood (undergraduate only), Early Childhood Special Education Specialist (graduate-level only)
  • Elementary Initial Teacher License
  • Principal License
  • School Counselor
  • School Psychologist
  • Secondary Initial Teacher License: English, World Languages - French or Spanish, Mathematics, General Science, Social Studies
  • Special Education Generalist


  • Cultural and Linguistically Diverse Education K-12
  • Cultural and Linguistically Diverse Bilingual Education
  • Early Childhood Special Education Specialist (Ages 0-8)
  • Reading Teacher K-12
  • School Counselor
  • Teacher Librarian
  • Special Education Generalist (Ages 5-12)
  • Middle School Math
  • Mentor Teacher Endorsement


  • Leadership for Learing Design and Technology
  • Leadership for P-12 Library Programs
  • Learner Centered Instructional Design
  • Literacy and Language Development for Diverse Learners
  • Mathematical Content Knowledge for Teaching
  • Online Teaching and Learning
  • Digital Pedagogies and New Literacies
  • Applied Behavior Analysis
  • Buell Early Childhood Leadership
  • Early Literacy
  • Para-Professional Pathways 2 Teaching (UG)
  • Teaching for Cultural and Linguistic Diversity
  • Early Childhood Coaching
  • Applied Literacy for Family and Community Helping Professionals (UG)
  • Applied Measurement
  • Applied Statistical Modeling
  • Classroom Assessment
  • Mathematics Learning and Teaching PK-12
  • Program Evaluation
  • Mentor Teacher

Undergraduate Minors

  • Cultural and Linguistically Diverse Education
  • Digital Media Desgin for Learning
  • Human Development and Family Relations
  • Educational Studies
  • Teacher Education

More information on tracks and concentrations can be found here.

Continuing and Professional Education

The office of Continuing and Professional Education (CPE) manages the School’s cash-funded courses and programs, offering over 400 courses each year in and around Colorado. CPE supports the professional education needs of individual school teachers, administrators, and mental health professionals by offering programs, typically either off-campus or online, to individuals, schools, and districts.

Programs are of varying lengths and credits, and include certificates, master’s degrees, courses leading to a Doctor of Education (EdD), an online alternative teacher licensure program, and noncredit-based professional learning. Depending on the program, CPE credit transfers toward district and Colorado Department of Education (CDE) requirements for re-licensure, salary increase, and/or career advancement, as well as CDE endorsements and university degree programs.

For more detail about CPE’s certificates and other course offerings, please visit the CPE Website.

CPE also supports various SEHD initiatives through distribution of tuition revenue generated by its courses and programs. If you have questions about CPE or need assistance planning a course or program, please contact CPE staff directly at 720-639-9229 or

Research and Creative Activities

Research and scholarly writing are an important part of the work of faculty in the School of Education & Human Development (SEHD). Through disciplined inquiry and scholarly discourse, faculty members contribute to the understanding and solution of important problems of educational practice and policy. The School encourages diversity in choices of problems to be addressed and methods of inquiry used. The School also encourages collaborative and cross-disciplinary research as faculty members address significant problems of practice.

The SEHD establishes the following general standards against which faculty records of research and creative activities may be judged:

1.Disciplined, Sustained and Focused Research

2.High Quality Publications and Productivity

3.Impact/Influence on Knowledge and/or Practice in the Field

4.Internal and External Funding to Support Research and Scholarship

For detailed descriptions of these criteria, please refer to RTP Standards and Criteria (to obtain a copy, please contact Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, Dorothy Garrison-Wade,

Faculty Mentoring Program

The SEHD Faculty Mentoring Program was established in 2001. The purpose of the program is to provide support to pre-tenured faculty. To realize this outcome, the mentoring program provides a variety of supports, including monthly mentoring meetings, individual mentor-mentee meetings as requested, and periodic progress checks. Some of the specific objectives of the program include the following activities and outcomes for both mentors and mentees:

•Developing a research agenda

•Developing a writing schedule

•Producing scholarly products to be submitted to refereed journals

•Producing other research/scholarly products such as grant proposals and conference presentation proposals

•Identifying strategies to manage time effectively

•Developing resiliency about the publishing process

•Observing teaching and offering teaching strategies

•Identifying or developing strategies to balance time among responsibilities in the areas of teaching, research, service, and professional commitments.

Eligible mentees are tenure track faculty in the School of Education & Human Development who desire to engage in a collaborative relationship with a senior member of the SEHD faculty. Eligible mentors are tenured faculty members who agree to meet their mentees on a regular basis and are willing to offer the mentees support in their research, teaching, and other scholarly activities. Mentoring support is also available for clinical and research faculty. For more information contact Dr. Dorothy Garrison-Wade at 303-315-4957. New faculty members, please see Appendix A for a checklist for Getting Started and Appendix B-Useful Contacts.

Faculty Research Support Center

The School of Education & Human Development Faculty Research Support Center was designed to respond to the research and funding needs of faculty. The Center brings coherence, support and continuity to research efforts by creating a space and a place for research development and services. The Faculty Research Support Center’s mission is to assist in establishing a strong research record for each SEHD faculty member in a disciplined, sustained, and focused approach to inquiry that has the potential to impact knowledge in the field and practice in the educational community. The center accomplishes this by (1) providing a space in which research activities are highlighted, supported, and nurtured and (2) being responsive to faculty research interests.

The Faculty Research Support Center staff members consult with faculty to help support research including but not limited to: proof and edit manuscripts, conduct literature reviews, set up surveys in Qualtrics, perform searches for funding, complete limited transcription requests, and carry out data analyses. If you have needs associated with your research that are not listed here, please contact Dr. Courtney Donovan, Faculty Research Center Director at

Grants and Contracts

Currently, the Assistant Dean of Finance & HR provides support for SEHD faculty and staff whose work is supported through external funds awarded in grant competitions, contracts, and gifts to the SEHD. It is through the Assistant Dean that aspiring SEHD grant writers are supported in locating potential grant opportunities, guided through the proposal development and submission, and assisted with the management and oversight of awarded projects. Please contact Patricia Ball at any time to discuss your goals around grant or contract development at

The Evaluation Center

The Evaluation Center offers a full range of evaluation services to clients internal and external to the SEHD, including designing and conducting evaluations, integrating qualitative and quantitative analyses, and disseminating findings in a useful and meaningful way. Staff work to develop comprehensive plans which meet the unique needs of clients with a focus on helping individuals and organizations learn about and improve their programs, as well as providing a rigorous and objective analysis of respective program progress and effectiveness. The Evaluation Center is unique among program evaluation groups because it operates as an autonomous not-for-profit entity embedded within the SEHD at the University of Colorado Denver.


The School of Education & Human Development expects all faculty members to demonstrate excellence in teaching and exemplify the best pedagogical practices. Teaching is broadly defined to include program leadership, program/course development, direct instruction, advising, supervision, and support within professional development settings. Criteria to be considered in forming an overall evaluation of the quality of teaching include:

1. Course Development and Design

2. Curriculum Development

3. Program Planning and Program Evaluation

4. High Quality Instruction

5. Quality of Student Relationships, Advising, and Mentoring

6. Seeks Funding to Support Instruction

7. Impact on Practice

8. Scholarship of Teaching

For detailed descriptions of these criteria, please refer to RTP Standards and Criteria. Also, see Appendix C Common Terms.

Faculty members have responsibilities that extend beyond the 16-week semester. The calendar on the following page is a summary of faculty responsibilities for instruction based on a generic semester/term calendar.

Time FrameFaculty Responsibilities
3 to 8 weeks before a semester beginsWork with program leader to verify course(s) meeting patterns, enrollment limits, and special classroom requirements (location, technology, blackboards, etc.); order texts and course packets. Canvas faculty, ensure you have attended appropriate Canvas training.
1 to 4 weeks before the semester beginsWork with program leader to maximize enrollments and minimize wait lists. Canvas faculty, ensure your course content is up-to-date.
1 week before the semester beginsMonitor enrollment, download class roster, and finalize syllabus. Canvas faculty ensure your course is published so students can see it.
Week 1Hand out syllabus, review course policies, check attendance against class roster, review wait list procedures (exists for one week and faculty lack authority to override wait list priority)
Week 1Download prioritized wait list at end of first week. Submit first week abscences via Early Action reports via Navigate:
Week 2Download class roster again, identify students dropped from wait list, verify that all attending students are officially registered, and notify non-registered students of their status, use Schedule Adjustment Form to add students when space and pedagogy permit
Week 3Download official class roster after ‘census date’ (12th day of fall/spring or 8th day of summer), verify attending students are officially registered, and use Schedule Adjustment Form to add students when course policies allow
Week 3 to 15Meet course schedule, follow course policies, maintain office hours, return graded assignments in timely fashion, regularly communicate performance (including attendance and participation) and class standing to students. Submit course progress reports via Navigate for students referrals for additional support.
Week 7 to 9Complete and return mid-semester grade report for new students
Week 9Communicate performance to students before 10th week drop deadline
Week 10Review FCQ request for additional course or department questions
Week 12Reiterate end of semester policies and format/time of final examination (optional)
Week 15Administer FCQ course and instructor evaluation (required), Instructor signature required for any late withdraw petition forms due by Wednesday before finals week
Week 16Administer final examination (optional) or meet class during scheduled final. Report comprehensive exam/culminating experience results to Academic Services if required for Master's/EdS.
Week 17Complete grading, determine student performance, enter final grades in faculty portal by deadline, Complete/sign incomplete grade application form for any incomplete grades and send copy of signed incomplete form to
Weeks 20 to 23Review FCQ evaluations

Time Commitment to Instruction

Faculty members in the School of Education & Human Development are expected to allocate an appropriate amount of time in order to create the best possible learning environment for students. Time commitments extend beyond the scheduled classroom period to include office hours, appointments, class preparation, grading, one-on-one mentoring and tutoring, and clinical and field supervision. Faculty are also expected to follow all School and University policies in the classroom.


Students are assigned advisors upon admission to the program. The student’s letter of admission identifies the advisor. Students are instructed to contact their Academic Services staff advisor for information related to program plans of study, registration and degree information and to contact their faculty advisor for questions related to course curriculum and content. Please see Appendix D for Graduate Program Procedures.

Staff advisors are available between 8am to 5pm Monday - Fridays, faculty advisors by appointment only.

Course Scheduling

Classes should promptly begin and end according to the meeting pattern established in the Schedule of Courses. University holidays are observed as stated in the Academic Calendar. Final examinations (optional) are to be administered according to the AHEC schedule posted in the Schedule of Courses. Faculty who must miss scheduled classes because of professional obligations (meetings, presentations, etc.) should note dates on syllabus and make arrangements in advance to cover the missed instruction. Faculty who must miss class due to illness or unplanned circumstances must notify Academic Services prior to class and, if at all possible, make arrangements to cover the scheduled class(es). In the event that arrangements cannot be made to cover a class, you must notify your students by e-mail and posted signs of class cancellation. Contact Academic Services at 303-315-6300 or and an attempt will be made to post signs in the classroom.

Class Location

The location of your course is available in the Faculty Center in UCD Access. On-campus courses are courses offered through the regular SEHD registration process, and meet in classrooms on the Auraria campus. Off-campus courses are Continuing and Professional Education (CPE) courses that are held off campus in places typically arranged by those who set up the courses. If you wish to hold a class in a different location or take a field trip, you MUST notify Academic Services. Click here for a list of building abbreviations.



Many program areas have copies of course syllabi that can assist new professors in course preparations. Contact the program representative if you need guidance in selecting course topics, texts, and reading materials. The campus syllabus policy statement is available on the Center for Faculty Development website here. The SEHD syllabus template is available in Appendix E.


The SEHD requires instructors to provide detailed course information on or prior to the first day of class through a course syllabus. Syllabi with detailed policies, procedures, and expectations provided at the beginning of the semester reduce ad hoc faculty decisions and promote good student-faculty communication.

Faculty are encouraged to use a portion of the first class meeting to ensure students are familiar with the course objectives, content, grading and classroom policies. For online or remote courses, it is recommended that instructors provide online content that ensure students are familiar with the syllabus.


A course syllabus in the School of Education & Human Development should contain the following information:

1. Course Overview and Course Information

* Campus location (Denver, Anschutz Medical Campus or other location) and Academic School/College
* Course title (official SIS title), number, prefix, and section designation. Indicate if the course is part of the undergraduate core. See for a listing of all core courses.
* Semester/term and year
* Class meeting day(s) and time(s)
* Catalog description and any additional information including requisites.

2. Basic Instructor Information

* Instructor’s name (including co-instructors and/or teaching assistants)
* Instructor's office location (building and room #)
* Instructor’s contact information (phone number(s) and email address(es))
* Instructor's office hours and statement of availability (for face-to-face, hybrid and online courses)

3. Course Goals/Outcomes

* Overall learning objectives
* Major topics
* Rationale (instructor's statement relating course content to student's academic or professional growth, etc.)

4. Evaluation

* Requirements (papers, oral reports, projects, quizzes, tests, final exams, etc.), including points, deliverables, and due dates
* Instructor's grading policy – The course grading policies must be detailed so that students can derive their grade at any point during or after the semester. The following information about grading policies should be included in your syllabus:
* Points (preferred) or assigned percentage for graded assignments
* Attendance and participation – The impact of attendance on evaluation and grades must be consistent with CU Denver policy and SEHD policies set by the Student Academic Appeals Committee (See Appendix F).If participation is part of students’ grades, we recommend establishing explicit, objective standards for assigning participation grades.
* Plus/minus grading – or lack thereof
* Individual vs. group efforts on projects – Assessments involving group efforts must set clear expectations as to how individual students will be assigned grades on group projects.
* Late assignments – specify penalty, if any, imposed for late assignments
* If the course is offered to both undergraduate and graduate students, differing outcomes, assignments requirements, and evaluation metrics for graduate students must be articulated to distinguish them from undergraduate outcomes, assignments, requirements, and metrics.

5. Syllabus Revisions

* In general, syllabi should not be changed once the semester begins, though unforeseen circumstances may lead to changes. Students should be notified in a timely manner in writing (via email/Canvas, etc.) of any changes to the syllabus.

6. Course Procedures

* Materials (required as well as recommended texts, equipment, software, and supplies)
* Course calendar/schedule (may include appropriate links to CU Denver academic calendar)
* Course-related (and/or School/College-related) policies and procedures, (with appropriate links) such as attendance, late work, incompletes, communication, participation, notification of changes
* Research/library-related skills needed for successful completion of course.
* SEHD Incomplete Policy – See syllabus template in Appendix E for text
* University wide policies that are relevant to the syllabus:
* Student Code of Conduct
* Accommodations
* Academic Freedom
* Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
* Attendance Library/OAA/StudentAttendance.pdf
* Discrimination and Harassment Policy and Procedures Library/OAA/NonDisc Admin Policy_7 1 2016 - merged.pdf;
* Grade Appeal Policy

Faculty Course Questionnaires

FCQs are completed online. Click here for strategies to ensure robust response rates. Link to FCQ information:



Follow this link for a step-by-step guide on how to enter grades.


The posting of grades by name or student number (even with name obscured) violates federal law under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and is strictly prohibited. No grades may be posted in a manner that would allow a student to learn another student’s grade. Graded papers may not be placed in a box or file cabinet for students to look through to find their own, unless those papers are sealed inside individual envelopes. It is acceptable -and encouraged- for students to supply the faculty member with a stamped, self-addressed envelope to return papers or other assignments. The best way is to post grades in our CANVAS online course system. Students can log in with their ID to see their grades. Call the CU Online Help Desk at 303-724-4357 for assistance/questions.

Grading is done online through the Faculty Center in UCD Access. Complete your grading online through UCD Access. If there is more than one instructor on record, only the Primary Instructor will be able to approve and submit the final grades. Contact the help line at 303-724-4357 if you have any questions.


Grades are entered once the term is complete (or session, for reduced session classes). Once a grade roster has been approved and posted, the grade roster as a whole, cannot be changed. However, instructors will have access to change grades for individual students through the faculty portal in UCD Access. From the portal, instructors can navigate to the grade roster for the class they wish to change.


1.'Student asks for an incomplete grade to satisfy financial aid requirements.

Financial aid requires students to successfully complete a certain number of semester hours by the end of the semester. Grades of ‘I’, ‘W’, ‘NC’, and ‘F’ do not satisfy financial aid requirements. An Incomplete grade will not satisfy Financial Aid requirements.

2.'Student asks for Incomplete to complete a course assignment.

In the absence of special circumstances, extending the semester for a student is a form of extra credit not allowed by School policies.

3.'Student inquires as to what it will take to earn a grade of ‘X’ in course.

Students are responsible for knowing the passing grade, typically B- in their courses. Faculty should not encourage poorly performing students to stay in the course past the 10-week drop deadline as student performance rarely improves at the end of the semester. Regular communication of student performance during the semester is the best way to avoid this situation.

4.'Student complains about grade after the semester is completed.

Faculty are encouraged to regularly communicate grade information to students during the semester to minimize student complaints. Faculty should meet with students to evaluate the nature of the complaint. Faculty grading mistakes are easily handled through UCD Access. Otherwise, the student should be referred to the Academic Services Office (LSC 701) for the Academic Appeal Process procedure.

Campus Closures

Faculty cannot insist that students make up a class when the campus is closed due to inclement weather. An additional class session may be scheduled only if ALL students in the class agree to meet without coercion. No students can be penalized in any way for failure to attend an additional class meeting. Information on campus closures can be found at:

•1-877-INFO-070 (or 1-877-463-6070)

•Recorded updates on the Auraria line 303-556-2401


•E-mail sent to all “@UCDENVER.EDU” e-mail addresses from “Emergency”

•Information provided to local television and radio stations

•Students, faculty and staff can participate in the Emergency Notification System text and voice messaging service provided through Rave. You may register at Alert.aspx.

CU Denver Honor Code

As members of the CU Denver community, students are expected to uphold University standards, which include abiding by state, civil, and criminal laws and all University policies and standards of conduct. These standards assist in promoting a safe and welcoming community. The full CU Denver Student Code of Conduct can be found on the Student Conduct & Community Standards webpage here.

Student Handbooks

Each program has a student handbook describing policies and procedures. Specific information regarding grading, course requirements, academic performance, etc., is detailed in the handbook. Please become familiar with the policies and procedures that relate to your program area so that you are sharing correct information with students. Program handbooks are available online here.

Drop/Add Deadlines

Students must follow the academic calendar found on the Office of the Registrar website here.

Academic Record Confidentiality

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 (Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 99) is referred to as FERPA, or the Buckley Amendment, and grants to students rights, privileges and protections with respect to their educational records maintained by the faculty, division, School and campus. Please refer to this webpage on the university’s website for more information.

Returning Student Papers

It is preferred that faculty return papers to students directly. It is acceptable to ask students for an addressed, stamped envelope to return papers after the end of the semester and/or course. Any student papers that are left in Academic Services for student pick-up must be in a sealed envelope with the student name clearly marked.

International Students

The number of international students in classes at CU Denver is small but growing. International students come to CU Denver from all over the world. Resources for international students and faculty can be found on the Office of International affairs website here.


1.'Student claims to be an international student, but faculty are not sure.

The Admissions Office typically assigns student numbers beginning with an 800 (800, 801, or 802) to international students. However, international students may have a real social security number for a student number, and an 800 student number does not guarantee international student status.

International student status (Y/N), visa type, and citizenship can be verified by Academic Services.

2.'International student asks for special accommodations based on limited English skills.

The language of instruction at CU Denver is English. International students must meet English proficiency standards to gain admission to the School. Some international students may have limited classroom English skills. Faculty should contact the Office of International Affairs (OIA) at (303) 3152230 for international students with severely limited English skills. At the discretion of faculty, the following accommodations are acceptable in SEHD: use of dictionary at all times (including examinations) and extra time for in-class examinations.

3.'International students work in groups for all assignments.

International students seek academic support and often work together. Through course syllabus and discussion of class policies, faculty should emphasize when an individual effort is required. Faculty should establish written guidelines for all students for group and individual efforts on graded assignments.

Program Level Assessment

Anyone teaching a course that has a key, program-level assessment is responsible for entering student performance data for the associated rubrics in or using in a “LiveText by Watermark” rubric that has been embedded in the Canvas assignment. If you are unsure if your course has a program-level assessment please contact your program.

Your assessment and the associated rubric should already be available for your course in LiveText is an assessment management tool that is used to assist faculty and staff in the process of assessment. Please login into to review the assessment and rubric after the first few weeks of classes and contact Tony Romero at TONY.ROMERO@UCDENVER.EDU you have any questions.

Students with Disabilities

The University of Colorado Denver is committed to providing reasonable accommodation and access to programs and services to students with disabilities. CU Denver strives to comply with the portions of the Americans for Disabilities Act (ADA) dealing with students.

The Disability Resources and Services Office (DRSO) serve the needs of the diverse community of students with disabilities attending UCD. For information, please contact the DRSO by phone at (303) 315-3510, email DISABILITYRESOURCES@UCDENVER.EDU or go to 1201 Larimer Street (Student Commons Building, Suite 2116). You may also visit their website here.


Once students comply with ADA requirements for disability registration with DRSO, faculty must work with DRSO staff and the student to develop reasonable accommodations. Faculty members are not required to comply with requests that alter course requirements. The ADA requires reasonable accommodation, and faculty members are required to consider every student request. The School of Education & Human Development strongly encourages faculty to work with DRSO staff and to rely on their expertise in determining reasonable accommodations.


1.'A faculty member is approached by a student claiming a disability and requesting accommodation(s).

It is acceptable to work directly with students; however, faculty are strongly encouraged to work with DRSO to verify that the student is registered and that accommodations are consistent with the disability and academic requirements of the course. Faculty members are not required to provide any accommodations to students not registered with DRSO.

2.'Student approaches faculty for accommodations after midterm examinations.

Students are responsible for registration with DRSO and arranging reasonable accommodations at the beginning of the semester. Faculty members are reminded that registration is difficult and requires considerable documentation. If student had difficulty in registering, faculty tolerance is expected. If student waited until achieving poor grades, then faculty are encouraged to treat on a case-by-case basis and work with DRSO staff.

3.'A faculty member is uncertain as to what constitutes ‘reasonable’ accommodation.

DRSO staff is the best resource in arranging reasonable accommodations. Accommodations are dependent upon the disability but may include note takers in class, relaxed deadlines for assignments, tests administered under secure conditions at DRSO office, extra time for in-class examinations, etc.

Dealing with Distressed or Disruptive Students

Please visit this webpage on the Student Conduct and Community Standards website.


The Campus Assessment, Response & Evaluation (CARE) Team was created at the University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz campus to address the health and safety needs of students as well as the campus community. The purpose of the team is to assess whether individuals pose a risk to themselves or others and to intervene when necessary, and more generally, to identify and provide assistance to those in need. The team takes a preventative approach to risk assessment by offering resources, referrals, and support to both the concerning individual and those impacted by their behavior. Campus Assessment, Response and Evaluation (CARE) Website To submit a Concern or Report a Case, follow this link.

Students with Emotional Issues

Faculty will discover that there is a small, but growing, population of students with emotional problems that interfere with their ability to handle the academic workload and succeed in the classroom. The University of Colorado Denver established the Student and Community Counseling Center to assist students with this need. It is located on the 4th floor of the North Classroom Building in NC 4036. This Center also houses the Counseling and Family Therapy Center which is open to individual faculty and staff, as well as couples and families.

The Student and Community Counseling Center provides free, short-term (up to 10 sessions) counseling to students who may be in need of psychological assistance as well as consultation to faculty on issues related to student behavior. The Center is staffed by professional psychotherapists and advanced graduate counseling students who are supervised by licensed, practicing psychologists and SEHD Counseling faculty members. The Center also refers students to off-campus, long-term counseling when appropriate. The Center provides workshops on stress management, conflict resolution and acculturation issues.

CU Denver Student Counseling Center Information:


Tivoli 454 (4'th Floor) [900 Auraria Parkway]

Counseling Center Website


1.'Faculty doesn’t know whether to contact the Office of Student Life or Counseling Center for disruptive students with emotional problems.

This is a difficult, judgment call on the part of the faculty member. Faculty with disruptive students that interfere with the classroom learning environment should contact the Office of Student Life. Students with personal problems that do not interfere with the classroom environment should be referred to the Student Counseling Center.

2.'Faculty don’t know how best to encourage students to seek counseling.

Call the Counseling Center and seek their advice. Faculty with students judged to be a threat to them or others should immediately escort the student to the Counseling Center.

Student Complaints (and How to Avoid Them)

Based on experiences from associate deans, faculty, members of the Student Academic Appeals Committee, and Academic Services staff, the following is a prioritized list of student complaints involving faculty and suggestions on how to avoid them. The first five complaints happen with some frequency. While student complaints at the end of the list happen less frequently, those that do occur are often difficult to resolve.

Faculty Won’t Communicate Grade Information and Course Standing to Student •Establish detailed grading policies on course syllabus

•Routinely communicate grades and class standing on all graded assignments – include attendance and class participation if part of course grade

•Regularly provide student grades in compliance with FERPA policies

•Assign approximate grade or class standing after mid-term and before 10th week drop deadline

•Do not encourage students to continue course past 10th week deadline if performance is poor

Faculty Won’t Communicate with Student •Provide information to students for scheduling an appointment

•Give students your e-mail address and encourage electronic communication

•Return phone calls and e-mail messages promptly - preferably within 24 hours

•Avoid giving students your home phone

•Avoid calling students at their home unless they have left their home phone number on a message, and avoid calling a student after 10pm

Student Complains about Course Grade •Detail grading policies on syllabus

•Explain grading policies clearly

•Establish consistent grading policies across sections in a multi-section class

•Keep defensible attendance and class participation records

•Return graded materials in a timely fashion

•Regularly provide grades in compliance with FERPA

•Meet and listen to students who inquire about their grades

•If necessary, refer student to division Chair or Associate Dean

•If necessary, refer student to SEHD Academic Services for formal grade appeal procedures.

Faculty Won’t Award Incomplete grade (I) •State SEHD incomplete policy on syllabus

•Do not award incomplete grade without verified special circumstances

•Never award an incomplete for a student with low grades or a student who must retake the entire course

•Refer an upset student to the appropriate Associate Dean to discuss academic options

Faculty Didn’t Inform Student They Were Dropped from Wait List or Not Registered •Realize students and faculty share responsibility for accurate registration. Students who are attending your class MUST be registered.

•Review class rosters from CU Denver Access and check them against students in the class

•At 1st, 3rd and 5th weeks of semester, notify students when they are participating but not registered

Faculty Don’t Adhere to FCQ Guidelines (end of semester course/instructor evaluation) •Follow directions supplied with Faculty Course Questionnaires

•Avoid any possible faculty connection to administration or collection of FCQs

•Seek a student volunteer to administer, collect, and deliver FCQs to Academic Services

Faculty Ignore Wait Lists When Adding Students to Class •Review wait list in UCD Access at end of first week of classes

•Do not tell students on the wait list they will be automatically added to the class –responsibility for registration rests with the student

•Recognize that students high on the wait list priority (low priority number) will be upset/concerned if other students are allowed in the class ahead of them

Faculty Humiliate Students in Class •Never resort to faculty misconduct in response to student misconduct

•Avoid using power of instructor to intimidate students

•State University and SEHD policy on behavior and conduct on syllabus

•Never harass, threaten, demean, humiliate, or talk down to students

•Keep conversations about individual student performance private

•Immediately inform your Program Representative and the appropriate SEHD Associate Dean of student misconduct

Faculty Miss Class (no substitute) and/or are Late to Class/Examination •Honor commitment to meet every class

•Start examinations on time

•Arrange, if possible, for another instructor to cover your class in case of absence

•If faculty absence is unavoidable, be flexible on required attendance policies

•Contact Academic Services as soon as possible for assistance in notifying students of class meeting changes (by posting signs, emailing students, etc.)

Faculty Are Charged With Sexual Harassment •Familiarize yourself with CU Denver policies on sexual harassment by visiting the Ombuds’ Office webpage.

•Keep all faculty-student relationships at the highest professional level

•Avoid suggestive language/jokes that can be considered sexual harassment

•Refer all cases of alleged sexual harassment to Ombuds Office in the Lawrence Street Center, Suite 1003, 1380 Lawrence Street Denver

Policies Relating to Sexual Harassment and Amorous Relationships

Use the links below to review these policies.

Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures:

Amorous Relationships:

Resolving Conflicts/Disputes

The Ombuds Office is a resource available to all members of the University community. It is an independent source that will provide informal, confidential and neutral services to members of the university community in resolving conflicts, complaints, and disputes.

Downtown Denver Campus - 303.315.0046

Location: Lawrence Street Center, Suite 1003, 1380 Lawrence St Denver 80204

Ombuds' Office Webpage

Academic Ethics

As members of the CU Denver academic community, faculty and students accept the responsibility to maintain the highest standards of intellectual honesty and ethical conduct in all forms of academic work.


Faculty members are encouraged to handle alleged academic dishonesty cases at the program level first. Many cases of academic dishonesty involve miscommunication and absence of clear policies on syllabus or assignments, which are best handled at the division level. The Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs will work with faculty members and students in an effort to facilitate communication and to resolve the dispute before the end of the semester and the issuance of final grades.

Faculty members who have evidence suggesting a student is guilty of academic dishonesty should:

•Privately provide the student with the evidence

•Listen to the student’s perspective and keep communication lines open

•Evaluate all evidence and circumstances

•Determine appropriate consequences (warning, zero/failing grade on assignment, or failing grade for course

•Inform student in writing of decision, if grade is to be lowered in any manner


SEHD faculty members have options in handling ethics violations at the division level, up to and including a failing course grade. Any other sanctions (suspension, transcript notation, etc.) desired by the instructor must be forwarded to Dorothy Garrison-Wade, and/or the SEHD Student Academic Appeals Committee (See Appendix F).

If the faculty decision concerning the alleged academic dishonesty adversely affects the student’s assignment or course grade, a letter must be sent to the student with copies to the faculty program representative and SEHD Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs. The letter must outline the charge(s) against the student and inform the student of his or her rights.

Faculty responsibilities in alleged ethics violations that lower a student’s grade are summarized below:

•Written notification to student outlining charge(s), statement of student rights, information about ethics policies, and student support services

•Written notification (copy) to the Faculty Program Representative and SEHD Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs

•Student allowed to fully participate in remainder of class

•Student not allowed to drop or withdraw from class

•Compilation of physical and eyewitness evidence for possible submission to the SEHD Student Academic Appeals Committee (See Appendix B)

•Hearing at request of faculty or through appeal by student

•Should the dispute go to the SEHD Student Academic Appeals Committee, the burden of proof resides with the faculty (See Appendix B)


1.Evidence of academic dishonesty against a student is not concrete.

For all student cases evaluated by the SEHD Student Academic Appeals Committee (See Appendix B), the burden of proof is squarely on the faculty member. Situations without compelling evidence should be handled privately with the student and may include verbal warning, specific seating assignment, review of ethics policies with entire class, etc.

2.Faculty believes student downloaded paper from Internet but can’t find source.

Web sites have been developed to assist faculty in locating Internet papers and faculty should consult experts in Internet communications. Faculty should consult

3.Student unintentionally violates the academic ethics policy.

It is the student’s responsibility to understand and adhere to the CU Denver Academic Honor Code. Faculty members are not required to define academic dishonesty, but are encouraged to place a general statement on the course syllabus that refers students to details of the Academic Honor Code. While an unintentional violation is still a violation, faculty are encouraged to consider intent in determining appropriate consequences (See Appendix I).


Faculty members are expected to contribute toward service activities that support the SEHD’s mission. Three criteria will be considered in forming an overall evaluation of faculty performance in this area.

Service to School and University

1. Service to the Profession

2. Service to the Community/Partners

For detailed descriptions of these criteria, please refer to SEHD RTP Standards and Criteria. Also, see Appendix H for SEHD Standing Committees.

Retention, Tenure and Promotion Processes

The evaluation of faculty performance on an annual basis and for the purpose of tenure and promotion begins with the faculty member’s primary program or division affiliation. Faculty on tenure and tenure track lines complete a series of milestones during their professorial careers that include the tenure and post-tenure review processes and promotional reviews from assistant to associate to full professor. The complete guide to these processes is available on-line, through SEHD Office of Faculty Affair’s office and the Provost’s office. The handbook, Strategies for Success, is updated frequently. In addition, the School of Education & Human Development’s criteria for research and creative activities, Teaching, and Service are available in SEHD RTP Criteria and Standards guidelines located in policy section of SEHD Impact site. For additional resources, see Dr. Dorothy Garrison-Wade, Office of Faculty Affairs and visit the Center for Faculty Development Website.

Faculty Review

Professional Plan

Each faculty member as part of the annual faculty review process completes this report. Faculty must report in the spring on activities planned for the upcoming academic year, including summer, fall, and spring. Forms are distributed to faculty electronically each year at the beginning of the spring semester. The professional plan is reviewed by the Dean and Associate Deans. After the review, the faculty member is notified of the approval status. If the plan is not approved, the faculty member may be asked to provide additional information and/or meet with the Dean and/or Associate Dean to provide clarifying information.

Faculty Report of Professional Activities (FRPA)

Each faculty member as part of the annual faculty review process completes this report. The form is completed in the February and reports on activities from the preceding academic year. The form will soon be available online, see the Faculty of Professional Activities (FRPA) User Guide.

If you have questions contact Dr. Dorothy Garrison-Wade.

Annual Merit Review

The annual merit review is based on accomplishment in teaching, research and service. The Merit Review Committee conducts the annual merit review for all faculty members. The annual merit review process captures a faculty’s teaching, research, and service activities across the previous calendar year. The faculty member prepares an electronic merit review dossier, consisting of the FRPA form, Annual Merit Summary Form (Research, Teaching, and Service), Faculty Professional Plan, and CV.

Merit ratings are based on a 5-point scale in each of three areas: teaching, research and service. The Ratings include: 5) Outstanding, 4) Exceeding Expectations, 3) Meeting Expectations, 2) Below Expectations, and 1) Fail to Meet Expectations. The Merit Review Committee reviews merit dossiers and makes recommendations about faculty ratings to the Dean. These ratings impact salary raises that vary from year to year, depending on allocations from the State legislature to institutions of higher education. For additional information, please see the Merit Review Process document or contact Dr. Dorothy Garrison-Wade at

Academic Services

The mission of Academic Services (AS) is to provide support and assist students and faculty to promote the highest standard of learning, teaching, research, and service in the School of Education and Human Development.

Academic Services forms a critical link between current, prospective, and former students in the School of Education and Human Development and the administrative units of the School, the Graduate School, the University, and the Colorado Department of Education. This office provides, among other services, information about degree programs and related processes, admissions, maintains records, and ensures that students meet requirements to graduate. Academic Services supports students at all levels, including undergraduate, graduate, and certificate, endorsement, and licensure students.

Academic Services is also a resource for faculty advisers who need information regarding the procedures their students must follow in the process of pursuing a degree in the School. Academic Services also supports faculty in their research, teaching, and service.


Deadlines for admissions are by program area. Please refer to the SEHD website Program Admissions Webpage for deadline dates.

Application instructions and access to the online application are available on the SEHD Website or by contacting Academic Services at SEHD.Admissions@UCDENVER.EDU or 303-315-6300.

Applications are forwarded to program faculty for review. Interview and official admission notifications are processed by Academic Services.

Comprehensive Examination/Graduation

Instructions for registering for a comprehensive exam/culminating experience can be located on the SEHD Website here. Students apply for graduation via their student portal following instructions on the SEHD website here. Deadlines are found on the Office of the Registrar’s website here.

Student Records

Current student records are housed in Academic Services. Records are retained per University policy found on the university’s website here.

Book Orders and Course Materials


Book orders are placed directly through the bookstore via their online adoption tool. To begin the process, you’ll need to register with the bookstore using a valid e-mail address. We recommend that you use your UCD email. Automatic order confirmations will be sent to the address used.

Email orders to or request a personalized link to our online ordering site from:

Bailey Brack, 303-556-3706, BAILEY.BRACK@AHEC.EDU.

Faculty should contact the publisher directly for exam or desk copies.


If you need course reading packets, the Auraria Book Center can assist you. Use the following link for more information:

For more information, contact the Tivoli Station Book Office at 303-556-3703 or BOOKOFFICE@AHEC.EDU.

Classroom Assignments

Classroom assignments are coordinated by the SEHD Scheduling and Curriculum Manager, Shakira Anderson, in conjunction with the Campus Community and Classroom Scheduling Professional. See Academic Services for questions about room equipment, capacity, availability, or to request a room change. Efforts will be made to honor all rooming requests; however, due to a campus-wide shortage of space, this is not always possible.

Classroom Overbooking

Infrequently, faculty and students may encounter a problem of classroom overbooking. If your course is scheduled in Lawrence Street Center, call Academic Services at 303-315-6300 during normal working hours. If your course is scheduled in another building on campus, call AHEC at 303-556-2116. Make sure you have your course number, and the conflicting course number so AHEC can determine where both courses are supposed to be. Please report all rooming conflict issues as soon as possible.

Class Rosters

To minimize problems with student registration and end of semester grades, faculty are required to check the official class roster at the beginning and complete final grading through the UCD Access portal. Faculty should not rely on student attendance and participation (class list generated by passing around a sheet of paper) as an indication of official registration. For instructions on viewing class rosters, please see instructions in UCD Access portal.


There are SEHD copy machines on the 6th, 7th, and 11th floors for small copying jobs. Your program’s copy code will be needed to make copies. To prevent undue wear and tear on the machines, the following rules have been established:

For SEHD copiers, no single copy job should total more than 100 pages.

Large Copy Jobs

A large copy job is considered more than 250 copies. For large copy jobs, send them to the printing services at Anschutz. You will need to contact them by phone at: 303-724-6414. Printing Services Website

They will discuss the project – how many, color, and other specifics. They will need the document to be PDF to their location and will request a speed type. The speed type is generally your department speed type or your PD speed type.

The service is very fast and they deliver.

Scanning Documents

All SEHD copiers are equipped with scanning functions.

Guest Speakers/Visiting Lecturers

The School of Education & Human Development does NOT offer guest speaker fees. Any compensation offered for class speakers is the responsibility of the professor. It is possible to obtain a free parking permit for guest speakers. Academic Services can assist you in ordering a parking pass at least 7 days in advance, given your speaker’s name and date of attendance.

Contact the Tech Team if you would like to coordinate a remote guest speaker with online video conferencing at SEHDHELP@UCDENVER.EDU.

Administrative Services

Booking Travel

Faculty members are responsible for booking their own travel. Information and instructions on how to do so can be found on the Procurement Service Center Website here.

For questions regarding University travel, contact the Procurement Service Center or 303-837-2161. Additional administrative support for faculty in travel requests is handled by Kelly Ragland. 'Faculty seeking assistance should complete a help order request by emailing 'SEHDHELP@UCDENVER.EDU.


Key requests should be made with the Assistant to the Dean, JáNet Hurt in LSC 1145. She will submit a key request form to Facilities Management for the necessary key(s) and within two-three business days after a request is submitted, keys may be picked up in Facilities Management on the 3rd floor of the Lawrence Street Center. Individuals must pick up their own keys and are required to present their campus employee identification card at the time of pick up.

Upon termination of employment, individuals must return their keys to SEHD HR personnel during the checkout process. Lost keys should be reported to the Security Guard on duty on the 1st floor of the Lawrence Street Center. There is a fee of $100-$200 for unreturned/lost keys.

ID Card

All faculty and staff are encouraged to have an ID Card. Forms may be obtained from HR. The ID card allows faculty and staff to park on campus, access library services, use the recreation facilities, and gain building and classroom access.


The Lawrence Street Center operating hours are Monday-Friday, 6:00 AM – 8:00 PM and Saturday 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM. The building is closed on Sundays and all campus holidays. In order to access the building, the elevators and all card reader-equipped rooms (which includes all SEHD classrooms and the 11th floor computer lab) after-hours, you must have your campus ID encoded. ID access is authorized by the Assistant to the Dean, JáNet Hurt in LSC 1145 and is only given to regular/full-time SEHD faculty and staff and lecturers with class in the LSC after-hours/on weekends. Students are not granted ID access.

To get ID access, please email JáNet Hurt with your Employee ID#, the six-digit code on the back right-hand corner of your ID card, and the room(s) you need access to.


Mail for full-time faculty and staff is distributed to the mailboxes on the floor where that person’s office is located. Mailboxes for faculty and staff on the 6th floor are located in 605; on the 7th floor mailboxes are located in Academic Services in 701; mailboxes on the 11th floor are located in the kitchen (1132). Each set of mailboxes has a slot (usually toward the end of all the mailboxes) for outgoing mail and intercampus mail. Intercampus mail should be put in an envelope and clearly labeled with the name, building and office number or campus mailbox of the recipient.

Outgoing mail must be stamped or include a mail code number for postal charges. If you do not know your mail code, please contact There is also a U.S. mail drop box located in front of the Lawrence Street Center.


There are fax machines in the workrooms on the 6th (605) and 11th (1132) floors, and in Academic Services in LSC 701. Dialing out on the fax machine is the same as using any other campus phone line. For on-campus faxes, dial only the campus extension (last 5 digits of the phone number); for off-campus faxes, dial “9” and the ten digit number.


It is each individual’s responsibility to retrieve and respond to his/her own messages in a timely manner. To access the voicemail system from any phone other than your office phone, dial 303-724-MAIL (6245) or 46245. You will hear a recording that says “Thank you for calling The University of Colorado Denver…” Hit the # button. It will then ask for your mailbox number. Your mailbox number/extension is the last 5 digits of your phone number (5-6346). To access the voicemail system from your office phone, hit the messages button. When you call the voicemail system from your office phone, it will NOT ask you for your mailbox number. It will immediately say “Please enter your security code”.

Detailed instructions for using the campus voicemail system are available here: [1]

Additionally, if you would like to have your phone voicemail set-up to allow you to check it using your campus email, please contact the SEHD Tech Team. You can review the Cisco Phone Training PDF online here. A suggested voice mail greeting containing key information is below:

Hello! This is (your name), (your title) of the (office/program) at the CU Denver School of Education & Human Development. My normal office hours are (days, times). If you have reached this greeting during those hours, I am on the phone or away from my desk. Please leave a message that includes your name and phone number, and be assured that your call will be returned as soon as possible. If you need immediate assistance, please call (name and phone number). Thank you.

If you plan to be away from your office for an extended period of time, please remember to change your voice mail greeting indicating the dates you will be away and giving the caller an alternate contact source.


Parking on campus is fairly limited and during the semester it can be difficult to find a parking spot. Covered monthly parking is available to CU Denver faculty and staff under the Lawrence Street Center, the CU Building and the Business School Building. The cost varies ($125-$140/month) and payment is done through payroll deduction. If you are interested in signing up for monthly parking, email or call 303-315-7777.

There are also parking lots on campus (not limited to staff/faculty) where you can park for a daily fee. The daily fee lot closest to the Lawrence Street Center is the Tivoli Parking Garage located at the corner of 9th Street and Auraria Parkway where parking is offered for an hourly rate or $6.25 max daily fee. Auraria campus also offers the Parking Passport program which is a pre-paid parking option that allows daily parking in most campus lots at a discounted rate and provides in and out privileges. The Parking Passport is available for a semester purchase or on an annual basis and 5-day options beginning at $125. For more details please contact the Parking & Transportation Services office or visit their website: To view a campus parking map with all available lots and parking rates, visit:

Auraria Parking Services offers re-entry permits for faculty and staff that need to leave campus for job-related activities (i.e. meetings, classes, etc.) and return the same day. The permit allows you to pay once and park in the same lot on the same day with no additional charges. An application for a re-entry permit can be picked up from and signed by the Assistant to the Dean in LSC 1145.

Other parking options include 2 hr. parking meters on Lawrence Street and 14th Street. Keep your sense of humor and give yourself plenty of time to search for an open spot.

For information on the RTD Eco-Pass, visit:

Parking and Transportation Services is located on the first floor of the 7th Street Parking Garage. Office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday while classes are in session. Phone calls are taken from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Please call (303) 556-2000 for hours during break periods.

Campus Accessible Shuttles: Is an accessible escort service available to those is the campus community with a disability. The service is available (during semesters) from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Fridays. Call 303-556-2001 to schedule a ride.

Motorist Assistance Program: Parking personnel will jump-start dead batteries and assist in fixing flat tires. Jumper cables, tire tools, water and gasoline cans are also available at no cost to Parking customers. Call (303) 556-2000.

NightRider: For your safety, Auraria Parking and Campus Police Division offer an evening escort service to take students, faculty and staff from any campus building to any Auraria parking lot. The service is available year around from dusk to 10:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Call (303) 556-2001 to schedule a ride. Escort service is available at other times from Campus Police at (303) 556-5000.

Shuttle Bus Service: This service provides the Downtown Denver Campus with shuttle service to and from the Anschutz Medical Campus. The designated bus stops for pick up and drop off are: In front of Building 500 on the Anschutz Medical Campus (south side) and in front of the main entrance to the Lawrence Street Center Building. The buses leave hourly from each campus. There is no charge for this bus service; just show the driver your campus ID. If you have questions with regard to the bus service, please contact the manager of Parking and Transportation at (303) 724-0049.

Official Functions – Events/Meetings


An official function is a meeting, meal, or other function that is hosted by an organizational unit, attended by guests and/or associates or employees, and held for official university business. All official functions must comply with the Administrative Policy Statement.

Official functions and training functions shall be held to achieve program objectives and shall be limited to reasonable and actual costs. The attendance of employees at these functions shall be kept to a minimum and shall include only those individuals directly related to the purpose of the function. Expenditures shall be kept to a minimum as they have the potential of being perceived to be for a personal benefit and an abuse of public funds.

Official functions require'prior approval 'either through inclusion in a program or unit’s annual budget or through communication with the appropriate Associate Dean who oversees the content area, service unit, or center. See the following link for policies and forms for official functions:


Catering expenses that will be funded or reimbursed from an SEHD account must be approved prior to the date of the event. In some cases Dean’s approval may be required, depending on the dollar amount and/or nature of the transaction.

Based on these policies, we ask that you consider the following in deciding to incur official function expenditures:

•Is the function for official university business purposes only and is it necessary to achieve the program objectives?

•Are the costs reasonable?

•Is the attendance of employees limited to a minimum and include only those individuals necessary and directly involved with the objectives of the function?

Avoid official functions that consist of only university employees discussing university business. Training functions and retreats should be limited in frequency, and should be included as part of a program, service unit or center’s annual budget.

Always ask yourself if you would be comfortable justifying the expenditures to a newspaper reporter and being associated with the expenditures in a newspaper article.

Examples of Non-Approved Activities

Dinner/lunch with only SEHD faculty/staff members

Ordering a meal for a class

Refreshments at a monthly program or unit meeting
Examples of Approved Activities

SEHD Faculty and Staff Retreats/Training


Faculty search dinners


All room requests for non-course meetings/gatherings should be submitted by email to: SEHDHELP@UCDENVER.EDU. Please be sure to include the following information in your request:

•Meeting Title


•Start AND End Time (be sure to include necessary set-up and clean-up time)

•Number Attending/Expected

•Any Technological Equipment Needed

All SEHD classrooms are scheduled on a per semester basis and only after all SEHD courses are roomed for the current semester. Conference rooms can be booked on an annual basis and all room requests are handled on a first-come basis. All class and conferences rooms are smartrooms, and are equipped with a data projector, computer, and laptop input (minimum). See the Information & Academic Technology section for a listing.

Purchasing and Expense Reimbursements

Please obtain guidance regarding purchasing and reimbursements before making a purchase independently.

All requests will be processed pending confirmation of sufficient funds from the expense account indicated. Most, if not all, purchasing can be done without the faculty member incurring costs with personal monies.

General Purchasing and Supplies

When making a general purchase (see below for Technology Purchasing) using professional development funds or program funds:

1. FIRST, contact Daisy Salazar to ensure the funds are available; this must be done prior to purchase. DAISY.SALAZAR@UCDENVER.EDU

2.'SECOND, 'submit a purchase/procurement request to by filling out the form found at this link and you will be assisted.

Supplies must be ordered through the state vendor. Reminder: Supplies ordered outside the state vendor may not be reimbursable.

Nametags, Letterhead, Envelopes, Stationary & Business Cards

Julia Cummings, Marketing Director, will place orders for nametags, letterhead, envelopes and stationery through the CU Denver Print shop.

Business cards should be ordered through the Printing Services Website here.

For assistance in ordering business cards, please submit a request to SEHDHELP@UCDENVER.EDU, and Kelly Ragland will assist you.

The School does not have a general account to pay for these items; expense approval by a budget authority (Program representative or Associate Dean) must be obtained prior to ordering.

Technology Purchasing

Technology purchasing is coordinated by the SEHD Tech Team. ALL technology purchasing using university funds (including professional development and grant funds) MUST be done through the Tech Team and requires prior approval by a budget authority. Submit a request for a technology purchase to SEHDHELP@UCDENVER.EDU.

Expense Reimbursement

All purchases must have prior approval from the budget authority (generally a faculty member’s program representative or their Associate Dean) before reimbursements will be processed. Original receipts should be submitted to Daisy Salazar with the SEHD finance office with expense account information. Reminder: CU Denver is a tax exempt institution, so any sales tax incurred may not be reimbursable. Be sure and use the University tax exempt number when purchasing.

Travel Procedures

Official travel is paid by the university or external grant funds. Faculty should first check with their program representative to determine if planned travel is covered by the program budget. In the case of externally funded projects, the Principal Investigator (PI) should be consulted. Faculty should never assume that travel will be covered through the university without first checking with the appropriate source.

To submit a Travel Request form, follow this link.

Faculty are responsible for booking their own travel. Information and instructions on how to do so can be found at the following link on the Procurement Service Center website here.

For answers to all questions about travel, including a step-by-step guide, visit the Procurement Service Center website here.

Administrative support for faculty in travel requests is handled by Kelly Ragland. 'Faculty seeking assistance should complete a help order request by emailing 'SEHDHELP@UCDENVER.EDU.

Main Points to Remember:

1. You must receive authorization from your program representative or Associate Dean BEFORE incurring travel expenses. If you are using PD funds, Tim Halliday to ensure you have enough funds.

2. Apply for the corporate liability travel card if you plan on traveling frequently (See US Bank Travel Card below). Training must be completed before this card is issued.

3. The University uses Christopherson Travel for all travel bookings ( It is possible to purchase a flight on your own if you find a ticket cheaper than Christopherson’s price but you must obtain and submit a quote from Christopherson as proof of the lower fare in order to be reimbursed. Talk to Tim Halliday for more information.

4. You cannot use your travel card for conference registration. The travel card should be used for hotel and all other travel related expenses.

5. Please do not use your travel card for meals. You will be reimbursed for the per diem rate in effect in the locale in which you are traveling. If the meal expense exceeds this amount, this is a personal expense to you and you will not be reimbursed.

6. Keep itemized receipts for all expenses.

7. When you return, submit all receipts to your Concur delegate (Tim Halliday, Tracy Lee or Bolormaa Begzsuren).

8. Reimburse CU for any personal expenses on your travel card at the time when you turn in your receipts or if you have enough per diem to cover these expenses, your per diem will be reduced by this amount.

9.Your travel expenses must be reallocated within 90 days of the end of your trip or this becomes taxable income to you. This is a firm deadline that cannot be changed. Please allow your Concur delegate 2-3 weeks before the 90 day deadline to submit reimbursements on your behalf.


The U.S. Bank Travel Card is the State Travel Card. All University employees who travel on business for the University should apply for the card and use it for all travel-related expenses. Please note that this card is a University card and the traveler is responsible for retaining all receipts and turning them in to your Concur delegate for reallocation as soon as your travel is complete. These expenses do not generate email reminders the same way that the P-card does and will sit in the system and not hit a speedtype until reallocated. This may result in budgets being inaccurate and extra work at year end for the finance staff. Please see Tim Halliday if you wish to order this card.

There is a very handy Concur smartphone application that will allow you to take a photo of and upload receipts as you travel. You can also initiate travel with this application. Once you have downloaded the application, your user ID will be your Employee ID (for example Before you can log into this app, you must go to the concur system on your computer and take the following steps:

•Once logged in, click the profile link and let the whole screen come up or choose mobile registration. If the whole screen comes up –go the bottom left and choose mobile registration.

•Click the blue link that says “create a mobile PIN”- this will be the PIN that you use to login to the app.

•Again your user ID will be your

•If you have any problems with the app, please call the help desk at 303-837-2161.

Conference Registration

University travelers often find that they need to pay registration fees for a conference or meeting they plan to attend. How the expense is submitted—for direct payment to the vendor, or for reimbursement to the traveler—varies according to the timing of the payment and the needs of the vendor. The possible vehicles for payment are (1) the Procurement Card (P-Card), or (2) the Payment Voucher form.

Maximum Meal Reimbursement

Meal reimbursement is for the actual cost of the traveler’s meals. To ensure these costs are reasonable, actual costs are limited to a Maximum Meal Reimbursement amount specific to the geographic travel location. The State of Colorado’s Maximum Allowable Meal Per Diem Rates represent the University’s Maximum Meal Reimbursement amount; for maximum allowable rates, refer to and go to Per Diem Meal Rate on the right had side of the webpage.

Part of daily M & I (Meals and Incidental Expenses) is per diem. Dollar limits for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, are determined by the traveler’s destination. The meal per diem represents the maximum reimbursable amount for eligible meals during the course of a university business trip. Meal reimbursement is not allowed if adequate meals are included with lodging, as part of conference/registration fees, or otherwise provided to the traveler at no cost. Amounts in excess of meal per diem are not reimbursable unless part of a required official function. (Tips on meals are included in these amounts and cannot be claimed separately.) No receipts are required.

On days of travel, the final destination for the day determines the traveler’s per diem rate all day. On the day traveler returns home, the city from which the traveler leaves determines the per diem rate. On begin and end travel days, reimbursement cannot exceed 75% of the daily M&I per diem rate.

Meals During Single-Day Trip

If travel is wholly within a single day and if the trip lasts 12 hours or more, then meal reimbursement is allowed. Reimbursement cannot exceed 75% of the daily M&I per diem rate. Meal reimbursements for singleday trips are reportable as income for CU employees.

In-State Travel Procedures

All travelers on University business—faculty, staff, students, and non-employees—will follow these procedures when in travel status within the state and in the immediate area outside Colorado that is a necessary part of an otherwise in-state trip: The traveler must always obtain prior approval to travel; for instate travel, this approval may be verbal.

In accordance with Internal Revenue Service requirements, the following reimbursements will be reported to the IRS as income:

•reimbursements that were not submitted through Concur within 90 days after the last day of travel completion; and,

•advances issued by the University if the subsequent Travel Voucher reconciling the advance was not submitted within 30 days of trip completion. (If the traveler needs to repay the University for a too-large advance, then this repayment must be made by personal check at the time that the Concur travel report is submitted.)

Out-Of-State and International Travel Procedures

Travel on sponsored program (grant) money requires approval from the Office of Grants and Contracts.

Please refer to for information on vehicle rental, lodging deposits, mileage reimbursements and travel advances and International travel.

Reimbursement is NOT appropriate for: •On-campus parking (Be sure to apply for re-entry privileges if you come & go to prevent payment more than once a day.)

•Parking tickets from the police

•Driving off-campus to have lunch with other professionals, even for purposes of business Lunch

•Other expenses that are denied by a dean (Please check in advance if you think there will be any concerns or questions!)


Alcoholic Beverages: Not reimbursable in general; only covered when part of an official function, when entertainment account funds are available, and when proper signatures have been obtained in advance. This requires an Official Function form regardless of dollar amount. Not to be paid with sponsored project funds unless authorized by the sponsor.

Lodging-Staying with Friends: Travelers who arrange private lodging (staying with friends/family) can be reimbursed up to $25/day for associated costs.

Meals During Single-Day Trip: If travel is wholly within a single day: Breakfast is reimbursable if business requires that traveler leave home before 5:00 a.m. Lunch is never reimbursable. Dinner is reimbursable if business requires that traveler return home after 8:00 p.m. Per IRS regulations, breakfast/dinner reimbursements for single-day trips are reported as income.

Mileage-Personal Vehicle: Reimbursable, using the current State rate of $0.51 per mile $.54 a mile for 4W drive vehicles.

'Mileage vs. Airfare-Traveler’s Option: 'Traveler will be reimbursed for driving cost (mileage, lodging, meal per diems) up to actual total flight cost (transportation to/from DIA, airfare, destination ground transportation). Calculation of airfare cost is based on lowest obtainable 14-day advance fare. Traveler must declare annual leave for any additional days required as a result of alternative travel.

Parking: Reimbursable when it is a necessary part of the trip, e.g., parking at traveler’s destination, parking at DIA.

Personal Expenses: Expenses incurred for traveler’s benefit—e.g., magazines, dry cleaning, movie rentals, other entertainment—are not reimbursable.

Procurement Card: University Visa. Not used for travel expenses. Exception: Can be used for conference/event registration, if accepted by vendor.

Receipts: Travelers must submit original itemized receipts (credit card receipts/statements are not acceptable) for all individual charges exceeding $25. Exceptions: All rental vehicle gas receipts required regardless of dollar amount. All receipts required for lodging except Lodging-Staying with Friends. No receipts needed to claim meal per diems. NOTE: The University is requesting an exemption from this rule. We will keep you updated on the status of the request.

Rental Car Expense: Rental Cars must be rented using the University travel card because it automatically provides insurance coverage. Receipts are always required for reimbursement of car rental costs and for rental car gasoline purchases regardless of dollar amount. (Note: If travel is covered by sponsored project funds, rental vehicle use will be determined by sponsor policies and may not be allowed).

Tax Implications: Per IRS regulations, the Concur expense reallocation and all supporting documentation must be received in the PSC Travel Office within 90 days of trip completion to avoid having reimbursement reported as income.

Telephone/Fax/Modem Line Charges: Charges for University business are reimbursable. You will receive $5.00 per day in incidentals – which includes any personal telephone charges.

Tips: Reasonable tips given to bellhops, porters, maids, and ground transportation personnel are reimbursable. Exception: Tips on meal service already included in the meal allowance and cannot be claimed separately. University Policy limits tips up to 20%. Toll Road Charges: These charges are a reimbursable expense.

Human Resources and Payroll Services

The SEHD HR and Payroll Services workgroup currently consists of:

Patricia Ball – Assistant Dean of Finance and HR (PATRICIA.BALL@UCDENVER.EDU)

Hiromi Agena – Associate Director of Budget and Finance (HIROMI.AGENA@UCDENVER.EDU)

She handles faculty payrolls; including faculty additional pay and coordinating summer pay. Other duties include position budgeting, and faculty moving expense reimbursements.

Kelley Patient – HR and Payroll Manager (KELLEY.PATIENT@UCDENVER.EDU)

Duties include: initiating personnel actions, recruiting, hiring, promotions, staff additional pay, progressive discipline, etc., staff performance management – professional plans and evaluations, coordinating lecturer pay, FML, Leave of Absence, Worker’s Comp, and Immigration.

Keiko Goldman – Business Services Coordinator (Finance & HR) (KEIKO.GOLDMAN@UCDENVER.EDU)

Duties include: onboarding/off-boarding employees, recordkeeping, communication, email/portal and sponsored user accounts.

Emilie Seneff – HR and Payroll Coordinator (EMILIE.SENEFF@UCDENVER.EDU)

Duties include: student hiring (including TAs, GAs/RAs and graduate part-time instructors), payroll and time reporting, onboarding/off-boarding employees, recordkeeping, communication, email/portal and sponsored user accounts.

Initiating a Search or New Hire

Go to SEHD IMPACT Site and in the Resources section click on “Human Resources Search Request” or “Human Resources Hire Request” to submit a request to initiate a search or request a new hire.


The university's benefits plan year runs from July 1 to June 30, with open enrollment typically in May. All questions regarding benefits should be directed to the University of Colorado Employee Services at 303.860.4200, option 3 or Toll Free 1-855-216-7740, or EMPLOYEESERVICES@CU.EDU.

If you are in a benefits-eligible position, you MUST submit an enrollment form within 31 days following date of hire, even if you DECLINE coverage. Otherwise, you will be automatically enrolled in default coverage. Refer to the campus Human Resources webpage for more information. Benefits options are explained at New Employee Orientation and New Faculty Orientation (fall start only).

UCD Access Portal


Log in to your UCD Access Portal with your university credentials. Under the CU Resources tab (if applicable), click on “Paychecks” on the Last Confirmed Check tile to access the pop-up menu, and then select Pay Advice. You can also view/update your direct deposit and W-4 under this section as well.


Log in to your UCD Access Portal with your university credentials. Under the CU Resources tab (if applicable), click on “Personal Details” on the Employee tile with your name on it to access the pop-up menu, then click on the relevant menu item to update your Home and Mailing Address, Emergency Contacts and Contact Details (phone numbers and email addresses).


The university requires all employees to take the following mandatory online trainings within three months of hire:

How to access training courses in the UCD Portal:

  1. Log-in to the UCD Access Employee Portal using university credentials
  2. Go to the CU Resources tab (if applicable)
  3. Select the Skillsoft tile
  4. In the Search bar, enter a key word or course title to locate a course

You may be required to take additional training depending on your role (e.g. supervising classified staff, grants & contracts, fiscal code of ethics, etc.).

Termination Of Employment

When employees terminate employment, an official written notification (which specifies the employee’s last day of employment) to the supervisor and the HR and Budget Director is required. The employee will also need to schedule an exit meeting with the HR and Payroll Coordinator for final business such as turning in keys, procurement/travel cards and identification. SEHD server/email access will be terminated at the end of the last date of employment, unless the employee has been a student at the university, in which case their email access will remain active.


Standard faculty appointments (tenure track and non-tenure track) are for one academic year, nine months. Starting with academic year 2022-2023, pay dates will shift to align with the academic year. For academic year 2022-2023, pay dates will be August 15, 2022 through May 12, 2023 (faculty are expected to start work one week before classes begin each semester).

What does pay look like:

  • 9 pay 9: Partial paycheck in August (start date is week before classes begin), equal paychecks between September and April, partial paycheck in May (end date is commencement).
  • 9 pay 12: Partial paycheck in August (start date is week before classes begin), equal paychecks between September and July, partial paycheck in August (end date is the Friday before the AY 2023-24 contract starts).
  • Please visit for a contract pay calculator. Enter Denver Campus and your total gross salary in the Contract Worth field. If you are 9 pay 9, your gross monthly pay is what appears in the CRG column. If you are 9 pay 12, your gross monthly pay is what appears in the Check Gross column.

For more information about contract pay timing in AY 2022-2023 and beyond, please read this campus announcement:

Faculty have the option to spread payroll over twelve months. The election form will be available in the UCD Access Portal every spring/summer for the next academic year. Once the choice has been communicated and payroll set up for the year, it cannot be changed until the next academic year. Summer work is on a separate contract.

Faculty and staff are paid on the last business day of each month.

Sick Leave Policy

Sick leave benefits shall be available to faculty on nine-month appointments. Nine-month faculty on a 100% appointment will accrue eleven (11) days (88 hours) of sick leave annually, beginning on the first day of their eligible appointment. Eligible faculty who are on a part-time (less than a 100%) appointment accrue sick leave on a prorated basis. Eligible faculty on leave without pay, except for military leave without pay and furloughs, do not accrue sick leave. Sick leave is tracked manually by SEHD HR. Please notify the SEHD HR team ( if you must take any sick leave. If you will miss 3 or more days, please contact the SEHD HR team for FMLA information.

Sick and FMLA policy documents can be found here:

Employees who are on a 12-month appointment (associate/assistant deans, 12-month research faculty, professional research assistants, classified and university staff) must submit leave requests to their supervisor through their employee portal. Monthly employees must submit a timesheet electronically through their portal by the 5th day of each month (for leave taken the previous month). Please contact the SEHD HR team for training, technical assistance, or questions.

Summer Payroll

Faculty with separate summer appointments are paid on varying schedules according to their assignments. The basis of summer pay* is the number of credit hours of the course. Currently, a faculty member will receive $6,000 per three credit hour course (up to two courses) that meets minimum enrollment (see pro-rated calculations below). In rare instances, the dean may approve teaching a third course, in which case pay will be calculated at the lecturer rate. Please note that under enrolled courses may be canceled and pay is prorated for under enrolled courses that have not been canceled. Faculty may earn up to 3/9ths (33.33%) of their previous academic year salary in the summer, through teaching, administrative, and grant pay. Per university policy, faculty are allowed to receive up to 1/9th (11.11%) of their AY salary each month in the summer. Your summer pay spread will be stated on your summer contract. The faculty pay policy can be found on the Human Resources website: Compensation - Downtown Campus updated 2-18-10.pdf Compensation - Downtown Campus updated 2-18-10.pdf

Summer Pay & Pro-Rate Calculations for Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty

For undergraduate & graduate level courses:

•$6,000 (Full Pay)

•$4,000 (8-11 students enrolled)

•$3,000 OR CANCEL (7 or fewer students enrolled)

For doctoral level courses:

•$6,000 (Full Pay)

•$4,000 (6-9 students enrolled)

•$3,000 OR CANCEL (MINIMUM of 5 students enrolled)


Faculty members must submit a completed Additional Pay Pre-Approval form to the SEHD Payroll Liaison (Hiromi Agena) at least two weeks prior to starting the work (we request as much lead time as possible).

Please contact Hiromi for the current form, which requires signatures from the Program Representative, the Associate Dean, and the Dean. Please keep in mind that additional pay during the academic year is limited to 10% of your academic year salary. For more detail on this University policy, please see the University of Colorado Faculty Handbook.

You may also obtain the campus rules regarding additional remuneration in the faculty compensation policy.


From Regents Policy 5.C.4: With prior written approval by the dean or appropriate campus authority, faculty members shall be permitted to receive additional remuneration from sources outside the university so long as the activities generating the income do not exceed one-sixth of their time and effort (one-sixth rule FAQs ). Outside work during leaves of absence shall be of concern only to the individual and the entity by which they are employed.

SEHD HR will post a reminder on Impact regarding the Declaration of Outside Consulting Form (download found in the “One-Sixth Rule” section) every fall and spring for pre-approval of your outside consulting pay. If other consulting opportunities arise during the academic year, please submit a new form prior to starting the work.

Student Employment

Please see the SEHD Student Hiring Guidehere or here:

Student hourly employees (excluding PhD RAs funded from a grant) are generally limited to working 25 hours/week during the academic year and 40 hours/week during the summer across all positions on all campuses. For full policy on student work hours, visit the Wiki here: or the Student Employment Site here.

Complete an online request form to submit a request to post a student position or request a new student hire.

For more information on student employment, please contact the SEHD HR and Payroll Coordinator ( A complete Request to Hire form must be submitted to the SEHD HR and Payroll Coordinator PRIOR to any offer of employment or initiation of work.

Information Management

Marketing and Communications

SEHD’s marketing office is responsible for collaborating with SEHD faculty, staff, students and alumni as well as University Communications, CU Online and the CU Foundation to advance SEHD’s image and standing among wide-ranging target audiences. Julia Cummings is the marketing director. Please reach out to her if you have a marketing need or question at / 303-315-6339. The marketing office creates and help supports:

  • Marketing plans and strategy
  • Advertising
  • Branding
  • Electronic communications
  • Event websites and RSVPs
  • Graphic design
  • Photography
  • Press releases and PR (media inquiries and pitches)
  • Print materials (information sheets, flyers, SEHD publications)
  • Purchasing of promotional items
  • Social media
  • Sponsorships
  • Story ideas and writing of stories for Edge magazine, CU Denver News, CU Connections
  • Videos
  • Website content (Please email with your web needs/suggestions. SEHD’s tech team will involve marketing as needed for the drafting of web copy, approvals, coordination with academic services, copyedits, etc.)

Assessment and Program Improvement

The SEHD Office of Assessment and Program Improvement is responsible for supporting and facilitating high quality assessment practice and program improvement efforts within the SEHD. The Assessment Office also serves as a liaison between the SEHD and other University offices and between the SEHD, CDE, and CDHE. The Office is also responsible for supporting activities related to the accreditation and reauthorization of SEHD programs. For assistance related to the responsibilities of this office visit the web site at:; or contact the Executive Director of Assessment and Program Improvement, Julie Oxenford-O'Brian, 303-315-6352, LSC 723 or the Senior Data Analyst and Assessment System Manager, Tony Romero,, 303-315-6246, LSC 724.


All SEHD programs have identified key assessments (sometimes called performance-based assessments, PBAs) and scoring rubrics that provide evidence of valued student learning objectives as part of course offerings and clinical experiences. Program faculty members are responsible for using their programs’ key assessments and ensuring that adjunct faculty members do as well. Key program assessments are managed through the SEHD Assessment management system, LiveText by Waternark. Faculty can link the assessment tasks and scoring rubrics for their key assessments to their Canvas course shells so that student results are automatically entered into the SEHD Assessment management system. Program faculty are expected to regularly review the key program-level assessments and rubrics to ensure they are current and appropriate. The Office of Assessment and Program Improvement provides training, support videos and job aides to assist faculty with the development, scoring and administration of key program assessments as needed and upon request. The Assessment Office also administers LiveText by Watermark accounts for faculty and students.

Assessment Office staff members participate in the campus Assessment Committee; staff serve as the SEHD liaison to the University Assessment Office, providing a communication mechanism for faculty and staff to this group.


The Assessment Office administers surveys to all students as they graduate/complete including items common across all programs (related to their experiences at SEHD and a social justice scale) and items specific to their experiences within their program. The Office administers additional surveys to students one, two and three years after the graduate/complete and to employers of SEHD students. In addition, the office surveys initial licensure students when they begin their program.

The Assessment Office manages SEHD accounts for the Qualtrics on-line survey tool that is available to faculty, staff and students. Please email if you require access.

Assessment office staff members also participate in the University Survey Working Group serving as a liaison for faculty and staff to this group.


The SEHD Assessment office works in coordination with the Institutional Research office to provide access to a wide variety of program-level data to program faculty and staff to support on-going improvement efforts. This includes program assessment results, Praxis results, application/admission/matriculation trend data, enrollment trend data, completion trend data, student-exit-survey results, alumni-satisfaction-survey results, and graduate placement and persistence data (as available). Faculty and staff can access data reports through the following resources:

  • Student application, enrollment and completion dashboards are available at ; note to access you must be on-campus or using VPN, sign on using standard login and password; select the “university” site, and then the School of Education and Human Development dashboards.
  • Student program assessment results/reports are available through LiveText by Watermark (you must sign-in to your account).

Assessment Office staff members facilitate periodic analysis/interpretation of school-wide performance data as part of Program Leader and Faculty and Staff meetings. Program faculty or administrators who would like additional consultation or assistance related to program improvement/evaluation can contact the Office of Assessment and Program Improvement.


To meet the statutory requirements for the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), the University requires each program area and the SEHD to submit reports for each degree major on student outcomes assessment and program improvement annually (in the fall). The Assessment Office supports program faculty in this process by facilitating access to reports on student performance on key program-level assessments during the previous 12-month period, and other program enrollment and completing reports through the above dashboards and reporting systems. The Assessment Office is also the liaison for SEHD to the university-wide HLC accreditation visit preparation and reporting, scheduled for Spring 2021.

The Assessment office supports and coordinates the external reauthorization process for SEHD K-12 licensure and endorsement programs with the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) and the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE). The Assessment Office also supports program faculty in quality assessment practice, data collection and reporting as required by other national accrediting agencies (e.g., CACREP, COAMFTE, and APA).

The office also fulfills all external data reporting requirements for federal, national, and state agencies and other national performance reports (e.g., U.S. News Annual Graduate Program Rankings).


Faculty or staff with additional data reporting needs should contact the Office of Assessment and Program Improvement. Be prepared to discuss the purpose, specific data elements, timeframe, and reporting format with Office staff so that the resulting data fit your needs. Whenever possible, allow sufficient lead time for staff to meet your data request, particularly with large requests. The Assessment Office works closely with campus Institutional Research and Registrar’s Office staff to coordinate the completion of data requests

Information & Academic Technology

SEHD Website

SEHD’s website is located at The website is managed by a team of individuals including Web Developer Matt Mitchell, Assistant Dean Brad Hinson and Director of Marketing Julia Cummings. The website team is always open to accepting your feedback to improve the site. If you have a major content changes that need to occur, (I.e. promoting new SEHD degrees, minors, etc.), please reach out to Julia Cummings. She will help you with the web content in conjunction with an overall marketing effort for the new offering. If you see other changes that need to occur, (I.e. adding new course forms, changing admission deadlines, adding new faculty/staff to the website directory, changing the navigation on a page), please contact SEHDHELP@UCDENVER.EDU. Matt will also be leading an effort to redesign the SEHD website in 2016-17.

SEHD Impact


The SEHD IMPACT website is aimed at faculty and staff and provides updates on SEHD, as well as the campus as a whole. Other postings include what’s new with your colleagues, announcements, meeting minutes and more. A daily newsletter is sent out via email at the end of each day that highlights new posts. You can access the site by following this link: [1]


The IMPACT also contains a knowledge base that houses important documents and information provided by the budget & finance team, academic/faculty affairs, committees and human resources. You can access the these resources by following this link: [2]

Meeting Minutes

Meeting minutes should be sent to, after each of following meetings: Faculty Meetings, Administration & Management Team, Leadership & Finance Team, Program Leaders, Staff Advisory Council, Diversity Committee, Curriculum Committee, Student Committee, Doctoral Program or any other relevant meetings.

Adding to Impact

To submit a post, meeting minutes, event photos, an addition to the resources page, email SEHDhelp@UCDENVER.EDU. With general questions, please contact Kelly Ragland, Assistant to the Associate Deans at 303-315-0086 or by email at KELLY.RAGLAND@UCDENVER.EDU. For urgent posts when Kelly is not available, please email Brad Hinson: BRAD.HINSON@UCDENVER.EDU.

Contacting The Repository Manager

The repository is managed by Kelly Ragland, Assistant to the Associate Deans, 303-315-0086, Kelly.Ragland@UCDENVER.EDU.

Faculty Profiles

To set up your faculty profile, which contains information from your CV, and expands exposure of faculty scholarship, please email the repository manager your most current CV (see above). Your profile will not be populated unless you give permission to do so. The repository manager will populate your page with information from your CV and work with you to enhance your profile. You have the option to be trained on creating/managing your own profile if you wish to do so. Faculty profiles are updated annually with CVs submitted in your annual review, but you may send scholarship additions at any time. To view current faculty profiles, follow this link:

Scholarship by Program Area/Discipline

Each program area has its own “collection” on the site that houses scholarship from that department’s faculty and information on the program itself. Program leaders should make sure to keep the page updated by contacting the repository manager. To view Faculty Scholarship by program area, follow this link:

Data Management & Collaboration

The repository is also used by various faculty and the research centers to store various types of data for public access or protected by password. In addition, SOURCE can be used to collaborate with individuals on projects, etc. on or off-campus. Please contact the repository manager for more information.

Courses on Source

You may add any course materials you wish to display publically or protected by password in order to boost your scholarship or to complement a course. You may also post student work examples, with permission from student, to the site. Please contact the repository manager for more information.

Already Have Digital Commons Account?

If you already have a current digital commons account from a previous institution, please contact the repository manager to change the email on the account to your UC Denver email address.

Other Important Information

SEHD Meeting Calendar

A calendar of activities is distributed to all faculty and staff before the fall semester begins and includes all regularly scheduled meetings that include the faculty as a whole, program and committee meetings. Special events and important deadlines and information are announced in bi-weekly updates sent by the Dean’s Office through email to all SEHD faculty and staff.

Emergencies and Security Issues

In case of an on-campus emergency or immediate safety hazard, call 911 from any campus phone. If calling from a cell phone or off-campus phone, please call Auraria Campus Police at 303-556-5000.

All CU Denver employees are covered by the Colorado Workers’ Compensation Act for any injury or illness arising out of the course of employment with the University.

Get appropriate medical treatment as follows:

- For an EMERGENCY call 911 or go to the closest urgent care facility or emergency room. - For a non-emergency or any follow-up medical care, you must seek treatment with a Designated Medical Provider (DMP). - Establish contact with your supervisor or faculty sponsor/designee to: * Ensure they are aware of your injury/illness. * Report any time you have lost work because of the injury/illness. * Bring any medical reports you receive to these contacts so they have verification of your ability to return to work. - Follow instructions from the DMP regarding medications, restrictions and treatment. - Attend all medical appointments. If you have medical questions, discuss them with the DMP. - The assigned adjuster may or may not contact you regarding your claim. If you have additional questions or concerns contact the URM main office at 303-860-5682 or toll free at 888-812-9601.

In case of fire alarm or bomb threat, all building occupants MUST leave the building immediately until the threat is over. This includes participants in any and all meetings and classes that might be in session at the time. If the tornado alarm sounds, everyone should move to the first floor, preferably to a stairwell or some other inside location away from windows. To protect yourself and your property at work, please take the following steps:

•When in the building outside regular business hours, keep your office locked at all times.

•When using the copy room or any other office, do not leave these doors unlocked or ajar.


Unfortunately, a number of thefts are reported on campus and in our building each semester, so please DO NOT leave valuables unattended even for brief periods. Every office should have a locking cabinet or drawer for valuables. If you are on campus late and would like to be escorted to your car, call the Night Rider Service at 303-556-2001. An officer will meet you at the building entrance and escort you. If you lock yourself out of your office and no one is available to let you in, contact the security officer on the first floor. You will be asked to show your campus ID.

General Maintenance and Repairs

For general maintenance and repair, including burnt-out light bulbs, heating/cooling problems, restroom maintenance, etc., please call Facilities Dispatch at 303-315-7777, or email them at DC_FACILITIES_DISPATCH@UCDENVER.EDU. You can also submit a work request into their ticket system by signing in online using your university credentials.

SEHD Kitchens

The kitchens are for the use of all School of Education & Human Development faculty and staff. All efforts to keep this area clean are appreciated. Please do not leave dirty dishes in the kitchens, if you need to soak your dishes, please keep them in your office while doing so. The refrigerator is emptied of all unlabeled food on a regular basis. Anyone who uses the refrigerator is requested to take an occasional turn cleaning the kitchen. Please do not encourage students to use the kitchens. There is a café as well as vending machines and a microwave, located on the first floor of the Lawrence Street Center for student use. Each SEHD kitchen on the 6th, 7th and 11th floors have a carpet sweeper for use between vacuuming. Please make sure to return the sweeper to the kitchen when you are finished.

Shared Spaces

Because our space is extremely limited, it is important that we respect shared classroom/meeting areas and our colleagues who may have meetings directly following our own. In all SEHD spaces, the meeting facilitator is responsible for leaving rooms as they were found. Food and drink may not be left in a room and tables should be wiped down. Housekeeping will only empty the trash receptacles. If a caterer is contracted, the meeting coordinator is to ensure timely pick up of leftovers and dishes. Clean-up is NOT a staff responsibility.

If during an event the carpet is soiled to the point that cleaning is necessary, charges for the cleaning will be transferred to the account of the program/area that reserved the space.

APPENDIX A: Checklist for Getting Started

The following information was compiled to assist in your orientation and acclimation to the School. Please refer to the Table of Contents for direction to detailed information on each of the areas listed below.

Benefits Enrollment

You will receive benefits enrollment information and forms at Faculty/New Employee Orientation the week before fall classes begin. The Center for Faculty Development will contact you with date/time/information. If you are in a benefits-eligible position, you MUST submit an enrollment form within 31 days following date of hire, even if you DECLINE coverage. Otherwise, you will be automatically enrolled in default coverage. Refer to the campus Human Resources web site to register for New Employee Orientation, where they will explain all of your benefits options.

The university's benefits plan year runs from July 1 to June 30, with open enrollment in May.

All questions regarding benefits should be directed to the University of Colorado Employee Services at 303.860.4200 or Toll Free 1-855-216-7740, or EMPLOYEESERVICES@CU.EDU.

Business Cards

Once you have your office phone number and email address, you can order business cards.

Business cards should be ordered using the following link:

Childcare on Campus

Contact the Auraria Early Learning Center, 303-556-3188.


Contact the SEHD Tech Team at SEHDHELP@UCDENVER.EDU for Technology Services. For more information on Outlook, connecting from home, connecting to the SEHD server, and computer maintenance and repair, please refer to the Information and Academic Technology section of this Handbook.

Copy Machine Codes

Copiers are located on the 6th, 7th, and 11th floors. You must have a code tomake copies. Copy codes must be obtained from Daisy Salazar. All large copy orders (100 pages or more) should be submitted for processing through Academic Services. Please give at least two business days BEFORE large copy orders are needed.


If you are interested in riding the bus, you can obtain an EcoPass for the RTD system from Parking and Transportation Services which is located on 7th Street and Lawrence Way. You will need to sign a form that authorizes a monthly payroll deduction for the EcoPass, pay the first month up front, and then you will receive a bus pass.


Your email account will be automatically provisioned when your appointment is entered in the payroll system. Kelley Patient will email your login information to you.

Faculty ID

Obtain a campus ID form from Kelley Patient in LSC 1147. You will need your campus ID to pick up your office keys, for parking and accessing library services, so please obtain it as soon as possible.

Fitness Center

Staff and faculty can obtain access to the wellness center (for a fee), including basketball courts, racquetball courts, swimming pool, weight room, and aerobic classes. You can also rent a locker.


The Assistant to the Dean will submit a key request to Facilities Management for your office key(s). It usually takes 2-3 business days for key requests to be completed. Once the keys are ready, you must go to Facilities Management on the 3rd floor of the Lawrence Street Center to pick them up and you must show your employee ID.


Mail for full-time faculty and staff is distributed to the mailboxes on the floor where that person’s office is located – Mailboxes for faculty and staff on the 6th floor are located in 605; on the 7th floor mailboxes are located in Academic Services in 701 (staff mailboxes are across from the reception desk and faculty mailboxes are in the work area by 716); mailboxes on the 11th floor are located in the kitchen (1132). Lecturers and adjunct faculty will have a mail slot located in Academic Services outside office LSC 716.

Onboarding Process

Before any work begins, all employees must work with Kelley Patient to complete the hiring process, including W 4, I-9, employee information sheet, payroll information, direct deposit, and employee ID form.


See the Administrative Services section of this Handbook.

Library Account Set-Up

Once you have your employee ID, you will be able to check books out of the library. If you are not already in the computer, they will set up your account for you with your ID. The library has a great website describing all of the services offered: // can also search the catalogs on line.

UCD Access

This is the employee portal and can be accessed at: //

This is where you access your monthly pay information; update your contact information, tax withholding, or direct deposit information; and access University systems, such as Marketplace, and Concur. Your UCD Access account is automatically provisioned at the same time as your email account.


Each floor has basic office supplies available.

  • 6th Floor: In the mailroom (605) – the three cabinets underneath the mailboxes; also in the 6th floor meeting/work space across from the windows of classroom 648 (the three cabinets underneath the printer station)
  • 7th Floor: The cabinets in the work/color copier area near faculty mailboxes (across from 717)
  • 11th Floor: Storage closet 1144 (next to the Assistant to the Dean office) If you cannot find what you are looking for, submit a purchase request: Purchasing Request Form


See the Assistant to the Dean to activate the phone line in your office if there is not already one active.

Text Books

  • Check on - You may want to check to make sure that the textbooks you requested for your classes have arrived and that there are enough books for the number of students enrolled in the class.
  • Order - Contact the Auraria Book Center at 303-556-3230.

APPENDIX B: Useful Contacts

Contact:PhoneMore Information
Auraria Book Store 303-556-3230Tivoli, 2nd floor
Auraria Police Emergency Dispatch
Campus Closure 303-556-2401
Campus Recreation 303-556-3210PER Events / Recreation Center, Room 108
Campus and Personal Safety
911 (emergency)

724-4444 (non-emergency)
CU Online 303-315-3700LSC12th Floor, CUONLINEHELP@UCDENVER.EDU

Canvas login:
CU Employee Services 860-4200

Facilities Management (keys) 303-315-2205LSC 3rd Floor
ID Card 303-315-0010LSC 1147
Office of Information Technology 303-724-4357LSC 12th Floor
Library 303-556-2805
Locksmith 303-556-42961156 7th St. in Facilities Management Building
Parking Services 303-556-2000Located in the Parking & Transportation Center, on the NE corner of 7th Street & Lawrence Way
SEHD Academic Services 303-315-6308LSC 7th Floor
SEHD Dean’s Office 303-315-6345LSC 1149
SEHD Human Resources 303-315-0010SEHDHR@UCDENVER.EDU
SEHD Student Services Center 303-315-6300LSC 701
SEHD Technology Support 303-315-6350

Tuition Benefit for Employees

APPENDIX C: Common Terms

Census Date: Census date is an official campus-wide date that falls approximately two and one-half weeks after the first day of class in each term. Census date is the deadline for several processes, including registering via UCDAccess, adding classes without instructor and Dean approvals, dropping classes (with tuition adjustment), requesting No Credit or Pass/Fail grades, registering for candidate for degree, applying for graduation, submitting the faculty/staff waiver, and petitioning for reduction in dissertation hours.

D1: Courses offered on campus, through the regular course schedule and registration process, with standard CU Denver tuition rates.

D2: Continuing and Professional Education courses and conferences. D2 activities can be for credit or not for credit and may carry Continuing Education Units (CEUs). This is an entrepreneurial arm of the School of Education & Human Development, providing educational opportunities annually to approximately 3500 students.

Tenure Track Facultyare full-time, tenured or tenure-track faculty members holding the rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor. Tenure track faculty members need to have regular (or, in some rare cases, “special”) appointments to the CU Denver Graduate Faculty.

Senior Instructors or Clinical Teaching Track Professors (assistant, associate or full) are not on tenure-track appointments. Most senior instructors teach full time and have no responsibility for research, while Clinical Teaching Professors have limited research responsibility. Some have grants that permit grant-related work. They have the same service responsibilities that tenure track faculty have. Senior instructors and clinical teaching track professors need to be eligible for “special” appointment to the CU Denver Graduate Faculty.

Research Professors can hold the rank of Assistant Research Professor, Associate Research Professor, or Research Professor. These faculty are typically responsible for grant-related work on a full time basis.

Lecturers may teach up to six credits per semester in the fall and spring and summer. Unlike tenure track faculty and faculty who are senior instructors, there are no additional expectations for lecturers, such as student advising, research, internal and external service, and so on. Lecturers need to be eligible for “special” appointment to the CU Denver Graduate Faculty.

Adjunct faculty members teach according to the lecturer guidelines above. In addition, an adjunct faculty member receives a stipend to assist the program faculty with specifically defined activities that may include student advising, program or curriculum development, preparation of accreditation reports, and so on. Adjunct faculty members need to be eligible for “special” appointment to the CU Denver Graduate Faculty.

Locations of Courses: On-campus courses are courses offered through the regular SEHD registration process, and meet in classrooms on the Auraria campus. Off-campus state funded courses are part of SEHD programs that are outside of the Denver metropolitan area. Examples of sites where these programs have been located are Durango, Glenwood Springs, and Canon City. Off-campus courses are Continuing and Professional Education courses that are held off campus in places typically arranged by those who set up the courses.

Types of Courses: Most courses offered by the School of Education & Human Development fall into CCHE's “Type A, Lecture” category. “Type A, Lecture” courses must provide 750 minutes of instructional time per credit hour, per semester. Thus, a typical 3-credit-hour course must provide 2250 minutes of instructional time during the semester it is taught. This translates to meeting for 15 weeks when a class is three hours in length. Other SEHD courses–such as practicum, internships, independent studies, and doctoral dissertations–fall into the “Type B” category.

APPENDIX D: Graduate Program Procedures

Admission to Candidacy

Doctoral students submit their form upon completion of coursework and passing the comprehensive exam. The deadline is listed on the University of Colorado Denver Academic Calendar. The application is available online. The application should be signed by the student’s advisor and submitted to Academic Services.

Comprehensive Examination/ Thesis Defense

Students must be registered for a class or 1 credit Candidate for Degree during the term they take their comprehensive exam. The comprehensive exam is considered to be a time exam, project, portfolio, or take-home exam. The signed examination reports require a committee of three members of the graduate faculty. The dissertation proposal defense serves as the comprehensive exam for EdD students. DeadlinesThe School of Education & Human Development deadlines (for filling the Admission to Candidacy, for scheduling and holding the Comprehensive Examination, for thesis format review, and for filing the thesis) are published each semester in the Academic Calendar.Graduate CoursesAll courses that count toward a graduate degree must be approved by the degree-granting graduate program. At least 30 hours must be considered of graduate rank and must be 5000 level or above.

Minimum GPA

A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required in courses applied to a degree program. Grades of B- or better are accepted for the master’s degree program unless the program specifies otherwise (field courses may require a higher grade). Courses applied to a graduate degree may not be taken pass/fail (unless acceptable by program specific requirements.)


If a student’s cumulative GPA falls below 3.0, the Master's EdS student will be placed on academic probation. In the semester following placement on probation, the student’s course work. GPA must be at least 3.0 or the student will be suspended. At the end of two semesters after being placed on probation, the student must raise his/her cumulative GPA to 3.0 or he/she will be suspended.


If a student does not register for three consecutive terms, he/she will need to be readmitted before registering for classes. At a minimum, this involves the student filling out an application for readmission if away less than 3 years or applying again as a new applicant if away for more than 3 years. Instructions for readmission are here.

Time Limits

Degrees must be completed within seven years for Master’s/EdS students and eight years for Ed.D, PsyD, and Ph.D. students (ten years with approved leaves of absences).

Transfer Credits

Up to nine credit hours can be transferred with approval into SEHD Maser's/EdS programs. Up to 18 transfer credit hours or credit hours taken as a non-degree student may be applied toward a Ph.D. degree. See transfer form here for full transfer policies.

APPENDIX E: Syllabus Template

Click here for the CU Denver and SEHD syllabus policies and templates.

APPENDIX F: Student Academic Appeals

School of Education and Human Development

Student Committee Appeals Process


One purpose of the Student Committee (SC) is to review students' academic appeals regarding retention, disenrollment, dismissal and other academic matters such as grade appeal, academic dishonesty, or honor code issues. The committee assumes an impartial and unbiased stance toward all participants in the academic appeal process, and focuses on adherence to university policy and basic standards of fairness and professionalism. Appeals are heard by this committee at the written request of an SEHD student. Appeals may originate from students in any degree or licensure program in the SEHD to which the student has been admitted. The SC’s decision will be communicated to the student, faculty involved in the decision under appeal, the Associate Dean who oversees the program, and the Dean. The SC’s decision will be considered final unless the student chooses to appeal directly to the Dean according to the procedures outlined below.

Committee Composition

The committee is composed of faculty members from multiple SEHD programs and one SEHD staff representative. Typically, faculty members serve for two years, with the possibility of continuing to serve longer. Each year a committee chair is elected from the members of the SC. The chair directs regular SC meetings and, in conjunction with the Director of Academic Services and/or his/her designee, advises students and faculty on SC policies and procedures and schedules the committee for appeal hearings.

Student Academic Appeals

The SC hears appeals that relate directly to academic issues. These issues may include, but are not limited to:

•dismissal from an SEHD degree program;

•grade appeals and problems related to course grades;

•appeals related to comprehensive examinations or activities and qualifying examinations or activities;

•academic honor code issues.

The SC might refer non-academic appeals to other avenues of appeal, including, but not limited to:

•sexual harassment or discrimination of any kind - CU Denver Civil Rights Officer;

•financial concerns - Bursar's Office or Financial Aid;

•student conduct - Student Code of Conduct;

•teacher licensure - Colorado Department of Education; other, or more general concerns - CU Denver Ombuds Office.

When appeals are reviewed by the committee, only materials directly relevant to the appeal will be considered. The student and the faculty member or members involved in the appeal should keep documentation of and materials related to the appeal for a period of five years from the beginning of the semester in which the issue(s) relevant to the appeal began. An official file of all materials will be kept by the SEHD (see “Retention of Academic Appeals Materials” below).

Faculty Participants in Student Academic Appeals

Faculty participants in the academic appeal process are those faculty members who have been part of the decision making process under appeal, witness(es) to student/faculty discussions, administrators and other CU Denver officials as required for purposes of clarity, safety and procedural propriety. Other examples of participants include a course instructor or instructors, program area faculty, internship supervisors, and program teams.

'Student Participants in the Student Academic Appeals Process '

Student participants in the academic appeals process are the student who has filed an appeal for the SC to review and another person to accompany the grievant to Appeal Level 3 (if applicable). The other person may be a friend, colleague, classmate or faculty member, but not a member of the SEHD staff.

Academic Appeal Procedures

Appeal Level One–Initial Decision

1. The first step in an appeal is for the student to meet with the faculty member or members who made the decision the student wishes to contest. Issues pertaining to the student's grade or performance, evaluation criteria for decision making or differences of opinion that exist should be discussed in an attempt to work through the disagreement. This first step of meeting with faculty member(s) should take place as soon as possible after the precipitating decision and in no case later than 30 days after the end of the term in which this decision took place. All such initial meetings should be attended by at least one additional (neutral) CU Denver faculty member or administrator who will serve as observer and note-taker. Appeal Level Two–Student Committee Review

- If the issue remains unresolved after the student/faculty member meeting, the student may appeal to the SC through a written request submitted to the chair of the SEHD SC within 30 days after the meeting with faculty member(s) outlined in Appeal Level 1 above. Academic Services may offer advice to the student regarding how to compose and file the appeal. The written appeal must be in the form of a letter submitted by the student to the SC Chair describing the complaint in detail. The letter should answer these questions:

a.What is the term/year you are appealing? Note: Appeals should be submitted within one semester following the occurrence of the academic issue being appealed. See number 4 below.

b.What, exactly, is being appealed? Clearly provide the course number and title for a grade appeal or the specific program for retention, dismissal, or honor code appeal.

c.What are your specific objections to the decision under appeal? Refer to specifics on the course syllabus or to specific program or SEHD policies and procedures, handbooks, forms and signed documents.

d.What is the rationale for your objections? Provide a succinct narrative which clearly indicates why you believe the decision under appeal was not appropriate. Refer to the available materials (e.g. syllabi, policies and procedures documents) as appropriate in providing your rationale. Focus specifically on your individual appeal and refrain from referring to other students or faculty.

e.What changes do you request and what are your specific reasons to support your request? Indicate clearly what you believe would be a fair resolution to the issue under appeal.

- As noted above, the letter of appeal should be submitted within 30 days following the meeting with the faculty member or members outlined in the first level of the appeal process. The SC chair will review the appeal letter and request further information if necessary, and, if he/she deems the appeal to be within the purview of the committee, will forward the letter to SC committee members and the Associate Dean responsible for the program to which the student was admitted. If the letter is submitted between the end of the spring and the beginning of the fall semester, the letter will be reviewed at the first SC meeting in the fall semester. Academic appeals will be reviewed and responded to during the months of September through November and February until the first week in May.
- The faculty member or members named in the student’s appeal will be notified of the student’s appeal and provided with a copy of the student’s appeal letter. The faculty member or members will respond to the appeal in a written statement to the SC within 14 days of their receipt of the notification of appeal. Exceptions to this 14-day limit may be allowed in special circumstances if the SC deems appropriate. Additionally, all parties involved in the appeal may receive copies of all submitted documentation pertaining to this case on a need-to-know basis as determined by the SC chair.
- The student's written appeal request (containing all required information) and faculty response will be reviewed by the SC at their next regularly scheduled meeting. The SC chair may ask for additional materials as needed.
- If students or faculty member/members fail to provide requested information in writing, the SC will proceed based on the available evidence.
- The SC will reach a decision based on the documentation. The SC’s decision will be communicated in writing to the student, faculty member/members, and Dean within 14 days of the SC decision. If deemed appropriate by the SC, a formal appeal hearing may be scheduled for the next regular meeting time of the SC. A majority vote of the SC is necessary in order to schedule a formal appeal hearing

Appeal Level Three–Student Committee Formal Hearing

1.At the appeal hearing, the student and the faculty member/members both have the opportunity to make a 20-minute (maximum) oral presentation.

2.During the appeal hearing, SC members may request further information or ask questions.

3.The student and faculty member/members may bring one advocate to the appeal hearing. This individual may listen, take notes and advise the student but may not present to the committee. Advocates may be faculty, classmates, students or friends, but may not be staff members of SEHD. In addition, the SC may also request the presence of any administrators and/or other university officials as required for purposes of clarity, safety and procedural propriety.

4.The SC will review all information and render a timely decision. In most cases, and depending on their scheduled meetings, the SC will reach a decision within 40 days after the appeal hearing. Neither the student nor the faculty member or members involved in the appeal may be present, or consulted by, the SC during these deliberations.

5.The student and faculty member or members will be notified by letter within 45 days of the concluding decision of the SC. A copy of this decision will be forwarded to the Dean of the SEHD.

Appeal Level Four–Dean, School of Education & Human Development

The student or faculty member’s next level of appeal is the Dean of the SEHD. Appeals materials provided to the SC will be shared with the Dean. The Dean may also request additional information as needed. This appeal to the Dean must occur within 30 days of the SC decision.

Student Committee composition for formal appeal hearings•A SEHD Associate Dean serves as the non-voting committee convener during the formal appeal hearing.

•A majority of voting members or their appointed substitutes must be present for the formal appeal hearing.

•The student, the faculty member/members and the SC may each have one non-voting representative at the appeal hearing. This representative may listen and advise but not participate in the presentations to the committee. The representative may not be a staff member of SEHD. In addition, the SC may request the presence of any administrators and/or other university officials as required for purposes of clarity, safety and procedural propriety.

•Both the involved faculty member/members and the student may be present during the entire appeal hearing.

•If a SC member has extensive knowledge of the case or the student (e.g. is a member of the decision team which is being appealed or is the student’s advisor) he or she will be asked to recues him or herself from the appeal hearing.

•Appeal hearings may be video or audio taped only if all parties at the hearing agree to this procedure. Requests for video or audio taping must be made in writing, addressed to the SC committee chair and received at least one week before a hearing is scheduled. The chair will contact participants for a yes or no vote and alert all participants of the outcome of the vote prior to the meeting.

Retention of Academic Appeal Materials

SEHD responsibilities

All materials related to an academic appeal, including written statements from students and faculty, written decisions by the SC and requests for materials from the Dean of the SEHD and the CU Denver Graduate School will be housed in a secure confidential file in the Academic Services Office. This official file will be maintained under the name of the student originating the appeal. The official file will be retained for at least five years.

Student responsibilities

The student is responsible for keeping copies of all written materials submitted to both the faculty member and members and those submitted to the SC. It would be appropriate for the student to keep records of times, dates, content of conversations and suggested solutions discussed during the process of trying to resolve the problem.

Faculty responsibilities

The faculty member or members should keep copies of all written materials related to student appeal. This would include student letters, responses, and course or program documents related to the appeal. It is also recommended that faculty members keep records of times, dates, content of conversations and suggested solutions discussed during the process of trying to resolve the problem with a student.

APPENDIX G: Forms Used for Academic Services

SEHD Master's/EdS forms can be found here

Registrar forms can be found here


Instructors submit grade changes via the UCDAccess faculty portal. Therefore, the “change of record” form is only used when the instructor is unable to make changes in UCDAccess (for example if an instructor no longer works for CU Denver.) If needed, the “change of record” form can be used for changing Is, Ws, IPs, to letter grades or for retroactively withdrawing (W grade from retroactive term.) The form is initiated by faculty and submitted to Academic Services Office for Authority signature. Be sure to complete all appropriate sections. The student may not carry this form to Academic Services or the Registrar's Office.

COURSE VALIDATION FORM Any Master's/EdS coursework take n that will be more than 7 years prior to completion of a M aster’s or EDS must be evaluated and deemed current. The validation process is determined by the Faculty Advisor of the students’ graduate program. Work completed more th a n 7 years prior to graduation will not be accepted for the degree unless validated by a sp ecia examination or projectc covering the content areas of the course. The examining faculty must include the faculty advisor and at least one program area faculty from the content area of the course prefix.


This form is used to waive a required Master's/EdS course when the course (or a similar one) was or is taken in place of a required course in the student’s program of study. It must be approved by the fauculty advisor, and submitted to the Academic Services Advisor.


The form can be downloaded from the Colorado Department of Education website at or obtained at Once all grades are posted for licensure/endorsement requirements and all exams are passing, the student submits the CDE verifiation form (with top portion completed) to for Certification Officer signature. Staff Advisors provide institutional recommendation/Certification Officer signature for their respective programs.


To be used only when registration options are not available through UCDAccess or when signatures are required for drop/add.


This form is used for variable credit courses such as practicum’s, internships, dissertation, or independent study. The form is initiated by the student, signed by the instructor, and submitted to Academic Services for Authroity signature. The signing instructor must be the instructor teaching the course. The form must be filled out completely and accurately or it will be returned to the faculty member, delaying processing. Independent study numbers to be used are: 5840, 6840, and 7840. The CU Denver Catalog explains which numbers to use for your program.


This form is used for Master's/EdS students when transferring credit for courses taken within the past seven years from another institution to CU Denver. The completed form is submitted after successful completion of one semester as a regular degree student at CU Denver. The form is signed by the faculty advisor, and then forwarded to the Staff Advisor for Authority Signature and Univeristy processing. At the time of submission, the student’s electronic admissions file must contain an official transcript.

Reminder: The following courses cannot be transferred:

* Courses taken on a Pass/Fail basis;
* Courses used for completion of another master’s or graduate degree


This form is used for graduate students requesting time extension. The form requires signature from the Faculty Advisor and Associate Dean. The student must include an explanation of extenuating circumstances for not completing the degree within the time limit.

APPENDIX H: SEHD Standing Committees

'Student Committee. 'The committee reviews appeals from students and holds hearings when needed. The committee is composed of faculty members from multiple SEHD programs and one SEHD staff representative. The faculty members are elected by the SEHD faculty and serve for two years, with the possibility of continuing to serve longer. The staff representative is assigned to the committee. Each year the committee may opt to elect a chair from the members of the Student Committee. The chair directs regular meetings, advises students and faculty on policies and procedures and schedules the committee for appeal hearings. See appendix for Student Committee document for the Student Appeals process.

Curriculum Committee. This committee reviews and approves new course and new program proposals and approves instructor appointments. In addition, this committee may address curricular priorities or goals of the School, such as helping ensure that the program curricula reflect the school’s diversity, social justice and equity mission. The committee is composed of faculty members from multiple SEHD programs and one SEHD staff representative. The faculty members are elected by the SEHD faculty and serve for three years, with the possibility of continuing to serve longer. Each year the committee may opt to elect a chair from the members of the Curriculum Committee. The chair directs regular meetings, advises students and faculty on policies and procedures. The staff representative is assigned to the committee and serves ex officio.

Diversity Committee. This committee addresses all the objectives in the School’s diversity plan which includes the areas of culture and climate, diverse representation among faculty and students, and cultural competency. The committee is composed of faculty members from multiple SEHD programs and one SEHD staff representative. The faculty members are elected by the SEHD faculty and serve for two years, with the possibility of continuing to serve longer. Each year the committee may opt to elect a chair from the members of the Diversity Committee. The chair directs regular meetings, advises students and faculty on policies and procedures.

'Merit Review Committee. 'The Merit Review Committee is conducts the annual merit review for all faculty. The committee is elected from among tenured associate and full professors in an at-large SEHD election, and must include both associate and full professors. The committee is composed of faculty members from multiple SEHD programs and one SEHD staff representative. The faculty members are elected by the SEHD faculty and serve for two years, with the possibility of continuing to serve longer. Each year the committee may opt to elect a chair from the members of the Merit Review Committee.

RTP Committee. The SEHD RTP Committee is a seven-member elected committee. The committee is elected from among tenured associate or full professors in an at-large SEHD election. The term of election is three years with three committee members who are new each year. Neither the Dean, the Associate Dean in charge of the SEHD RTP process, the Dean’s Review Committee, or the faculty member who serves on the CU Denver Vice Chancellor’s Advisory Committee for Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion (VCAC) are eligible for election. Each year the committee elects a chair from the members of the RTP Committee and may opt to elect a Co-chair. The chair directs and guides the meeting and advises faculty on policies and procedures. A Cochair supports the Chair and may anticipate taking responsibility for Chair responsibilities in the upcoming year. It is recommended that members of the RTP Committee not be required to also serve on the Merit Review Committee.

'Ad Hoc Committees. 'Ad Hoc Committees are constituted as needed to complete specific tasks. They may serve for up to one year. The membership of the committee may be elected, appointed, or comprised of volunteers from the faculty. Faculty or administration may call for an ad hoc committee, and pending Leadership & Finance Team approval, organize, give a charge to the group, and determine how it will be constituted (number of members, type, election or selection).


School of Education & Human Development Student Honor Code

The School of Education & Human Development is committed to the Honor Code of the University of Colorado Denver. A university's reputation is built on a standing tradition of excellence and scholastic integrity. As members of the CU Denver academic community, faculty and students accept the responsibility to maintain the highest standards of intellectual honesty and ethical conduct in completing all forms of academic work and internships associated with the University.

SEHD Student Honor Code

Education at CU Denver is conducted under the honor system. All students entering an academic program should have developed the qualities of honesty and integrity, and each student should apply these principles to his or her academic and subsequent professional career. All students are expected to achieve a level of maturity which is reflected by appropriate conduct at all times. The type of conduct which violates the School of Education & Human Developments Student Honor Code may include but is not limited to the following:

Academic Dishonesty



3.Fabrication, falsification and deception

4.Multiple submissions

5.Misuse of academic materials 6. Complicity

Violation of any University of Colorado Denver or School of Education & Human Development policy



3.Disruptive or disorderly conduct or any violation of the Student Code of Conduct

Academic Dishonesty

Students are expected to know, understand, and comply with the ethical standards of the University. In addition, students have an obligation to inform the appropriate official of any acts of academic dishonesty by other students of the University. Academic dishonesty is defined as a student's use of unauthorized assistance with intent to deceive an instructor or other such person who may be assigned to evaluate the student’s work in meeting course and degree requirements.


Plagiarism is the use of another person’s distinctive ideas or words without acknowledgment. The incorporation of another person’s work into one’s own required appropriate identification and acknowledgment, regardless of the means of appropriation. The following are considered to be forms of plagiarism when the source is not noted:

1.Word-for-word copying of another person's ideas or words.

2.The mosaic (the interspersing of one’s own words here and there while, in essence, copying another's work).

3.The paraphrase (the rewriting of another’s work, yet still using their fundamental idea or theory).

4.Fabrication of references (inventing or counterfeiting sources).

5.Submission of another’s work as one's own.

6.Neglecting quotation marks on material that is otherwise acknowledged.

Acknowledgment is not necessary when the material used is common knowledge. Cheating

Cheating involves the possession, communication, or use of information, materials, notes, study aids or other devices not authorized by the instructor in an academic exercise, or communication with another person during such an exercise. Some examples of cheating include:

1.Copying from another's paper or receiving unauthorized assistance from another during an academic exercise or in the submission of academic material;

2.Using any electronic, or digital, or technological or other device when its use has been disallowed;

3.Collaborating with another student or students during an academic exercise without the consent of the instructor.

Fabrication, Falsification and Deception

Fabrication involves inventing or counterfeiting information, e.g., creating results not obtained in a study or research. Falsification, on the other hand, involves deliberately altering or changing results to suit one’s needs in an experiment or other academic exercise. Deception is providing false information or knowingly withholding information.

Multiple Submissions

This is the submission of academic work for which academic credit has already been earned, when such submission is made without instructor authorization. Misuse of Academic Materials

The misuse of academic materials includes, but is not limited to, the following:

1.Stealing or destroying library or reference materials or computer programs;

2.Stealing or destroying another student’s notes or materials, or having such materials in one’s possession without the owner’s permission;

3.Receiving assistance in locating or using sources of information in an assignment when such assistance has been forbidden by the instructor;

4.Illegitimate possession, disposition, or use of examinations or answer keys to examinations.

5.Unauthorized alteration, forgery, or falsification;

6.Unauthorized sale or purchase of examinations, papers, or assignments.

Complicity in Academic Dishonesty

Complicity involves knowingly contributing to another’s acts of academic dishonesty.


This is defined as being under the influence of drugs or alcohol in any University setting, classroom setting, practicum/internship, professional development school/site, computer lab or shared student space that compromises the student’s ability to learn and participate in educational activities, interferes with the learning process of other students and/or customers and clients of the School of Education & Human Development. Students who have difficulties with alcohol and/or other substances may seek assistance from services available on campus such as the CU Denver Student/Community Counseling Center. Unprofessional Behavior

Any conduct including electronic communications, both on and off campus, that interfere with the student’s ability to maintain professional standards as defined in program handbooks, professional codes of ethics, University policies or procedures or reflects poorly on the student, School of Education & Human Development or University is prohibited.

Disruptive or Disorderly Conduct

Disruptive or disorderly conduct in any University setting or partner setting, such as the disregard of rights of faculty, staff, administration and peers, threatening behaviors in any medium of communication and sexual harassment are examples of disruptive and disorderly conduct and a violation of the University Code of Student Conduct is prohibited. The Code of Student Conduct can be found by visiting the Office of Community Standards and Wellness website at

All proceedings concerned with academic dishonesty are confidential to the extent permitted by law.

A student accused of academic dishonesty has the right to:

•admit to the charges and accept the penalty imposed by the instructor. If the student admits to the charges, the faculty member will invoke an appropriate penalty, which could include the issuance of a failing grade in the course. If the faculty member believes further action is warranted, then the faculty member may request a hearing of the Academic Ethics Committee, which will determine if further action is necessary;

•dispute the charges or the penalty by following the Student Academic Appeal process.

Procedures for faculty encountering academic dishonesty

In order to facilitate the accusation process, it is suggested that faculty members include in their syllabi a statement concerning their policy on matters of academic dishonesty.

A.A faculty member who suspects that a student may be guilty of academic dishonesty should react quickly. S/he should gather as much evidence as possible as rapidly as possible: e.g. gathering names of and impressions from potential witnesses, listing potential references that may have been plagiarized, or retaining any hard copies of evidence, such as “cheat sheets” or tests that might have been copied and/or copied from. S/he should commit as many details of the incident to writing as quickly as possible as details regarding an incident can be quickly forgotten.

B.When a faculty member has evidence suggesting that a student is guilty of academic dishonesty, the student should be confronted with the evidence at a meeting, preferably held in the faculty member's office within five (5) working days of the discovery of the alleged incident.

C.After the meeting described above, the faculty member should determine the appropriate penalty for the act of dishonesty. This penalty, as determined by the faculty member, may be a failing or zero grade for the assignment in question or a failing grade in the course. The penalty should be consistent with any information published in the faculty member's syllabus. If the faculty member feels that issuance of a failing grade is an insufficient penalty, then the faculty member may request a formal meeting the Associate Dean over SEHD academic program.

D.After determining the appropriate penalty, the faculty member should present the student with a written letter describing the alleged violation. Copies of this letter should be given to the student’s faculty advisor, the Associate Dean of academic programs and a copy should be place in the student’s file housed within the Student Services Center. E. This letter must include:

•a detailed description of the incident that resulted in the allegation of academic dishonesty;

•a statement of the penalty that will be imposed on the student;

•attachment: The SEHD Student Academic Appeal Process

Procedures for faculty that encounter violations of policies other than academic dishonesty

Violations of the student honor code that are unrelated to academic dishonesty should also be considered serious and reported to the School of Education & Human Development Associate Dean for Academics. The appropriate offices including campus police, CU Denver Office of Community Standards and Wellness and other appropriate offices may be contacted to report the violation. Consequences and outcomes will be determined by the appropriate parties given the severity of the offense.

APPENDIX J: Online Trainings

You can access courses by signing into the UCD Portal, clicking on CU Resources and then select the NavBar icon at the top right of the page. Afterwards, you will click on CU Resources>Training>Start SkillSoft and then enter the names of the courses in the search bar.

The following courses will enhance your teaching and provide an overview of the resources and policies of CU Denver. Topics covered include technical support for computing; instructional support; student and faculty resources and policies, an in-depth look at assessment, and Disabilities Services and Resources and ADA.

Required trainings are listed here:

A required courses access guide is found here:

The Center for Faculty Development and Advancement provides new faculty resources: Faculty/Pages/default.aspx

handbooks/faculty_handbook.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/10 19:52 by Kelley Patient