Table of Contents
Curriculum Revision Policy
SEHD Bylaws, 2014, p. 13
This committee reviews and approves new course and new program proposals and approves graduate school appointments. In addition, this committee may address curricular priorities or goals of the school, such as helping ensure that the program curricula reflect the school’s diversity, social justice and equity mission. This committee also reviews graduate faculty status of part-time faculty. The committee is composed of faculty members from multiple SEHD programs and at least one SEHD staff representative. The faculty members are elected by the SEHD faculty and serve for three years, with the possibility of continuing to serve longer. Each year the Curriculum Committee may opt to elect one of its members to serve as chair. The chair directs regular meetings and advises students and faculty on policies and procedures. A staff representative is assigned to the committee and serves ex officio.
Course/Certificate/Concentration/Major/Minor Proposal Policy and Procedures
- As per Regent Policy and SEHD bylaws, curriculum is the responsibility of the faculty.Therefore, new courses/certificates/concentrations/majors/minors and revisions canonly be developed and proposed by SEHD faculty. “Faculty” includes senior instructors,clinical faculty, and tenure/tenure-track faculty.
- Proposal forms for revisions and new courses/certificates/concentrations/majors/minors must be submitted to the Committee at least two weeks in advance ofCommittee meetings. Proposals submitted within two weeks of a meeting will not beconsidered at that meeting but will be reviewed at the subsequent meeting. Submitproposals to
- All proposal forms must be completed in their ENTIRETY to be considered. Incompleteforms will be sent back to the submitting faculty member and will not be reviewed untilthey are filled out accurately and completely.
- All course proposals (for both revisions and new courses) must include a course syllabus.Proposals that don’t include a syllabus will not be reviewed by the committee.
- It is expected that faculty submitting proposals for new courses/certificates/concentrations/majors/minors will attend the curriculum committee meeting duringwhich the proposal will be reviewed. Faculty submitting revision proposals may be askedto attend the meeting.