While editing the handbook, if you experience any issues or need to roll-back a revision please email sehdhelp@ucdenver.edu
This document provides a description of the School of Education and Human Development (SEHD) and its policies and procedures. It supplements the policies and procedures of the University to which the School and its faculty and staff are subject. The rules, policies and procedures, and changes in the above‐mentioned documents take precedence over statements in this document.
The primary intended purpose of the Pattern of Administration (POA) is to serve as a current record of SEHD organization and SEHD standard operating procedures. It is a reference intended for administrators, staff, and faculty, as well as an orienting guide for new hires. As a repository of current SEHD policies and practices, it also may inform additional audiences.
This Pattern of Administration is subject to continuing revision. At a minimum, it must be reviewed and either revised or reaffirmed on appointment or reappointment of the Dean. However, revisions may be made at any time. Proposed changes and updates, which will be made in consultation with the School faculty and staff, will be located under the Policies tab in the SEHD Impact. Although the Bylaws do not require a formal vote by the faculty to accept the POA, the Dean will attempt to reach consensus on the developed POA. All revisions are subject to approval by the Dean.
The mission of the School of Education and Human Development is ‘Leadership for Educational Equity’. This mission is realized through our goal to “prepare and inspire education and mental health leaders to have a profound impact in fostering student opportunity, achievement and success in urban and diverse communities.
The vision of the SEHD is to be, “A leading school of education providing national expertise on educational issues and socially-just solutions for urban and diverse communities. Through innovative research and partnerships, we strive to be passionate agents of change, inspiring upcoming generations to learn from the past and shape the future.”
See the SEHD Faculty Handbook.
An 'organizational chart
'illustrating the roles and relationships within the structure of the SEHD is included in Appendix A. In what follows, we provide a description of the roles and responsibilities of the various individuals and groups included.
The Dean is responsible for matters at the school level including but not limited to enforcement of admission requirements; the efficiency of departments and other divisions within the college or school; budgetary planning and allocation of funds; faculty assignments and workload recommendations on personnel actions; curriculum planning; academic advising; accountability and reporting (from the Laws of the Regents Article 4.A.2.C).
Associate Deans are responsible for internal and external operations of the SEHD and represent the Dean as appropriate. There are currently two Associate Dean positions in the SEHD: Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Undergraduate Experiences, Barbara Seidl; and Associate Dean of Advanced Education & Doctoral Programs,Scott Bauer'. See the Organizational Chart in Appendix A for the specific responsibilities of each Associate Dean.
Patricia Ball, Assistant Dean of Finance and Human Resources | 315-4947, LSC 1143 |
Julia Cummings, Director of Marketing | 315-6339, LSC 1141 |
Cindy Gutierrez, Executive Director, Office of Partnerships | 315-4982, LSC 621 |
Shannon Hagerman, Executive Director of Continuing and Professional Education | 720-639-9229, LSC 611 |
Marlinda Hines, Director of Recruitment and Outreach | 315-4977, LSC 711 |
Brad Hinson, Assistant Dean for Information and Academic Technology | 315-0131, LSC 726 |
JáNet Hurt, Assistant to the Dean | 315-6343, LSC 1145 |
Julie Oxenford O’Brian, Executive Director of Assessment and Program Improvement | 315-6352, LSC 723 |
Sandy Snyder-Mondragon, Asst. Dean of Student Success and Enrollment Management | 315-4979, LSC 712 |
The mission of Academic Services (AS) is to provide support and assist students and faculty to promote the highest standard of learning, teaching, research, and service at the School of Education and Human Development.
Academic Services provides, among other services, information about degree programs and related processes, admissions, maintains records, and ensures that students meet requirements to graduate. Academic Services supports students at all levels, including undergraduates, graduate students, and certificate, endorsement, and licensure students.
Please see the following page for a listing of the Academic Services Staff.
General Information
Natalie Schaffer
Admissions Manager
Jessica Gomez-Garcia
Admissions Associate
Shelley Gomez
Academic Advisor – Master’s programs
Rosalinda Martinez
Undergraduate Advisor
Geneva Sarcedo
Academic Advisor – SPSY, COUN, LDFS
Rebecca Schell
Academic Advisor – LDTE, ECE
Sandy Mondragon
Asst. Dean, Student Success and Enrollment Management
Academic Advisor - MAT, PhD
The SEHD Office of Assessment and Program Improvement is responsible for activities related to accreditation and reauthorization requirements of the SEHD and for developing and maintaining coordination of accreditation and outcomes assessment work within the SEHD; between the SEHD and other University offices; and between the SEHD, Colorado Department of Education (CDE), and Colorado Department of Higher Education (DHE).
The Office was created to address both the short-term needs of the 2013 national and state accreditation reviews and the longer term goals of promoting and nurturing a culture of formative evaluation within the SEHD in terms of using outcomes data to drive programmatic and operational decision-making. The office develops and oversees the systems infrastructure necessary to allow and encourage faculty participation in research associated with School outcomes, namely the impact of our graduates on P-12 student learning, our graduates’ knowledge of content and content pedagogy, our graduates’ performance as educators, the persistence of our graduates in the education profession, and the leadership roles assumed by our graduates.
Related to state and national accreditation activities, it is also responsibility of this Office to communicate and coordinate SEHD activities for the annual University Higher Learning Commission (HLC) report and to write the annual SEHD HLC report based on student learning outcomes.
This office fulfills all external data reporting requirements for federal, national, and state agencies. Internally, the Office maintains the official assessment records for current and former students, academic program assessments and management of databases that track relevant assessment data across all programs.
Mary Lovit, Assessment Systems Manager & Senior Data Analyst
Nicole Holland, Director of Accreditation and Assessment
Patricia Ball, Assistant Dean of Finance and Human Resources | 315-4947, LSC 1143 |
Hiromi Agena, Associate Director of Finance | 315-6320, LSC 1121 |
Sophie Eggert, SEHD Grants and Contracts Administration | 315-4947, LSC 1143 |
Daisy Salazar, Accountant | 315-4921, LSC 1122 |
Keiko Goldman, Finance & HR Business Services Coordinator | 315-4921, LSC 1122 |
Erdenechukhal (Jamie) Purevsuren, Grants & Contracts Business Services Coordinator | 315-6318, LSC 604 |
All personnel hiring, services and scope of work purchases must be pre-approved BEFORE the work has started. Please contact Daisy Salazar for general fund, extended studies, and professional development account purchases and services, Hiromi Agena for payroll related hiring and additional pay, and Jamie Purevsuren for grant related purchases. If prior approval has not been obtained before the work or service begins, the University may deny reimbursement and this could become a personal expense to you.
All purchases must have prior approval from the budget authority (generally a faculty member’s program representative or their Associate Dean or the Dean) before reimbursements will be processed. This is best done through email with the approval copied or sent to the finance team. Original itemized receipts should be submitted to your corresponding Concur delegate. Contact Daisy Salazar for general fund, extended studies and professional development account purchases and services, and Jamie Purevsuren for grant related purchases.
When making a general purchase (see below for Technology Purchasing) using professional development funds or program funds:
Supplies must be ordered through the state vendor, STAPLES, through our CU Marketplace vendor system.
Business cards should be ordered using the following link: http://www.ucdenver.edu/about/departments/printing/Pages/OnlineOrdering.aspx
The School does not have a general account to pay for these items; expense approval by a budget authority (Program representative or Associate Dean) must be obtained prior to ordering. Program or Professional Development (PD) funds can be used for this purchase.
All event purchasing is made using a faculty member PCARD or through personal funds. Reimbursements are to be made through Daisy Salazar.
Faculty members are responsible for making their own travel arrangements. Faculty and staff need to FIRST check with their Program Leader or supervisor to determine if planned travel is covered by the program budget, or Daisy Salazar if covered by their own professional development funds. In the case of externally funded projects, the Principal Investigator (PI) should be consulted. It should NEVER be assumed that travel will be covered through the university without first checking with the appropriate source.
Following is a link to the Procurement Service Center website which answers all questions about travel including a step by step guide: https://www.cu.edu/psc/payables/travel.htm.
If additional assistance is needed, please email SEHDHELP@UCDENVER.EDU.
The U.S. Bank Travel Card is the State Travel Card. All University employees who travel on business for the University should apply for the card and use it for all travel-related expenses. Please note that this card is a University card and the traveler is responsible for retaining all receipts and turning them in to your Concur delegate for reallocation as soon as possible once your travel is complete. These expenses do not generate email reminders the same way the P-card does and will sit in the system and not hit a speedtype until reallocated. This may result in budgets being inaccurate and additional work at year end for the finance staff. Please see Tim Halliday if you wish to request this card.
There is a very handy Concur smartphone application that will allow you to take a photo of and upload receipts directly to the Concur system as you travel. You can also initiate travel with this application. Once you have downloaded the application, your user ID will be your Employee ID @cu.edu (for example 123456@cu.edu). Before you can login to this app, you must go to the concur system on your computer and take the following steps:
University travelers often find that they need to prepay registration fees for a conference or meeting they plan to attend. How the expense is submitted—for direct payment to the vendor, or for reimbursement to the traveler—varies according to the timing of the payment and the needs of the vendor. The possible vehicles for payment are (1) the Procurement Card (P-Card), or (2) fill out a purchasing request here: https://forms.ucdenver.edu/secure/sehd_conference_registration** so that an on-line payment can be made for you or (3) pay for the registration yourself and submit the receipt to Daisy Salazar for reimbursement.
Meal reimbursement is for the actual cost of the traveler’s meals. To ensure these costs are reasonable, actual costs are limited to a Maximum Meal Reimbursement amount specific to the geographic travel location. The State of Colorado’s Maximum Allowable Meal Per Diem Rates represent the University’s Maximum Meal Reimbursement amount; for maximum allowable rates, refer to https://www.cu.edu/psc/payables/travel.htm and go to Per Diem Meal Rate on the right side of the webpage.
Part of daily M & I (Meals and Incidental Expenses) is per diem. Dollar limits for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, are determined by the traveler’s destination. The meal per diem represents the maximum reimbursable amount for eligible meals during the course of a university business trip. Meal reimbursement is not allowed if adequate meals are included with lodging, as part of conference/registration fees, or otherwise provided to the traveler at no cost. Amounts in excess of meal per diems are not reimbursable unless part of a required official function. NOTE : Tips on meals are included in these amounts and cannot be claimed separately. Receipts are not required when claiming per diem.
On days of travel, the final destination for the day determines the traveler’s per diem rate all day. On the day traveler returns home, the city from which the traveler leaves determines the per diem rate. On begin and end travel days, reimbursement cannot exceed 75% of the daily M&I per diem rate.
If travel is wholly within a single day and the trip lasts 12 hours or more, then meal reimbursement is allowed. Reimbursement cannot exceed 75% of the daily M&I per diem rate. Per IRS regulations, meal reimbursements for single-day trips are reportable as income for CU employees.
All student travel must be approved prior to making any travel arrangements by the faculty member or program paying for their expenses. Students are able to book their flight through Concur Travel & Expense System or Christopherson as long as they are provided with a speed type. Students are also able to submit a conference registration request using the SEHD Impact Form (https://ucdenverdata.formstack.com/forms/sehd_conference_registration) to have the conference registration handled by and paid for by SEHD. For all other expenses, students will have to use personal funds and then submit receipts for reimbursement upon their return to the corresponding Concur delegate. Contact Daisy Salazar for general fund, extended studies and professional development account purchases and services, and Jamie Purevsuren for grant related purchases.
All travelers on University business—faculty, staff, students, and non-employees—will follow these procedures when in travel status within the state and in the immediate area outside Colorado that is a necessary part of an otherwise in-state trip: The traveler must always obtain prior approval to travel; for in-state travel, this approval may be verbal.
In accordance with Internal Revenue Service requirements, the following reimbursements will be reported to the IRS as income:
Please refer to https://www.cu.edu/psc/payables/travel.htm for information on vehicle rental, lodging deposits, mileage reimbursements and travel advances and International travel.
Reimbursement is NOT appropriate for:
Alcoholic Beverages: Not reimbursable in general; only covered when part of an official function, when entertainment account funds are available, and when proper University signatures have been obtained IN ADVANCE! This requires an Official Function form regardless of dollar amount. Not to be paid with sponsored project funds unless authorized by the sponsor. |
Lodging-Staying with Friends: Travelers who arrange private lodging (staying with friends/family) can be reimbursed up to $25/day for associated costs. |
Mileage-Personal Vehicle: Reimbursable, using the current State rate of $0.59 per mile, $.62 a mile for 4-wheel drive vehicles (when necessary for road conditions at the time of travel). |
Mileage vs. Airfare-Traveler’s Option: Traveler will be reimbursed for driving cost (mileage, lodging, meal per diems) up to actual total flight cost (transportation to/from DIA, airfare, destination ground transportation). Calculation of airfare cost is based on lowest obtainable 14-day advance fare. If the traveler is planning on purchasing a flight outside of Concur, please talk to Daisy Salazar for required documentation to make sure reimbursement won’t be a problem. Traveler must declare annual leave for any additional days required as a result of alternative travel. Additional Information may be required. |
Parking: Reimbursable when it is a necessary part of the trip, e.g., parking at traveler’s destination, parking at DIA. |
Personal Expenses: Expenses incurred for traveler’s benefit—e.g., magazines, dry cleaning, movie rentals, other entertainment—are NOT reimbursable. |
Procurement Card: University Visa. Not used for travel expenses. Exception: Can be used for conference/event registration, if accepted by vendor. |
Receipts: Travelers must submit original itemized receipts (credit card receipts/statements are not acceptable) for all individual charges. Exceptions: All rental vehicle gas receipts are required regardless of dollar amount. All receipts are required for lodging expenses incurred except Lodging-Staying with Friends. No receipts are needed to claim meal per diems. NOTE: The University is requesting an exemption from this rule. We will keep you updated on the status of the request. |
Rental Car Expense: Rental Cars must be rented using the University travel card because it automatically provides insurance coverage. The following is a link to the State’s rental car policy which lists approved automobile rental vendors and other information about each vendor. http://www.colorado.gov/cs/Satellite/DPA-DCS/PA/1201542229336 |
Receipts are always required for reimbursement of car rental costs and for rental car gasoline purchases regardless of dollar amount. (Note: If travel is covered by sponsored project funds, rental vehicle use will be determined by sponsor policies and may not be allowed). |
Tax Implications: Per IRS regulations, the Concur expense reallocation and all supporting documentation must be received in the PSC Travel Office within 90 days of trip completion to avoid having reimbursement reported as income. |
Telephone/Fax/Modem Line Charges: Charges for University business are reimbursable. You will receive $5.00 per day in incidentals – which includes any personal telephone charges. |
Tips: Reasonable tips given to bellhops, porters, maids, and ground transportation personnel are reimbursable. Exception: Tips on meal service already included in the meal allowance and cannot be claimed separately. University Policy limits tips up to 20%. |
Toll Road Charges: These charges are a reimbursable expense only if they are not part of the daily commute. |
Administrative managers and program representatives will receive a program budget template at the beginning of the fiscal year for use in planning their budget for the year. Zero-based budgeting is used in the formulation of both these budgets (i.e. starting from scratch). The requested budget will then be reviewed by the Assistant Dean and the Dean. Approved budgets will then be entered into the PeopleSoft system and spending should be monitored by the program or administrative unit manager. At fiscal year-end (6/30/XX) remaining funds for administrative units do NOT roll forward to the next year.
Remaining program funds roll forward year after year. Program budgets should only include items that pertain to the program as a whole and not expenses for individual faculty. For example, a retreat or marketing expense for the benefit of the program would be an appropriate program expense. A faculty member’s conference travel, registration fee or membership dues to various organizations would not be an appropriate program expense but would be an appropriate expense for faculty professional development funds.
Please call Daisy Salazar to obtain your professional development fund balance prior to making purchases.
If you have any additional questions about the SEHD financial system or processes, please feel free to call any of the fiscal staff for assistance. And if you are unsure about the how, why or who for anything please start with the fiscal staff listed above.
Patricia Ball, Assistant Dean of Finance and HR, LSC 1143, 303-315-4947, PATRICIA.BALL@UCDENVER.EDU
Oversees the Finance and Human Resources functions for the School of Education & Human Development.
Hiromi Agena, Associate Director of Budget and Finance, LSC 1121, 303-315-6320, HIROMI.AGENA@UCDENVER.EDU
Handles faculty payrolls; including faculty additional pay and coordinating summer pay. Other duties include position budgeting, and faculty moving expense reimbursements.
Kelley Patient, Human Resources and Payroll Manager, 303-335-9567, KELLEY.PATIENT@UCDENVER.EDU
Handles personnel actions including recruiting, hiring, promotions, staff additional pay, progressive discipline, staff performance management, coordinating D1 lecturer pay, leaves, and immigration.
Keiko Goldman, Finance & HR Business Services Coordinator, LSC 1147, 303-315-0010, KEIKO.GOLDMAN@UCDENVER.EDU, SEHDFINANCE@UCDENVER.EDU
This role is split between Finance and HR functions. For HR, handles forms and recordkeeping, hiring paperwork and onboarding activities, and hr-related processes for faculty.
Joseph Magoffe, HR and Payroll Coordinator, LSC 1142, 303-315-6631, joseph.magoffe@ucdenver.edu, SEHDHR@UCDENVER.EDU
Handles onboarding/off-boarding of all employees; student hiring (including D1 TAs, GAs/RAs and Graduate Part-time Instructors), payroll and time reporting; email/portal and sponsored user accounts.
Who to contact about edits needed in this section of the PoA: SEHD HR
Alternative work arrangement information and forms can be found here: https://www1.ucdenver.edu/offices/human-resources/employee-relations-performance/alternative-work-arrangements.
The childcare center is for the entire Auraria campus community: http://www.ahec.edu/for-campus-faculty-staff/early-learning-center
The child must be one year old and walking to be enrolled at the center. Open spots are filled by a lottery system, with students having the first choice for those spots. If after the student lottery there are spots left, faculty & staff have a lottery, and finally if there are still spots available they open them up to a lottery for the community.
Please refer to Employee-onboarding#benefits
Administrative Policy Statement 0560 Appedix A: Faculty Titles
University Professional and Non-Professional Job Codes, Career Families, and Definitions
Job Classification Descriptions and Minimum Qualifications
A tenured appointment can normally be held only by a person in the academic rank of Professor or Associate Professor. Tenure may be awarded only to faculty members who are employed by the University and who have demonstrated meritorious performance in each of the three areas of teaching, research/creative work, and leadership and service, and demonstrated excellence in either teaching or research/creative work. (Footnote: In the School of Medicine, tenure may be awarded only to faculty members with national or international reputations who have also demonstrated excellence in scholarship and teaching. See Regent Law 5.B.4.) Once attained, tenure remains in effect regardless of promotion to higher rank. Administrative positions do not carry the possibility of tenured appointments and, unless under a properly authorized term contract, are at will positions, but an administrator holding an eligible academic rank may be granted a tenured appointment as a faculty member. All tenured and tenure-track faculty members with appointments of 50% or more are members of the system-wide Faculty Senate.
Faculty members in the tenure track have limited term contracts. In the School of Medicine, tenure-eligible faculty members in the tenure track, may have limited, indeterminate or at will appointments. Once tenured, a faculty member holds a continuous appointment until retirement or resignation unless the faculty member leaves the university or is removed under provisions of the Laws of the Regents or Regent policy.
Assistant Professor: Assistant Professors appointed to tenure track positions should have the terminal degree appropriate to their field or its equivalent, plus some teaching experience. They should be well-qualified to teach at the undergraduate or graduate levels and possess qualifications for research or scholarship in a special field or clinical discipline.
Associate Professor: Associate Professors should have the terminal degree appropriate to their field or its equivalent, considerable successful teaching experience, and promising accomplishment in scholarship or in research. Normally the award of tenure accompanies appointment to or promotion to associate professor, except at the School of Medicine where tenure may be granted at any point in the faculty member’s career when he/she meets the School’s standards for tenure.
Professor: Professors (also called “Full Professors”) should have the terminal degree appropriate to their field or its equivalent, and; (a) a record that, taken as a whole, may be judged to be excellent; (b) a record of significant contribution to graduate and/or undergraduate education, unless individual or departmental circumstances can be shown to require a stronger emphasis, or singular focus, on one or the other; and © a record since receiving tenure or promotion to Associate Professor that indicates substantial, significant, and continued growth, development, and accomplishment in teaching, research/creative work, and leadership and service.
All non-tenure track faculty members are at will employees.
Lecturer: Lecturer is the title given to individuals hired to teach on a course-by-course basis. Lecturers are qualified to teach the particular course or courses for which they have been hired. They should have graduate degrees and/or advanced experience in their profession or field of expertise. Lecturers are hired on a part-time basis to teach one or more courses per term. Lecturers within SEHD may teach up to six credits per term. There are no research or service activities expectations for lecturers.
Instructor: Instructors usually have their master’s degree or its equivalent and should be otherwise well-qualified to teach. Full-time instructors within SEHD teach 8 courses (4 courses per semester). Instructors within SEHD are expected to engage in service activities (20% of load) within the program and school community.
Senior Instructor: The rank of Senior Instructor permits higher recognition and salary than that of Instructor. Within the SEHD, senior instructors usually have a doctoral degree or its equivalent when hired. Instructors who receive their doctoral degree after being hired in SEHD may be promoted to Senior Instructor upon completion of a doctoral degree. Full-time senior instructors within SEHD teach 8 courses (4 courses per semester). Senior instructors are expected to engage in service activities (20% of load) within the program and school community.
The Clinical Teaching Track is intended for non-tenure track faculty who participate in a broad range of teaching, service, and scholarly activities. Clinical Teaching Track (CTT) appointees have comparable ranks to tenured faculty (i.e. Assistant, Associate and Full Professor). The teaching load for SEHD-funded CTT faculty members is 8 courses or 23-25 credit hours of instructional activity, depending on assigned workload.
Assistant Professor, Clinical Teaching Track
Assistant professors, clinical teaching track hold a doctoral degree in a relevant field, have deep experience in the area in which they will teach in the SEHD, and have experience teaching at the college level as well. There must be evidence of teaching effectiveness at the university level as well as potential for service and research/scholarship that supports the program and the School
Associate Professor, Clinical Teaching Track
In addition to the qualifications of an assistant professor, clinical teaching track, an associate professor, clinical teaching track is expected to have had substantial relevant and successful teaching and professional experience in the field. In addition, they must demonstrate the potential to meet the service and research/scholarship criteria for associate professor, clinical teaching track in the SEHD.
Professor, Clinical Teaching Track
In addition to the qualifications of an associate professor, a professor, clinical teaching track, is expected to have a record of excellence in teaching and in service, including evidence of leadership, and demonstrate the potential to meet the research/scholarship criteria for professor, clinical teaching track in the SEHD.
For more information, please see:
Regent Laws and Policies: Regent Policy 5: Faculty, Administrative Policy Statement 0560 Appedix A: Faculty Titles
Office Faculty Affairs and Undergraduate Enrichment: School Primary Unit Criteria
The School of Education and Human Development adheres to the requirements of the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) with respect to qualifications for faculty teaching in its degree programs. This policy sets forth the minimum requirements for faculty academic credentials in SEHD and faculty experience equivalent in the event a proposed instructor does not possess the required degree credentials. Other criteria may apply to specific faculty positions and thus are outlined elsewhere in those job descriptions.
Academic Credentials
Academic credentials are the primary basis SEHD uses for determining faculty quality. In general, SEHD courses are taught by faculty who possess an EdD, PhD, or other terminal degrees with experience and training in the relevant subject areas.
The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) credentials refer to the degrees that faculty have earned. HLC common expectations for faculty credentials in higher education include the following:
Refer to The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) for specific HLC information on faculty roles and qualifications, https://www.hlcommission.org/Policies/assumed-practices.html
SEHD policy adheres to the HLC guidelines. See minimum qualifications for each academic level below.
Undergraduate Faculty/Lecturer Minimum Qualifications
Graduate Faculty/Lecturer Minimum Qualification
MA Degree Programs
PhD, EdD, PsyD
Minimum Tested Experience/Professional Qualifications
HLC states, “Tested experience may substitute for an earned credential or portions thereof. Assumed Practice B.2. allows an institution to determine that a faculty member is qualified based on experience that the institution determines is equivalent to the degree it would otherwise require for a faculty position”.
SEHD considers the instructor’s professional experience in real-world situations relevant to the degree and the specific course, and must possess both breadth across a variety of circumstances and depth in terms of progressive responsibilities. Relevant types of qualifying professional experience will differ depending upon the nature of the program and course, but generally will include one or both of the following:
Determining Faculty Qualifications through Tested Experience
Each program leader, or his/her designee, is responsible for evaluating the qualifications of lecturer candidates who wish to teach in the program, based on the criteria listed above. In the case of lecturers who do not possess the required academic credentials, the program leader will consult with an associate dean to ensure that the lecturer is otherwise qualified in terms of professional experience. The Curriculum Committee and Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs reviews and approve applications for faculty appointment. The following items are required:
Initial appointments are approved for one year. In order to be approved for a 3-year appointment, the instructor must have a proven success record (FCQs). The professional resumes/CV and any other required documentation for all approved lecturers shall be maintained by SEHD Human Resources and Curriculum Committee.
Process for Documenting Equivalent Experience
Instructors who do not have the appropriate degree or 18 credits in the specific content area can meet requirements through documenting ‘tested experience’ as defined below.
1) Documentation from the candidate that establishes experience in the content area (professional
2) Evidence of relevant field experience
3) Professional letters of recommendation speaking directly to experience in the specified content area and experience as outlined in 1 and 2 above
4) If relevant, evidence of student satisfaction in working with adult learners (such as FCQ scores of 4.0 or higher for renewal candidates).
To view policies, eligibility, procedures, forms, and deadlines, please visit CU Employee Services website: https://www.cu.edu/employee-services/tuition-benefit-denver-anschutz-campus
New employees must complete the hiring process with the SEHD HR team. Questions can be directed to sehdhr@ucdenver.edu.
Please visit: https://www1.ucdenver.edu/offices/human-resources/human-resources-home/holiday-schedules
For Campus HR polices and guidelines, please visit: https://www1.ucdenver.edu/offices/human-resources/current-faculty-staff
For State Classified Staff policies and information, please visit: https://www.colorado.gov/dhr and https://www1.ucdenver.edu/offices/human-resources/current-faculty-staff/classified
You must notify your supervisor and/or SEHD HR IMMEDIATELY of any injury on the job. The supervisor will need to notify SEHD HR as soon as possible.
If an emergency, employee is taken by ambulance to the hospital and follow-up care must be through a Designated Medical Provider (DMP).
If not an emergency, employee is taken or takes themselves to the DMP of their choice. The employee or supervisor completes the online University Claim Form.
To view policies, procedures, forms, and list of DMPs, please visit: https://www.cu.edu/content/workerscompensation
Full-time nine-month faculty earn ½ month (11 business days) of sick leave at the beginning of each academic year. This is tracked manually by SEHD HR. Please notify the SEHD HR team if you must take any sick leave. If you will miss 3 days or more of work, please contact the SEHD HR Manager for FMLA information or parental leaveinformation.
You must submit vacation/sick leave/family sick leave requests to your supervisor as far in advance as possible for pre-approval (except when you are ill, in which case you should submit immediately upon your return to the office). Sick leave is to be used when you are ill, for scheduled doctor/dentist appointments, or for taking your immediate family member to a doctor/dentist appointment. Medical certification will be requested for any sick leave of more than 3 consecutive calendar days, for compliance with FML and/or Parental Leave (faculty/university staff only) policies. Medical certification may also be requested if leave abuse is suspected. Abuse of the leave policies will result in disciplinary action.
Annual Leave Earned
University Staff and 12-month faculty with full time FTE - 14.66 hours per month (22 days/year) - Maximum accrual 352 hours (44 days)
Classified Staff - please see the latest leave accrual chart which is found here: https://www.cu.edu/employee-services/classified-staff-leave-policies-0
Please note that annual leave (vacation) hours in excess of the maximum accrual allowed as of July 1st of each fiscal year are forfeited and “swept” from the system.
Resources for University Staff (F.K.A. Exempt Professionals):
Regent Policy 11.E - Leave Policies for Officers, Exempt Professionals, and Faculty
Resources for State Classified Employees:
State Personnel Rules and Administrative Policies
Leave requests are submitted to your supervisor through the UCD Access employee portal. See Submitting Leave Requests and Monthly Time Record below, under the UCD ACCESS PORTAL section.
Per CU System rules, supervisors of employees earning vacation and sick leave must verify leave usage and balances on a monthly basis.
Faculty and staff are paid on the last business day of each month. See the following Employee Services web pages to quickly access payroll-related information specific to each employment group:
Standard faculty appointments (tenure track and non-tenure track) are for one academic year, nine months. As of August 2022, appointment contract dates will align with the academic year. For example, for academic year 2022-2023, pay dates will be August 15, 2022 through May 12, 2023. It is important to note that faculty contracts include the stipulation that they will begin work one week prior to the first day of each semester.
Faculty may elect to have their nine-month salary spread over nine months or over twelve months:
Faculty contract payment schedule election runs annually in May, June, and part of July for each coming academic year. (This is a separate process from benefits enrollment in the UCD Access portal.) Once the choice has been communicated and payroll entered for the year, it cannot be changed until the next academic year. Please contact SEHDHR@ucdenver.edu if the form is not available in your employee portal, or if you have any questions.
Employees who are appointed for 12 months (deans, 12 month research faculty, professional exempt staff and classified staff) are paid during the summer as they are during the academic year. Faculty with separate summer appointments are paid on varying schedules according to their assignments. The basis of summer pay is the number of credit hours of the course at the Dean’s discretion. Currently, a faculty member will receive $6,000 per three credit hour course (up to two courses) that meets minimum enrollment. Teaching more than two courses requires Dean's approval and will be paid at Lecturer rate. Please note that under-enrolled courses may be canceled and pay is prorated for under-enrolled courses that have not been canceled. Faculty may earn up to 3/9ths (33.33%) of their previous academic year salary in the summer, through teaching, administrative, and grant pay. Pay is usually distributed equally across June and July. Per the campus faculty compensation policy, faculty are allowed to receive up to 1/9th (11.11%) of their AY salary each month in the summer.
For undergraduate & graduate level courses:
* $6,000 (Full pay) * $4,000 (8-11 students enrolled) * $3,000 OR CANCEL (7 or fewer students enrolled)
For doctoral level courses:
* $6,000 (Full pay) * $4,000 (6-9 students enrolled) * $3,000 OR CANCEL (MINIMUM of 5 students enrolled)
Faculty members must submit a completed Additional Pay Pre-Approval form to the SEHD Payroll Liaison (Hiromi Agena) at least two weeks prior to starting the work (we request as much lead time as possible). Please contact Hiromi for the current form, which requires signatures from the Program Leader, the Assistant Dean, and the Dean. Please keep in mind that additional pay during the academic year is limited to 10% of your academic year salary. For more detail on this University policy, please see the University of Colorado Faculty Handbook. You may also obtain the campus rules regarding additional remuneration in the faculty compensation policy.
From Regents Policy 5.C.4: With prior written approval by the dean or appropriate campus authority, faculty members shall be permitted to receive additional remuneration from sources outside the university so long as the activities generating the income do not exceed one-sixth of their time and effort (one-sixth rule FAQs ). Outside work during leaves of absence shall be of concern only to the individual and the entity by which they are employed.
SEHD HR will post a reminder on Impact regarding the Declaration of Outside Consulting Form (download found in the “One-Sixth Rule” section) every fall and spring for pre-approval of outside consulting pay. If other consulting opportunities arise during the academic year, please submit a new form prior to starting the work.
See Campus HR website for forms and information related to performance, such as evaluations, plans, disputes, etc., for Classified Staff, Exempt Professionals and Faculty.
New employees must submit their initial university staff performance evaluation plan or classified staff Performance Management Plan (PMP) with their supervisor's approval to SEHD HR at sehdhr@ucdenver.edu within the first 31 days of employment or job change. These plans are a collaborative process between the employee and supervisor, addressing current initiatives and goals, and setting clear expectations.
More information, and the latest forms and timelines can be found here: https://wiki.cu.studio/human/reference-documents#performance_management
Faculty and University Staff performance cycles run from July 1 – June 30 each year .
Classified Staff performance cycles run from August 1 to July 31 each year.
Please contact the SEHD HR team for guidance regarding performance issues and progressive discipline.
The university provides a number of professional development opportunities. So many that we gave them their own page on our wiki! That is here for your benefit: https://wiki.cu.studio/human/professional_development
To submit a request form to initiate a search, new hire, promotion, position changes, etc., please go to https://forms.ucdenver.edu/secure/sehd_hr_search.
Please plan at least two months ahead for these requests whenever possible because there are many steps and partners in the process.
For a search, we will ask you to provide funding information, an organizational chart for your team and a beginning job description for the role that we can work with as we go through the review process before posting. Please contact the SEHD HR team for assistance (e.g. with job descriptions and pay rates) or with any questions or comments.
Prior to starting the search process, all search committee member should have completed this course in Skillsoft Percipio in the past two years: CU Search Committee Training, Inclusive Recruiting Practices.
The SEHD follows these steps in a faculty search:
For information on student employment - hiring process, definitions of employee types, job descriptions, pay rates, and more please go to the Student_hiring_guide
Contact the SEHD HR and Payroll Coordinator for assistance.
Termination of Employment
When employees terminate employment, an official written notification which specifies the employee’s last day of employment to the supervisor and SEHD HR is required. SEHD HR will send an exit acknowledgement letter and an exit checklist to the employee. The employee will work with their supervisor, SEHD HR/Finance, SEHD IT and Ja'Net Hurt as needed for final business such as turning in keys, procurement/travel cards, ID badge, parking card, computer and tech equipment, and an office cleanout walkthrough. SEHD server/email access will generally be terminated at the end of the last date of employment. Retirees and CU alumni will have ongoing access to their University e-mail, along with limited portal access.
Additional offboarding information is available here: Leaving CU
Leave Requests and Monthly Time Record (Staff and 12-month faculty)
Instructions (OT Eligible; Hourly)
How to access the leave reporting system:
* Log-in to the UCD Access Employee Portal using campus username and password
* Go to the CU Resources tab at the top of the page, if not your default home page
* Click on “Request Leave/Record Time” on the My Leave tile
Contact sehdhr@ucdenver.edu for assistance with the leave reporting system. Please submit your monthly timesheet as soon as possible after the last day of the month, but no later than the 5th business day of the following month.
Online Trainings (mandatory for all employees, including student employees)
The university requires all employees to take the following mandatory online trainings within three months of hire:
The university also requires additional trainings depending on the position, and that list of trainings is found here: https://www.ucdenver.edu/offices/human-resources/learning-development/required-training
How to access the training courses:
- Log-in to the UCD Access Employee Portal using campus username and password
- Go to the CU Resources tab at the top of the page, if not your default home page
- Click on the NavBar in the top right corner of the screen, a pop-out menu will appear
- Click on CU Resources>Training>Start SkillSoft
- In the Search field, enter the desired course title to launch or add to your training plan. It is usually necessary to use the long code in bold below as the exact search term to find the course:
Updating Emergency Contacts, Mailing or Physical Address
Log in to your UCD Access portal with your computer account username and password.
Under the CU Resources tab (if not your default home page), click on My Info on the employee information tile.
From here you will be able to update your mailing/home address, phone numbers, emergency contacts and email addresses.
Viewing Your Pay Advice
Log in to your UCD Access portal with your computer account username and password.
Under the CU Resources tab (if not your default home page), click on My Compensation on the Last Confirmed Check tile, then Pay Advice.
You can also update your W-4 and Direct Deposit info here. You can only make changes to your direct deposit account, once per day. If you need to save/update again, you will need to do so after midnight. Changes made by the 10th of each month will take effect for that month's payroll.
end of HR section
The Technology Team is your liaison with the University Office of Information Technology (OIT), the CU Office of Digital Education (ODE), CU Online, CU Denver Facilities, and any external vendors or partners connecting with SEHD systems.
This team serves as your primary point of contact for the acquisition, installation, or repair of ANY/ALL technology and equipment housed within the SEHD. This includes computers, software, and equipment for employees, students, grants, and school operations.
Send all technology requests to SEHDHELP@UCDENVER.EDU or call 303-315-6350.
Automation & Efficiencies: Guidance with streamlining and automation of processes and operations. We connect the dots between available ways and means; technologies, people, data, procedures, integrations, OIT, Facilities, Canvas, etc.
Guidance with information security protocols, best-practices, and adherence across all technology purchases and implementations. The SEHD Technology Team will assist with security assessment, university approvals, and FERPA/HIPPA compliance.
Guidance on curriculum and course design for hybrid or online programs. Assistance, training and partnership on instructional design, effective practices, and experimentation with critical digital pedagogy. Liaison to activities and resources within the Office of Digital Education (ODE), CU Online, Faculty Professional Development, and ThinqStudio.
Full time employees are provided a baseline computer and software setup at the point of hire with options for Mac or Windows; desktop or laptop with an SEHD investment at the going-market-rate. The university maintains formal agreements with hardware/software vendors as well as specific hardware/software configurations that guide technology purchasing and selection. Costs or configurations that exceed the going-market-rate can be accommodated with program/department/PD funds and approval from the employee’s program/department.
Employee computers are on a replacement cycle of approximately 4 years, as resources allow. Costs or configurations that exceed the going-market-rate can be accommodated with program/department/PD funds and approval from the employee’s program/department. Additional devices purchased with professional development funds, program funds, grant monies, or other sources outside of the SEHD Technology Team are not on the replacement cycle.
Desktop computers are required to remain on-site within the SEHD. If you need to be mobile, request a laptop. The SEHD Technology Team will work with employees and programs on exceptions, configurations, peripherals, adaptations, funding, installation, and etc.
Network copiers/printers are provided in common areas throughout the SEHD. A program-code is required to make copies - charges will be billed to your program. Repair and supplies are provided for network copier/printers; this is a shared resource, please consume responsibly. If you do not know your program code, please contact Daisy.Salazar@ucdenver.edu
Guidance on facilities design and technology enhancement; smart rooms, video conferencing, digital signage, etc. Let us guide the design, installation, and maintenance.
All classrooms and conference rooms have standard presentation components, including a data projector or monitor, computer, and laptop input (minimum). Additional equipment is available in some rooms or available for check-out. Use your University username/pass to login to all CU computers.
Classrooms (LSC 600, LSC 648, LSC 700, LSC 745, LSC 1150)
Conference Rooms (LSC 620, LSC 1148) Counseling Lab (CPCE - Tivoli)
Learning Commons Lab (7th Floor) Learning Studio (LSC 1100) Mobile Lab (laptop cart)
Hardware, software and printing are available to all students in the 7th Floor Learning Commons.
All technology derived via employment at the university, is property of the university. This includes items purchased with professional development (PD) funds, grant funds or contracts with external funding sources.
All technology purchases must be approved and made via the SEHD Technology Team.
All technology purchases are considered university property and will be inventoried, tagged, updated, tracked and returned to the university upon request.
No more than 3 computing devices (desktops/laptops/tablets) may be attributed to one individual in the tech inventory.
Technology for the home office is not supported or funded. Mobile technology may be supported and funded. No to home printers, scanners, monitors, etc. Yes to tablets, laptops, cameras, etc.
Use of any university technology is mandated to follow appropriate-use as defined by law and university policy.
Consult with us to build/find/integrate all of your web needs. We provide oversight for all SEHD web properties and platforms, including SEHD Home, SEHD IMPACT, and a variety of supplemental sites and platforms.
CU’s online and blended learning platform; strictly for CU Denver courses, faculty and students. Courses and accounts are automatically created in Canvas for all courses, faculty, and students formally listed in the University class schedule (CU-SIS). http://ucdenver.instructure.com
Laptops (Win, Mac, Chromebook), data projectors, tablets, web cams, and audio/video equipment are available for employee check-out.
Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc. https://gsuite.google.com/
Online video coaching allows commenting and discussion embedded within video; ideal for video based discussions or video based feedback. Available in or out of Canvas. https://get.goreact.com/
Web and PDF annotation for class and team discussions. https://web.hypothes.is/
Available for all staff, faculty and students at no charge on up to 5 devices; Email/Calendar, Word, Excel, PowerPoint. http://bit.ly/cu-msoffice
Secure file storage with backups is available on-campus or with VPN; only available to CU employees - via the P:\ or Q:\ or T:\ drives. Storage space is a shared and limited resource, please use with professional discretion. See ShareFile for cloud based file storage.
P drive Your personal file storage (10GB limit)
Q drive SEHD shared file storage
T drive Grants & projects shared file storage
Cloud-based, secure file storage with backups; available off-campus and accessible to non-CU invitees. Storage space is a shared and limited resource, please use with professional discretion. http://sehd.sharefile.com
Cloud-based surveys. Ucdenver.qualtrics.com. Contact sehdhelp@ucdenver.edu to request access.
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a network connection allows you to securely access resources such as email, network storage, etc., from off-campus. http://bit.ly/cu-vpn
Online team collaboration; email alternative. https://slack.com/
Unified messaging will send voicemail messages to your email account. On campus, call 5-6245. Off campus, call 303-315-6245. When you hear the greeting, hit the * key. Enter your CU ID and password. http://bit.ly/cu-voicemail
Open source web blogging, web sites, and project sites.
Desktop video conferencing for all CU employees and students. All users have Zoom Pro accounts that allow unlimited video conferencing and screen sharing. http://ucdenver.zoom.us
Assistant Dean of Information & Academic Technology
Information Technology Specialist
System Administrator/Web Development Operations
Instructional Designer (PT)
The majority of faculty members in the School of Education & Human Development (SEHD) have K-12 teaching or counseling experience, often in settings with members from diverse racial, language, gender, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Those experiences have drawn them to this urban university and have shaped our organizational and moral commitment to respecting diversity and pursuing equity. SEHD faculty believes that lives are forever changed with access to excellent education and quality mental health services. As a public university, we are committed to increasing educational opportunities among underserved populations.
The Denver metro area population, indeed the population in the state and nation, is rapidly becoming more racially, culturally and ethnically diverse. It is our responsibility and commitment to prepare educators and counselors who represent diverse groups. It is also our responsibility to prepare all educators and counselors to provide culturally responsive educational and mental health services for the increasing diversity of our society.
Finally, diversity of action, research and viewpoints (ways of knowing and expressing knowledge) is fundamental in universities. This type of diversity keeps our democracy alive. Diversity gives rise to new knowledge and new ways of thinking, a key function of a university. Thus, we believe that diversity is fundamental to the university and to our School.
In partnership with SEHD faculty and the SEHD Diversity Committee, we strive to promote a climate of equity and enhance diversity and inclusiveness initiatives internally. SEHD also seeks assistance and support from the university’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion, (for more information see the Office of Diversity and Inclusion).
SEHD aspires to attract a diverse, highly qualified, and critically engaged student body. Through proactive engagement of local, national and international communities, ORO provides general information about our school’s academic offerings, research, financial aid resources, and student support services. We accomplish this through superior customer service, proactive outreach and follow-up, information sessions, fairs, and pipeline programs offered throughout the calendar year. Faculty, staff, students and alumni participate regularly in all recruitment initiatives.
Examples of events include:
Please contact Marlinda Hines to partner on any of these events or if you have ideas for other recruitment or outreach activities.
SEHD’s marketing office is responsible for collaborating with SEHD faculty, staff, students and alumni as well as University Communications, CU Online and the CU Foundation to advance SEHD’s image and standing among wide-ranging target audiences. Julia Cummings is the marketing director. Please reach out to her if you have a marketing need or question at Julia.Cummings@ucdenver.edu / 303-315-6339. The marketing office creates and help supports:
The SEHD Office of Partnerships is directly responsible for facilitating and coordinating partnerships with districts, schools and the broader community to support all clinical experiences for undergraduate and graduate teacher candidates across multiple teacher education pathways. The SEHD has one of the longest standing partnership preparation models of teacher education dating back to 1993 through an established network of Professional Development Schools (PDSs) where current teacher candidates experience early clinical block field experiences and year-long, intensive, clinically-rich residency internships supported by teams of university and P-12 faculty. Each PDS hosts a cohort of 6-12 teacher candidates each year; a university-based site professor and school-based site coordinator work closely together each week to support the candidates as well as support professional development of the practicing clinical teachers who mentor teacher candidates as well as align partnership resources with school improvement priorities. Our network of schools spans four metro area districts including Aurora Public Schools, Denver Public Schools, Jeffco Public Schools, & Mapleton Public Schools and is jointly negotiated by the Partnership Director and district leaders based on common needs and a shared cost model. In addition, the Office of Partnerships manages and facilitates unique Undergraduate Residencies with Denver Public Schools (DPS) called NxtGEN and a unique rural residency called T-PREP with community colleges and local school districts in southern Colorado.
The Office of Partnerships also facilitates a Community-based Partnership Network with over 50 non-profit and community-based organizations. These partnerships support both the community-based clinical block for teacher candidates as well as the capstone internships for the undergraduate Human Development & Family Relations program and EDHD MA program.
The Office of Partnerships facilitates several structures to support meaningful collaboration among university faculty and P-12 partners to facilitate simultaneous renewal of teacher education and P-12 schooling as well as provide opportunities for faculty to build relationships for professional development, research, and innovation with our P-12 partners. These include Teacher Education Collaborative Councils with our PDS networks, undergraduate residencies and community-based partners. In addition, the Office of Partnerships manages the placement matching and tracking processes, background finger-print processes, and Praxis tracking processes for all initial licensure students.
Lastly, the Office of Partnerships provides extensive logistical and management support for all teacher education administrative processes including managing master calendars, facilitating communication with teacher education faculty and school/community partners, facilitating admissions processes with faculty and school partners, scheduling courses, and coordinating events for our undergraduate learning communities. Office of Partnerships professional staff serve on the Teacher Education Leadership Team (TELT).
Office of Partnership Staff include:
The SEHD Office of Assessment and Program Improvement is responsible for activities related to supporting high-quality assessment practice among faculty, building a culture of continuous improvement across SEHD, managing and reporting program performance data, and accreditation and reauthorization of the SEHD programs. The Assessment Office promotes and nurtures a culture of formative evaluation and quality improvement within the SEHD and provides support for supports institutional, state, and national accreditation/authorization reviews. The office also develops and oversees the infrastructure to encourage faculty participation in research associated with School outcomes, namely the impact of our graduates on P-12 student learning, our graduates’ knowledge of content and content pedagogy, our graduates’ performance as educators, the persistence of our graduates in the education profession, and the leadership roles assumed by our graduates. Related to state and national accreditation activities, it is also responsibility of the Assessment Office to communicate and coordinate SEHD activities for the annual University Higher Learning Commission (HLC) report.
The Assessment Office also coordinates assessment, data collection, program improvement and accreditation activities between the SEHD and other University offices; and between the SEHD and Colorado Department of Education (CDE) and Colorado Department of Higher Education (DHE). This includes managing SEHD accounts for the Qualtrics survey tool which is available to faculty, staff and students conducting approved research projects.
The Assessment Office fulfills all external data reporting requirements for federal, national, and state agencies. Internally, the office maintains the official assessment records for current and former students, academic program assessments and management of databases that track relevant assessment data across all programs.
Assessment and Program Improvement Contacts
Julie Oxenford-O’Brian, Executive Director of Assessment and Program Improvement | 303-315-6352, LSC 723 |
Tony Romero, Senior Data Analyst and Assessment System Manager | 303-315-6346, LSC 726 |
Shannon Hagerman, Executive Director
The office of Continuing and Professional Education (CPE) supports the mission and vision of the School of Education and Human Development by managing the School’s cash-funded courses and programs. CPE annually offers over 400 off-campus courses, either free-standing or as part of a certificate, endorsement, or master’s degree. CPE also offers and online alternative teacher licensure program, ASPIRE to Teach. CPE supports professional learning needs of individual school teachers, administrators, and mental health professionals by offering credit- and non-credit based courses, modules, book studies and events to individuals, schools, and districts through CPE and EDU, CPE’s online professional learning division. Depending on the program, our credit transfers toward district and Colorado Department of Education (CDE) requirements for re-licensure, salary increase, and/or career advancement, as well as CDE endorsements and university degree programs.
Bonnie Walters, Executive Director
The Evaluation Center offers a full range of evaluation services to clients internal and external to the SEHD, including designing and conducting evaluations, integrating qualitative and quantitative analyses, and disseminating findings in a useful and meaningful way. Staff work to develop comprehensive plans which meet the unique needs of clients with a focus on helping individuals and organizations learn about and improve their programs, as well as providing a rigorous and objective analysis of respective program progress and effectiveness. The Evaluation Center is unique among program evaluation groups because it operates as an autonomous not-for-profit entity embedded within the SEHD at the University of Colorado Denver.
Ritu Chopra, Executive Director & Assistant Research Professor
PAR²A promotes optimum learning for all students through research and training on the roles, responsibilities, career development, preparation, supervision and employment of paraprofessionals and is designed for paraprofessionals, school professionals and administrators in public education.
Kent Seidel, Founding Co-Director & Associate Professor; Julie Oxenford O’Brian, Co-Director & Assistant Research Professor
The Center for Practice Engaged Education Research (C-PEER) is a network focused on re-imagining the relationship between researchers, educators, and community members to support schools and communities in improving their work on behalf of learners. We identify and investigate promising education practices to address challenging problems in education and to learn from promising research findings.
Our education research network matches educators and researchers with shared interests and complementary abilities to encourage collaboration on locally relevant research. We share results across the network in order to understand what works in education and to improve supports and outcomes for learners.
The School of Education & Human Development Faculty Research Support Center was designed to respond to the research and funding needs of faculty. It brings coherence, support and continuity to research efforts by creating a space and a place for research development and services. The Faculty Research Support Center’s mission is to assist in establishing a strong research record for each SEHD faculty member in a disciplined, sustained and focused approach to inquiry that has the potential to impact knowledge in the field and practice in the educational community. The center accomplishes this by (1) providing a space in which research activities are highlighted, supported and nurtured and (2) being responsive to faculty research interests.
The Leadership Team consists of the Dean, Associate Deans, Assistant Deans and the Executive Director of Continuing & Professional Education (with other participants on an invited basis). This team meets year-round. The purposes of the team are: to coordinate the programmatic activities of the School; to coordinate and facilitate strategic growth; to update the Dean on internal matters; to problem solve issues that arise across the School.
The Administrative and Management (A&M) Team consists of the Dean, the Associate Deans, and the following staff positions: Assistant Dean for Finance, Assistant Dean of Diversity, and Inclusion, Assistant Dean for Information and Academic Technology, Administrative Assistant to the Dean, Administrative Assistant to the Associate Deans, Human Resources and Budget Director, Marketing Director, Director of Academic Services, Director of Recruitment and Outreach, Executive Director of Accreditation and Program Effectiveness, Executive Director of Continuing and Professional Education and Business Manager for Continuing and Professional Education. The main focus of the A & M Team is operational efficiency and cross-functional communication.
The scope of issues this group works with is wide, including: keeping track of and producing, when needed, many kinds of information, ranging from the availability of classrooms for a given course to budget allocations for the entire School; interacting with those outside the School and guiding them to the appropriate member of the School; problem‐solving in order to help achieve School goals; and ensuring that decision‐makers (e.g. Dean, members of committees, individual faculty members) have information required for decisions. The Dean monitors the effective functioning of these positions and reconfigures staff assignments as needed. This team meets bi-weekly on a year-round schedule.
The committee will be convened by the Dean and elected by the faculty (see by-laws for composition) to promote implementation of the SEHD’s mission and strategic plan through broad-based strategic leadership. The team meets bi-weekly; faculty can submit agenda items for the Leadership and Finance Team to discuss and can find minutes of all meetings on the SEHD Impact page.
Each program nominates a faculty member to serve as program representative. The Program Leaders Team meets bi-monthly to coordinate across program areas, to develop strategic goals across the School, and to raise issues of concern to their faculty colleagues. In addition, the Program Leaders serve as main contacts for the Academic Services staff, as conveners of their program faculty and as distributors of the administrative work of the area.
The Staff Advisory Council (SAC) provides a means for the exchange and dissemination of information among staff, and to promote unity and cooperation among all employees of the SEHD. SAC members are elected by SEHD staff, and membership of the council shall strive to include a representative selection of SEHD staff at all geographic locations (ideally one staff member from each floor and the Denver Place location and two at-large members). The SAC Vice Chairs also serve as rotating members of the Leadership Team with additional SAC board members attending other leadership and management team meetings on a rotating basis as requested by the dean. Additional information can be found at http://sehd.ucdenver.edu/staffadvisorycouncil/
See SEHD Bylaws and Faculty Handbook
Annually, the SEHD puts forth a schedule for SEHD-related meetings which occur throughout each month on designated Mondays and Wednesdays. This calendar is sent electronically to all faculty and staff at least one month prior to the beginning of an academic year and is also listed under the Calendar tab in the SEHD Impact. The calendar illustrates meeting times/ patterns/ locations for the following SEHD group meetings: Faculty, EdD Program, PhD Program, Teacher Education Leadership Team (TELT), Program Leaders, Administrative and Management Team, Leadership and Finance Team, SEHD Committee meetings and SEHD Program Meetings. The current meeting calendar is available on the SEHD Impact.
Main campus course scheduling is managed by the Course Coordinator in Academic Services, and off-campus (extended studies) course scheduling is managed by CPE staff. Course scheduling is developed in conjunction with the program and the Associate Deans. The process begins 9-12 months before the term begins.
For main campus courses: The Course Coordinator works with the registrar’s office 9-12 months before the semester begins, to initiate the term roll. The term roll copies over courses offered the previous semester. For example, course offered during the fall 2019 semester will roll into fall 2020 in CU SIS. An Excel spreadsheet with the tentative schedule will be emailed to program leaders to review. Program leaders will consult with faculty to determine courses being offered, meeting patterns, instructor assignment, course format, and other required information.
The following is a general timeline for the main campus course scheduling process:
Approximate Timelines:
Approximate Schedule Due Dates:
Face-to-Face and Hybrid Classes:
Online Classes:
Doctoral-Level Classes:
Type O (Practicum & Internship Courses):
For CPE (D2) Courses: CPE staff members initiate the course scheduling process in consultation with program faculty each term. Each program is unique, but in general, CPE certificate programs are planned out a year at a time, with the specific course schedules (dates, meeting patterns, course locations) to be determined after instructors have been identified, at least two months before the course is scheduled to begin. CPE course schedules frequently do not align with campus term schedules.
Room requests for courses must be given to the Course Coordinator at the time the schedule is submitted 6 months prior to the start of the semester. The Course Coordinator will do their best to accommodate requests. All non-course room requests (for meetings, workgroups, etc.) should be requested through the EMS Web App https://schedule.ucdenver.edu/emswebapp/Default.aspx.
Once students have registered for classes, changes to the schedule can negatively impact a student’s schedule and cause frustration. Any change to the schedule once students are enrolled requires the course to be cancelled, and rebuilt with the new time, day, dates or format. Students are automatically dropped when a course is cancelled and students will need re-register in the new section. Therefore, changes to the schedule can only be made if approved by the Associate Dean overseeing the program area.
Many courses fill up quickly, students are encouraged to sign up for waitlists during registration when they find a course is full. Faculty are encouraged to allow waitlisted students to attend class until waitlists are dropped at midnight on the Monday of the second week of classes. This practice allows students who get enrolled from the waitlist to be in sync with the class. Consult the Academic Calendar for published deadlines each term. Note: CPE does not set up wait lists for most CPE courses, instead maintaining contact with CPE student groups and making adjustments to course caps as appropriate.
Type A: Most courses offered by the School of Education & Human Development fall into CDHE's “Type A, Lecture” category. “Type A, Lecture” courses must provide 750 minutes of instructional time per credit hour, per semester. Thus, a 3-credit-hour course is 2250 minutes of instructional time during the semester it is taught. Typically, this equates to 15 weeks of instruction with one time per week meeting patterns of three hours in length.
Type B: Other courses such as practica, internships, independent studies, and doctoral dissertations, fall into the “Type B” category. Each of these requires a minimum amount of student effort/time. For internal purposes these are designated as type “O”.
NOTE: Students have the right to experience the format for which they registered. Faculty cannot change formats after the course is advertised and scheduled.
(See #types_of_courses9 in the section above for a definition of Type A)
Practicum and internship courses (Type B instruction) can count as a 3-credit-hour course if the course generates at least 30 student credit hours in a single semester. The typical internship has 10 students who have each registered for 3 credits. However, other possibilities might include 5 students each registered for 6 credits; 15 students each registered for 2 credits, and so on. It is preferred that these 30 credits constitute a single class registration in one semester.
Under certain circumstances, faculty may have the opportunity to teach an additional course during the academic year for overload pay at the lecturer rate; this rate is the same whether the course originates from main campus or CPE instruction (pay may be prorated if enrollment is insufficient to support the full lecturer rate). For the current Lecturer rate, see this section: https://wiki.cu.studio/handbooks/pattern_of_administration#enrollment_and_scheduling_policies
In main campus and CPE, usually no more than one overload course will be approved for a faculty member during any one FY and the overload pay is at the lecturer rate for additional academic year remuneration. Overloads must be part of a faculty member’s professional plan and be approved through the additional remuneration process as well. Overloads are strongly discouraged for tenure-track faculty members who have not yet earned tenure; occasional exceptions may be made with the Dean’s approval.
SEHD-funded Non-Tenure Track Faculty (Instructor, Sr. Instructor, Clinical Teaching Track)
For 12-month Faculty, Exempt Professional Staff, Professional Research Assistants (PRAs), and Post-Doctoral Fellows teaching for Additional Pay (Overload)
Under certain circumstances, the opportunity may arise to teach an additional course outside of normal work hours for overload pay. If teaching will be in addition to full-time FTE duties, then the pay will be at the lecturer rate, as is the case for all faculty. Usually no more than one overload course will be approved during any one AY and total overload pay is limited to 10% of the individual’s annual salary each FY. Overloads must be part of a faculty member’s professional plan and be approved through the additional remuneration process as well.
The opportunity may arise for a full time 12-month faculty or staff member to teach a course during the academic year as part of their regular load. These rates are based on the assumption that teaching will be a part of the full-time FTE duties and not in addition to them. The rates listed below reflect a 9-month equivalent salary, not a 12-month salary:
Teaching rate for retired faculty with Emeritus status is $6000 per course.
A Non-Tenure Track Faculty member (SEHD-funded or grant-funded) with a 9-month appointment who wishes to teach during the summer term will be paid under the same conditions as regular faculty members (as described on page 35-36). Thus, full summer pay is an option only for faculty members who are regular participants in program and, at a minimum, School/service activities.
If a Non-Tenure Track Faculty member (SEHD-funded or grant-funded) has a Fiscal Year (12-month) appointment, and wishes to teach an overload course during the summer, he/she will be paid the lecturer rate.
Payment is made only for individuals who are listed in the School of Education's database with load credit for a course.
Occasionally, a SEHD lecturer is a regular faculty member in another department, school, or college in the CU system. The usual practice is to pay these instructors at the same rate as other SEHD lecturers. The non-SEHD faculty member will need to receive approval through the additional remuneration form from his/her home department. Please note that AMC has different policies that prevent our ability to pay regular faculty additional pay when teaching courses on another campus.
For on-campus courses, lecturers will be paid at the current lecturer rate which is set by the Dean during the annual merit process. Under enrolled courses may be canceled, and pay is prorated for under enrolled courses that have not been canceled. See the prorated pay details in the section below, “Course Schedule Submission Deadlines.”
Information on load policies for university supervisors/coaches is contained in the Practicum and Internship Policies. The following highlights some of what is contained in that document.
When SEHD faculty partner with school districts or agencies on major CPE professional development initiatives to provide certificate, endorsement or degree programs in a district, they may qualify for a partnership coordination stipend if 1) the initiative has the financial capacity to produce funds to cover a stipend, and 2) the faculty member’s service is significantly beyond normal expectations. Compensation is considered only for extraordinary work involving a comprehensive certificate, endorsement or degree program that involves an on-going continuing partnership. Because coordination needs are typically greater at the beginning of a partnership, stipends may vary as the work requirements change in ongoing partnerships.
D2 must be run as an enterprise fund; that is, it must be self-supporting. Therefore, an essential consideration regarding partnership coordinator compensation is whether it has been included in the budgeting process.
Faculty who coordinate partnerships carry out a number of different activities. Following is a list of typical duties:
Compensation would ordinarily only be for extraordinary work involving a comprehensive certificate, endorsement or degree program that involves an on-going continuing partnership. Also, coordination needs may be greater at the beginning of a partnership than in subsequent years. In order to have some rational basis for compensation, it seems that it must be related to time spent. Faculty is generally expected to be on campus from mid-August until the end of May. Calculating that as a work year of 185 days would equate to about a half-percent of salary for every full day spent coordinating a partnership above and beyond full year workload expectations. Utilizing this formula, ten additional days of work (two full weeks) would equate to an additional 5% of compensation. Following are some examples of compensation levels based on the time spent to carry out one or more of the coordination roles listed above, remembering that all coordination must be paid out of available CPE program funds and that the Dean must approve any extra compensation.
Although it is helpful to plan and articulate the work of faculty as coordinator of CPE programs in terms of number of days, in reality this coordination is not neat and clean. Problems arise that need immediate attention and result in focused minutes or hours of emailing and/or phone calling, all of which occur during the “regular” work day in order to solve or follow up on a problem. So while some of the work is definitely scheduled as half day or whole day on one’s work calendar, other responsibilities are attended to on top of an already full schedule during the academic year. It is best to utilize the number of days anticipated for coordination as a basis for planning. Faculty will not be expected to log hours or days spent on coordination.
Additional compensation beyond 20% will not be provided. If the coordination requires more time than 20%, it should become part of an in-load assignment. Also, these guidelines are solely for coordination, faculty who teach beyond their expected course load would, of course, be compensated for their teaching as well.
Request for compensation for partnership coordination, whether in-load support or through a stipend, must be made initially to the Executive Director of Continuing and Professional Education. The request must be in writing and include estimates of time and duties. If the faculty member and CPE director agree on an amount of additional remuneration, the faculty member must submit the additional remuneration request to the Assistant Dean for Finance to be ultimately approved by the Dean of SEHD. Pay agreed upon for the faculty member will be issued only after the revenues and expenditures for the program have been reconciled on a semester and/or annual basis and a sufficient program balance exists. Each year the Finance Committee will review all coordination compensation to insure that these guidelines are working as planned.
All SEHD programs have identified key assessments (sometimes called performance-based assessments, PBAs) and scoring rubrics that provide evidence of valued student learning objectives as part of course offerings and clinical experiences. Program faculty members are responsible for using their programs’ key assessments and ensuring that adjunct faculty members do as well. Key program assessments are managed through the SEHD Assessment management system, LiveText by Waternark. Faculty can link the assessment tasks and scoring rubrics for their key assessments to their Canvas course shells so that student results are automatically entered into the SEHD Assessment management system. Program faculty are expected to regularly review the key program-level assessments and rubrics to ensure they are current and appropriate. The Office of Assessment and Program Improvement provides training, support videos and job aides to assist faculty with the development, scoring and administration of key program assessments as needed and upon request. The Assessment Office also administers LiveText by Watermark accounts for faculty and students.
Assessment Office staff members participate in the campus Assessment Committee; staff serve as the SEHD liaison to the University Assessment Office, providing a communication mechanism for faculty and staff to this group.
The Assessment Office administers surveys to all students as they graduate/complete including items common across all programs (related to their experiences at SEHD and a social justice scale) and items specific to their experiences within their program. The Office administers additional surveys to students one, two and three years after the graduate/complete and to employers of SEHD students. In addition, the office surveys initial licensure students when they begin their program.
The Assessment Office manages SEHD accounts for the Qualtrics on-line survey tool that is available to faculty, staff and students. Please email sehdhelp@ucdenver.edu if you require access.
Assessment office staff members also participate in the University Survey Working Group serving as a liaison for faculty and staff to this group.
The SEHD Assessment office works in coordination with the Institutional Research office to provide access to a wide variety of program-level data to program faculty and staff to support on-going improvement efforts. This includes program assessment results, Praxis results, application/admission/matriculation trend data, enrollment trend data, completion trend data, student-exit-survey results, alumni-satisfaction-survey results, and graduate placement and persistence data (as available). Faculty and staff can access data reports through the following resources:
Assessment Office staff members facilitate periodic analysis/interpretation of school-wide performance data as part of Program Leader and Faculty and Staff meetings. Program faculty or administrators who would like additional consultation or assistance related to program improvement/evaluation can contact the Office of Assessment and Program Improvement.
To meet the statutory requirements for the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), the University requires each program area and the SEHD to submit reports for each degree major on student outcomes assessment and program improvement annually (in the fall). The Assessment Office supports program faculty in this process by facilitating access to reports on student performance on key program-level assessments during the previous 12-month period, and other program enrollment and completing reports through the above dashboards and reporting systems. The Assessment Office is also the liaison for SEHD to the university-wide HLC accreditation visit preparation and reporting, scheduled for Spring 2021.
The Assessment office supports and coordinates the external reauthorization process for SEHD K-12 licensure and endorsement programs with the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) and the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE). The Assessment Office also supports program faculty in quality assessment practice, data collection and reporting as required by other national accrediting agencies (e.g., CACREP, COAMFTE, and APA).
The office also fulfills all external data reporting requirements for federal, national, and state agencies and other national performance reports (e.g., U.S. News Annual Graduate Program Rankings).
Faculty or staff with additional data reporting needs should contact the Office of Assessment and Program Improvement. Be prepared to discuss the purpose, specific data elements, timeframe, and reporting format with Office staff so that the resulting data fit your needs. Whenever possible, allow sufficient lead time for staff to meet your data request, particularly with large requests. The Assessment Office works closely with campus Institutional Research and Registrar’s Office staff to coordinate the completion of data requests
The University will not pay for such extra services [performed by full-time faculty members] except in cases where an unusual amount of time is required outside the faculty member's regular duties and then only [if] arrangements have been made in advance for the work and an understanding arrived at concerning the amount of pay to be received. Arrangements for additional remuneration for extra work must be approved in writing by the dean of the faculty member's school or college.
In addition to their payment for normal faculty workloads, full time faculty members may receive additional remuneration for the following:
- Overload teaching in either main campus or \CPE - University service, such as department chair or other significant workload increase, leadership, or supervisory \responsibility - \Awards - Summer school \teaching - Summer sponsored \research - Intersession \teaching - Institutional agreements
In the case of additional remuneration for extra work by administrators (including deans), arrangements must be approved in accordance with Policy 2-K. [For officers and exempt professionals, see 11.F.1.] writing by the President as defined in Regent Policy 3-J (A).
Faculty consultation work is a desirable and legitimate function, serving to keep faculty abreast of their professions and should be encouraged. Such work must not interfere with the educational processes of the University. (See Regent Policy 3 B and 3 D) With prior written approval by the dean or appropriate campus authority, faculty members shall be permitted to receive additional remuneration from sources outside the university so long as the activities generating the income do not exceed one-sixth of their time and effort. Outside work during leaves of absence shall be of concern only to the individual and the entity by which he/she is employed.
Normally, university facilities shall not be used for faculty members’ outside work. However, faculty members may make contractual arrangements to rent university facilities at fair-market rates using campus-approved procedures. Faculty members shall not use university resources to advertise their availability for private consultation practice.
Separate policies may apply to faculty members in Chancellor-approved practice plans.
One-Sixth Rule activities shall not involve large amounts of consecutive time, but shall be limited to reasonably short periods of consultation.
See Regents Policy 1C: https://www.cu.edu/regents/policy/1
As a state institution, it is imperative for both legal and ethical reasons that university employees do not improperly benefit from their positions of trust at the university. University employees are expected to avoid actual and perceived conflicts of interest related to their work and position. Actual or potential conflicts must be appropriately disclosed in accordance with university conflict of interest and conflict of commitment policies, so that such conflicts may be reviewed, and as appropriate, managed or eliminated. Employees are responsible for identifying potential conflicts and seeking appropriate guidance.
Conflicts of interest may also arise in the context of gifts, travel, and entertainment.
University employees are expected to conduct themselves so as to ensure that their positions are not misused for private gain with respect to the acceptance of gifts and the undertaking of university-related travel or entertainment. University employees may not solicit, accept, or agree to accept any benefit that is intended to influence the employee in the performance of his or her university duties.
Faculty members have access to school processes and procedures. In addition, the Ombudsmen Officeand the Faculty Council Privilege and Tenure Committee offer avenues for faculty members to seek advice and/or file grievances.
Salary Grievances
Faculty members have access to school/college/library processes and procedures. In addition, the Ombudsmen Officeand the Faculty Council Privilege and Tenure Committee offer avenues for faculty members to seek advice and/or file grievances. On the Denver Campus, Institutional Research (IR) conducts a salary equity regression analysis annually to identify women and minority faculty members who may have inequitable salaries. The results of the analyses are given to the Deans, who make decisions about salary adjustments.
Faculty Misconduct
Faculty Promotion and Tenure Appeals
http://www.ucdenver.edu/faculty_staff/employees/policies/Policies Library/OAA/RTP.pdf
In the case of a negative decision, the candidate may—within ten working day of receipt of written notice of a recommendation for denial of tenure—request review by the president. This review shall be made only on the grounds that the process had 1) procedural errors; 2) substantive errors; or 3) evidence of discrimination. (Standards, Processes, and Procedures for Comprehensive Review, Tenure and Promotion:
After the final decision, the candidate may choose to file a grievance with the university’s Privilege and Tenure Committee. There is an allowable time frame for such a grievance. (See Regent Policy 5-H: https://www.cu.edu/regents/Policies/Policy5H.htm)
Regent Policy 2-J, adopted on June 23, 2003, established that consistent with the Laws of the Regents, Article 10, Non-Discrimination, the University will not tolerate acts of sexual harassment or related retaliation against or by any employee or student in its educational programs and activities.
Students should refer to the Student Academic Appeal Process on the Current Student Resources web page at http://www.ucdenver.edu/academics/colleges/SchoolOfEducation/CurrentStudents/Resources/Pages/CurrentResources.aspx.
For Classified Staff: Refer to the State of Colorado website at https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/dhr/dispute.
University Staff (F.K.A. Exempt Professional Staff): Contact Human Resources.
Curriculum Committee Deadline Requirements: To ensure that the Curriculum Committee has time to review the credentials for each new Lecturer before the start of classes, please use the following deadline dates to help you plan ahead for the hiring process:
Maintain list of courses for which you may need instructors.
and have been approved by SEHD HR .
SEHD HR will provide the program area leaders as requested with login information so they can screen applicants using CU Careers. If you have a candidate in mind for the posting you can send them a link to apply online at CU Careers:
Program-specific postings are possible as well, for recent examples School Psychology, Couple & Family Therapy. If you're interested to work with SEHD HR to create a program-specific posting, please complete the HR Search Form: Job Posting – Lecturer Request
Candidates will need to move through the review and interview process like everyone else and SEHD HR will need the date of interview for audit purposes.
Notify SEHDHR@ucdenver.edu when candidates should be sent a regret notice. Please indicate a suitable reason for each applicant that was not selected, such as:
When you have selected your new hire or rehire (someone who has not taught for us within the last 3 years), complete the Human Resources Hire Request formstack. You will need to upload a letter of support and an external reference letter when submitting the online form. External reference letters must come directly from the reference provider to the Program Lead.
Please make sure finalists are aware that changes can happen up and the class could be canceled, so we cannot guarantee that they will teach in a particular semester.
PLEASE NOTE: All new Lecturers must apply online before being hired. Those who teach in a “Graduate Part-Time Instructor” title can either apply to the student-facing GPTI posting on Handshake or to our Lecturer posting on CU Careers.
SEHD HR will reach out to the new colleague about new hire paperwork including background check. New hires cannot start their position until the background check is completed and they have received notification from campus HR that they have passed. This process can take anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks.
New hires can expect several different emails and may need to check junk clutter folders as some emails seem to land there.
Shakira will submit the GFA paperwork to the Curriculum Committee (CV, letter of recommendation, faculty letter of support).* Shakira will update the GFA Master Spreadsheet with new Lecturer information once approvals are received from the Curriculum Committee and Associate Dean.
Following the completion of the background check, Shakira will work on the CU SIS/CANVAS setups. It may take the Course Registrar several weeks to grant this access.
It is possible to complete all of the paperwork for a new hire in anticipation of a class being offered to them in a future semester. This would allow the hiring requirements to be completed and saved on file. SEHD HR will work through all the onboarding steps and set up the employee ID and email address. Then we wait to see if a class is available for them to teach before setting up the payments. If you are interested in this option, please select this button underneath “Term” on the Hire Request Form: “No immediate teaching assignment right now. Please add to pool for teaching in future terms”
If the person you are interested to welcome as a Lecturer is a PERA or CU retiree, or intends to retire soon, please review the related policy, APS 5054 here: https://www.cu.edu/ope/aps/5054
Please contact SEHD HR (sehdhr@ucdenver.edu) with questions about the hiring process.
Sample 1 – Initial Request for GFA Approval
Members of the Curriculum and Program Committee:
[Insert program name] is requesting that the following person be given an initial Graduate Faculty Appointment to teach the indicated courses at CU Denver for the following academic year:
Candidate Name: Field of Expertise: _ Course(s) to be taught: _
The CV submitted on verifies that the candidate has a Master’s degree in a relevant field, and the program has reviewed the candidate’s qualifications and determined that the candidate has the necessary skills, knowledge and pedagogy with adult learners to be successful. The candidate has demonstrated qualifications for this limited graduate faculty appointment based upon her scholarship and through [provide brief narrative presenting basis for recommending this candidate for GFA status].
[FOR PERSONS SEEKING GFA STATUS FOR COURSES RELATING TO LICENSURE, ENDORSEMENT, CERTIFICATION OR DEGREE. An additional letter of recommendation has been submitted by _ in support of this candidate.]
This candidate has a demonstrated record of student satisfaction through [please provide narrative showing evidence of effective work with adult learners (through leading professional development, seminars, etc.)].
Sample 2 – Renewal of GFA Appointment
Members of the Curriculum and Program Committee:
[Insert program name] is requesting that the following person be given a renewal Graduate Faculty Appointment to teach the indicated courses at CU Denver during the following three academic years:
Candidate Name: Field of Expertise: _ Course(s) to be taught: _
The CV submitted on verifies that the candidate has a Master’s degree in a relevant field, and the program has reviewed the candidate’s qualifications and determined that the candidate has the necessary skills, knowledge and pedagogy with adult learners to be successful. The candidate has demonstrated qualifications for this limited graduate faculty appointment based upon her scholarship and through [provide brief narrative presenting basis for recommending this candidate for GFA status].
[FOR PERSONS SEEKING GFA STATUS FOR COURSES RELATING TO LICENSURE, ENDORSEMENT, CERTIFICATION OR DEGREE. An additional letter of recommendation has been submitted by _ in support of this candidate.]
This candidate has a demonstrated record of student satisfaction through course and instructor FCQs ratings of 4.0 or greater for previous courses. (If this is not true, program should provide narrative explaining how the issue of student satisfaction is being addressed)
(this format is changing from a table to a list in spring 2025 for digital accessibility and to head off wiki formatting snafus)
One week before the last curriculum committee meets (Summer and Fall deadline is April, Spring deadline is Nov)
- Program leads (PLs) complete the Hire Request formstack for each new hire. Jenna and SEHD HR works on hiring steps for new hires.
8 weeks before start of term
- Enrollment Report – Shakira sends enrollment reports to each of the Program Leaders and Associate Deans (AD’s), and copies SEHD HR
- Program Leads complete the Hire Request formstack for each TA hire, as courses reach the approved student enrollment count.
- Jenna provides D2/CPE appointment list to Hiromi and sends offer letters.
- SEHD HR creates master spreadsheet for D1 offer letters (from Shakira’s enrollment reports and new hire formstacks) and works with Shakira and Tricia on any discrepancies and questions. SEHD HR cross-checks information with list of CPE employees for anyone over the two-course limit and then notifies Jenna and Program Leader. SEHD HR works on hiring steps for brand new hires.
5 weeks before start of term
- Enrollment Report – Shakira sends enrollment reports to each of the Program Leaders and Associate Deans, and copies SEHD HR.
- SEHD HR reviews hiring requests with the Dean, then generates D1 Lecturer/GPTI/TA contracts (offer letters/LOOs) using mail merge and sends them via email to the employee’s university email account.
2-6 weeks before start of term
- Shakira emails students of canceled courses and copies advisor and program lead.
- Jenna sends D2 pay information to Hiromi each month leading up to and during the semester.
4 weeks before start of term
- Enrollment Report – Shakira notifies Program Leaders, ADs, Sandy and SEHD HR of possible cancellation (fall, spring, summer) and prorate status updates (summer only).
- Program Leaders need to respond to Shakira whether to cancel (fall, spring, summer) or to accept possible prorates (summer only).
2-3 weeks before start of term (depending on holidays) - Final Decisions Due
- Shakira notifies Program Leaders, ADs, Sandy, and SEHD HR of cancellation and prorate status. Shakira works with Dean & Dorothy for final decisions on cancellations and prorates. SEHD HR sends a reminder email to PLs about prorates going out soon, and to review Shakira’s emails for the details. Program Leaders will communicate with employees regarding course cancellations/prorates (no later than 1 week before start of term).
SUMMER ONLY - SEHD HR sends prorate list to Dorothy & Dean for final review. After receiving approval, SEHD HR emails each employee prorate notice 1 of 2, with CC to: PL, Hiromi, Tricia, Shakira.
Start of term - Classes Begin!
- Shakira sends final enrollment report (previously census report) to SEHD HR, Dorothy & the Dean.
- Jenna sends D2 pay information to Hiromi. Hiromi and Kelley adjust pay to prorate amounts.
SUMMER ONLY - SEHD HR sends prorate notice 2 of 2 ONLY to those whose prorate will increase based on final enrollment report , CC: Tricia, Hiromi, PL.
After term is underway - SEHD HR follows up with D1 employees who have not returned signed offer letters.
- Jenna follows up with D2 employees who have not returned signed offer letters
Summer and Fall deadline is Apr 30 Spring deadline is Nov 30 | Program Lead, Jenna & SEHD HR | Program leads (PLs) complete the Hire Request formstack for each new hire. Jenna and SEHD HR works on hiring steps for new hires. |
8 weeks before start of term | Shakira | Enrollment Report – Shakira sends enrollment reports to each of the Program Leaders and Associate Deans (AD’s), and copies SEHD HR. |
Jenna | Jenna provides D2/CPE appointment list to Hiromi & sends offer letters. |
SEHD HR | SEHD HR creates master spreadsheet for D1 offer letters (from Shakira’s enrollment reports new hire formstacks) and works with Shakira on any discrepancies and questions (copy Tricia). |
SEHD HR | SEHD HR cross-checks information with list of CPE employees for anyone over the two-course limit and then notifies Jenna and Program Leader. |
Program Lead & SEHD HR & Jenna | Program Lead completes the Hire Request formstack for each TA hire, as courses reach the approved student enrollment count. HR works on hiring steps for new hires for D1 & Jenna works on hiring steps for D2 as usual. |
5 weeks before start of term | Shakira | Enrollment Report – Shakira sends enrollment reports to each of the Program Leaders and Associate Deans, and copies SEHD HR. |
SEHD HR | SEHD HR generates D1 Lecturer/GPTI/TA contracts (letters of offer) using mail merge and sends them via email to the employee’s university email account. |
2-6 weeks before | Shakira | Shakira emails students of canceled courses and copies advisor and program lead. |
Jenna sends D2 pay information to Hiromi each month leading up to and during the semester. |
4 weeks before | Shakira & Program Leaders | Enrollment Report – Shakira notifies Program Leaders, ADs, Sandy and SEHD HR of possible cancellation and prorate status updates. Program Leaders need to respond to Shakira whether to cancel or accept possible prorates. |
2 weeks before | Shakira & ADs & Program Leaders & SEHD HR | Final Decisions – Shakira notifies Program Leaders, ADs, Sandy, and SEHD HR of cancellation and prorate status. Shakira works with Dean & Dorothy for final decisions on cancellations and prorates. HR sends a reminder email to PLs about prorates going out soon, and to review Shakira’s emails for the details. Program Leaders will communicate with employees regarding course cancellations/prorates (no later than 1 week before start of term). SUMMER ONLY - SEHD HR sends prorate list to Dorothy & Dean for final review. After receiving approval, SEHD HR emails each employee prorate notice 1 of 2 based on information from Shakira, CC: PL, Hiromi, Tricia, Shakira. |
Jenna sends D2 pay information to Hiromi each month leading up to and during the semester. |
Classes Begin! |
Census date Census report to HR | Shakira, SEHD HR | Shakira sends census enrollment report to SEHD HR, Dorothy & the Dean. Jenna sends D2 pay information to Hiromi. Hiromi and Kelley adjust pay to prorate amounts. SUMMER ONLY - SEHD HR sends prorate notice 2 of 2 to those whose prorate will increase based on census, CC: Tricia, Hiromi, PL. |
SEHD HR & Jenna | SEHD HR follows up with D1 employees who have not returned signed offer letters. Jenna follows up with D2 employees and TAs who have not returned signed offer letters. |